David Tepera, October 11, 2023

In most cases, when you really want something, you’ll accomplish it through the little things.

How about when you were courting your spouse? Did you open doors, hold hands and give frequent compliments, along with smiles and laughter? I’m sure you did more little things, but just remember, it was those gestures that landed her heart.

Typically, we are all trying to lose weight. What little things will make the difference? Why not drink water versus sodas, or choose grilled instead of fried? You can save money and calories by not driving through the coffee shop for one of those expensive super enriched fat upside-down latte-grandes, or whatever you call them.

In our gym, we teach all clients, including the elderly and physically challenged, the proper form for lifting weights. It’s the little things that make the difference. For example, we change hand grips and range of motion to protect the joints. Remember, it’s not how much you lift, but how you lift.

If you want to take some stress off your morning commute, then why not leave the house 15 minutes earlier? I promise you’ll be in a better mood when you get to work, and I’m sure coworkers would appreciate the attitude change.

What little things are you doing at work to get noticed? Have you ever thought of cleaning the break room? Is your desk a constant cluster, or does it reflect organization? Now, don’t get mad at me, I know some of you have an organized mess because of responsibility. You know who I’m referring to.

Tina and I own our gym, and I’m the one who cleans bathrooms, vacuums and does all other maintenance required for the weight machines. We might not have the latest and greatest equipment, but we do have one of the cleanest gyms, and we take pride in that. It’s those little things that our clients appreciate.

Now, what little things are you going to do today? How many family members will receive hugs and “I love you?”

You’re also going to show leadership at work by lifting others up and not putting them down. Be the “go-to” person and watch how much you’ll enjoy being at work. Just know, promotions and more income are on their way.

So here we go, the big things are happening from all the little things.


By David Tepera, October 4, 2023

One thing is for sure: we don’t know how many days we have on this earth, but we do have today.

Years ago, a good friend of mine told me he had been saving for a rainy day his whole adult life, and now that he reached 70 years, it’s raining and it’s time to enjoy life. That was seven years ago, and Mike and his wife Teresa haven’t looked back.

Now, what’s keeping you from enjoying each day? There’s no longer putting off tomorrow when you can make the most of today. Remember the song by Tim McGraw “Live like you were dying?”

It’s time to do things that make you feel better. Why not take a stroll outside and see the beauty that surrounds us? When’s the last time you made a stranger smile with a simple “hello?” How about eating a healthy meal to make your body feel replenished?

Come on, get off the couch, shut your laptops, stop scrolling social media to people who are not your friends and turn off smart TVs that make you dumber. This is not how you want to spend your last days.

It’s humbling observing all our older clients scheduling multiple vacations because they chose to get back their quality of life. One 73-year-old female client came back from a long trip excited that she was able to calculate more than 30,000 steps per day. Just know, she has two hip replacements.

Again, today is one day you know you have, so why not be productive? Maybe, find a way to make others’ lives better. There are too many who feed off dividing us, so you should help bring us all together.

To me, the only enemy I have is Father Time. I do my best every day to punch him in the face because I’m not giving up and neither should you.

Think of someone elderly or physically handicapped who’s out there giving this world their best. Those are role models and inspiration to all of us. Your goal should be the role model for the next person. Why not? All you need to do is get started today.

The life you’re living is no dress rehearsal, so make today something special. Just remember, you don’t know how many days are left, but you do have today.


By David Tepera, September 27, 2023

I’m sure each and every one of us can go through a long list of failures, but what’s on your list of comebacks? In every sport I competed in, there were many losses.

During my martial arts career, I got beat up a few times, but I used those experiences to become a better fighter. I know it’s a long time ago, but I was ranked No. 1 in Texas back in 1989. I continued fighting until the age of 42, then I just helped train other fighters.

If you haven’t already, we will all face losing someone we love. That’s typically the hardest defeat to ever encounter. It takes time to recover, but you must keep moving in order to come back and win.

Some of you know that I lost my oldest son after he served in Iraq. Each year, on Sept. 15, I put on his Army beret, embrace his urn, and let the emotions of a heartbroken father pour a sea of tears. But, this is the only day I allow myself to take a step back. After Dustin’s loss, I chose to come back and be the best father possible for my other children.

What’s your biggest loss? You might not realize it, but I’m sure you found a way to come back and win.

According to the American Psychological Association, 40-50 percent of marriages end in divorce. That’s a crazy statistic, but I’m not one to point fingers because that’s me too.

Just know, that the only winners in a divorce are the lawyers. If you can find a way to compromise, then you can save yourself a lot of money. Whatever happens, lick your wounds, be an involved parent and move on because the best is yet to come. I promise!

Life is about a series of failures and how you come back from them. You can never throw your hands in the air and give up. Yes, sometimes you need to walk away from a bad situation, but keep your head high and put on your game face.

This is your day to bust through obstacles. No one can keep you down because you have a strong will to win. Shake off the haters and leave them in your dust. Just stay focused on you and laugh off the small stuff.

It’s time to be the person you are meant to be. See the beauty you possess and all your hidden talents. This world needs good people like you, so get out there and prepare to win.


By David Tepera, September 20, 2023

Admit it, we are all impressed when we see someone with visible muscle. It’s the one possession you can’t really buy or fake. It must be earned.

In this world of instant gratification, a person who is fit and athletic has the traits of consistency, focus and discipline. That’s why muscle has a unique status symbol that separates it from the average population.

The chances are this is a person you would want to do business with because they understand hard work pays off.

Let’s be real for a moment and don’t get your feelings hurt. If two people are interviewed for the same job and you are the interviewer and both candidates possess the same credentials with only one difference, their appearance, would you hire the more athletic or the obese person? Be honest about that decision because whoever you choose will represent you and your company.

Now look, don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying everyone needs to have this ultimate fitness appearance to them. As you all know, most of our clients are in their 60s and 70s, and those who’ve been consistent through time, are sporting muscular arms, shoulders and legs.

It’s been a humbling experience as I’m now living in the body of a 62-year-old. My ripped abs have disappeared, the muscles don’t respond to workouts as once before, plus my skin and face definitely reflect the signs of a long life.

For all of us older folks, we are never actually pain-free. We now learn to live with aches and pain, but don’t let that define you. Be the one in your family or social circle that breaks the norm.

Start your new exercise program today. Grab some canned foods and perform bicep curls, press them over your head to work shoulders, do standing pushups by leaning over the kitchen counter. Just look around your house and be creative. This is at least a start and will build confidence.

There’s no more feeling sorry for yourself. You’re better than that. Today is your opportunity to cut the strings that are tying you down. Fill your mind with positive thoughts, and start the journey of your new muscular status symbol.


By David Tepera, September 13, 2023

There’s no doubt, we should all set a variety of goals throughout our lives. It doesn’t matter what your age is or what physical challenges you possess, just keep moving forward. Game planning to win should always be on the agenda.

How many of you work long hours six-seven days a week — especially, those who own or starting a business? Even though, at the end of the day, you leave, there is still bookkeeping and other duties at the home office.

Listen, the only thing I’m getting at is you have to sometimes stop and embrace the journey, not the destiny.

Tina does almost all behind-the-scenes responsibilities to maintain and grow our business, including training clients all day. Every so often, I must sit her down and reflect on where we were compared to where we are at. It’s time to stop and smell the roses.

How about you? What journey are you on today? Do you take the time to reflect on the process and the people you’re with? The relationships with those today will determine the outcome of your destiny. Remember to embrace and love those around you.

I understand when you are on a mission to succeed, it’s easy to keep your head down and blinders on to drive forward. But, there are days you need to look up and recognize the beauty that’s in front of you. This is the day to take a breath from it all, look towards the skies, along with a big smile, and let Mother Nature beam down upon you.

Of course, we are all on a journey of life. Each destiny will end the same. We just don’t know when that will actually happen. Yes, we will all die, but do your best to keep your health along the way. Don’t allow yourself to sit, wither and wait for the Grim Reaper. Nope, you’re going out kicking, punching and fighting.

I know I’m getting a little deep today, but sometimes we need an outside source to wake us up. We are all beautiful people with a loving heart. It’s easy to let failures and devastation to harden us. It’s those experiences we must learn and grow from.

A frequent conversation with our elderly clients is about the quality of life they have gotten back from weight training. So, you need to find a way to take back your life. You have control of your current state, so embrace today and create a better destiny because this is your journey.


By David Tepera, September 6, 2023

Growing up on the Gulf Coast, I always had a passion for learning how to surf. In high school, I competed in swimming and water polo, so I didn’t think surfing would be that big of a challenge.

At the age of 19, I bought a used 6-foot tri-fin trick board and was on my way to crank and carve out some gnarly waves. Just know, I’m not as cool as I’m trying to portray in this article.

Well, I had no idea what I was up against. The surf was up, so I kicked back on the seawall and watched the other experienced surfers cutting the waves.

After a time of observing, I was ready to attempt my new coolness as a surfer dude. I dropped my board in the water and attempted to paddle out to the breaks.

The waves kept crashing and dragging me back, as all my energy was being used up. Sometimes, the wave would send my board over my head as I tried desperately to hang on.

Being a strong swimmer, I finally made it out to the breaks. The other surfer brahs were sitting on their boards waiting on the next set of swells. I wanted to be cool like them, but every time I tried sitting on the board, I’d flip over looking like an upside-down turtle.

After I caught my wind, I attempted to drop in on some waves only to fall, nose-dive, slip and totally look like the rookie I was. But, then it finally happened, I found the sweet spot on my board and rode my first wave.

I spent the next 20-plus years perfecting my surfing skills. I learned to charge and catch the lip into the barrel, plus cutback to take on the full wave. The ocean was no longer my enemy because I was the king who conquered Mother Nature.

Once, there was a time after a long day of surfing, sitting on the sand and looking back at the majestic gulf that I realized learning to surf taught me a great lesson in life.

How many of you feel like the world keeps knocking you around? You keep trying to get ahead, but the forces keep pushing you back? For some reason, you just can’t keep your feet planted and stay upright?

What you need to realize is that all those seemed days of gloom are only helping you to find the sweet spot to start riding the waves of success. Stay with it because you will conquer all that challenges you. Now it’s your turn to take the drop and enjoy the ride.


By David Tepera, August 30, 2023

As most of you know, I was raised in La Marque beginning in 1968 when I was seven years old. Somewhere around 1970, we moved into the neighborhood I grew up in on Noble Road near College of the Mainland. There were lots of boys my age, with many days of kickball, sandlot football, driveway basketball, Evil Knievel bike ramps and anything else sports-related.

Even though this was rural living in the 1970s, it was nothing compared to the country boys I visited almost every month at grandma’s house.

Grandma, on my dad’s side, lived in Cameron, which is close to Central Texas. Growing up, we typically visited her once or twice a month, except during football season. Remember, my dad was a high school football coach.

I didn’t mind visiting grandma because there were four country boys living next to her. Just know, my grandpa passed away when dad was only six years old, and grandma never dated or remarried. That’s why we went so often to help with country farm chores.

Anyway, hanging with the neighbor Czech-Wyvotek country boys was a blast. Our activities consisted of chinaberry fights, garden rotten tomato face smash, Red Rider tin can shooting contests, chasing chickens and skipping rocks along the creek.

You see, country boys didn’t care about sports. Their days consisted of baling hay, milking cows and other farm responsibilities. I didn’t realize it at the time, but what a wonderful experience it was to be out in the country where everyone knew each other.

If we wanted extra entertainment, then we all headed to the only bowling alley in town or played bingo at the Knights of Columbus Hall.

How many of you old fogies are reminiscing on your childhood right now?

Well, grandma passed many years ago, plus the Wvoyteks have grown and moved away, and all that’s left are great memories.

My children and most others will never have that experience of life without all the spoiled technologies of today.

I challenge you to give up your phones for at least a weekend. I promise, your stress will reduce tremendously.

Maybe it’s time to take a drive to see the countryside. Get away from the cement mountains that are being built to block our view. Take a walk through a patch of land, go fishing in a pond or just have a picnic under the shade of an oak tree.

I really miss the wonderful memories of visiting grandma and hanging with the country boys.


By David Tepera, August 23, 2023

First of all, it’s time to quit ducking your head and start embracing your pride. Stop being too hard on yourself, and recognize the talent and beauty you possess.

Some people get caught up in thinking that others are looking at them and judging them. Believe me, bottom line, people aren’t focused on you; they are only thinking about themselves. We all should be focusing on ourselves — hopefully, for self-improvement.

Listen, we all face challenges throughout life. It’s how we respond to those challenges that separates us. Don’t drop your head and give a “woe is me.” Heck no, dig into your pride, be courageous and tackle the situation. Don’t be scared — don’t be the flight person, be the fight person.

None of us want to deal with confrontation, but if you don’t take up for yourself, you’ll always wish you did. Remember, confrontation is temporary, so quit letting others push you around. Once you can take pride and courage, your confidence level will soar. You have nothing to lose, so take it up for yourself.

Now, I’m not suggesting harming others; I’m only relating to not letting others get over on you. Also, courage and bravery are about being strong enough to go after what you want despite doubts and insecurities.

What in life do you truly want to accomplish? Do you feel that you’re in a rut? This could be occupational, health-related or the status quo. You are the one in control of your destiny, so embrace yourself and do something about it.

Why not today set up a health goal? You’re probably thinking, “What does health have anything to do with courage?” Well, this depends on the goal.

Last year, my friend and client John passed away with complications from ALS, aka Lou Gehrig’s disease. But, instead of letting the deadly disease be his identity, he fought it to the very end.

John came to me twice a week for years, and we kept his strength so he could still be mobile with a walker. Just know, in almost all cases of ALS, these people spend the last couple of years in bed.

John’s courage inspired everyone at Ageless Muscle. We even scheduled other clients battling depression to train at the same time John was in our gym. Believe me, once you observe his courage, there’s no feeling sorry for you.

Now, let’s all dig up some courage and find a way to make our lives better. I promise this will get you ready for the next challenge.


By David Tepera, August 16, 2023

As of today, your status quo comes from an entire life of experiences. This includes your income, occupation, relationships and most importantly — character.

Just curious, how many of you men still live the life of chivalry? Do you open doors for all people? Do you offer your chair to the elderly and women? Also, do you hold the umbrella while walking your wife to her car in the rain? Of course, this list should be endless for true gentlemen.

OK, back to the subject of life experiences. With every given day, yesterday became the past. Hopefully, however negative or positive those experiences were, they made you a stronger, more confident and more compassionate person.

For those considered in the elderly stages, do not throw in the towel on life. One of the benefits of retirement and being older is having the opportunity to travel.

Travel should be your next experience. The only situation that would stop someone from traveling, besides finances, is health-related issues. So, get up and start exercising, lifting weights and get back in the game.

If you do travel, are you the one who just sits on the tour bus peering out the window? Or, do you get off the bus and sight-see each destination?

All our senior clients travel and vacation to multiple countries around the world. They all come back and brag about how wonderful the experience was because of being able to walk and climb on each excursion.

Now, what’s on your bucket list? If your health is holding you back, then do something about it. With all the resources available, age is not an excuse anymore.

I understand as we get older, our joints wear out. If your quality of life is affected by joint pain, then seek treatment. There are lots of conservative options available before replacements.

We have plenty of clients with knee and hip replacements. Some, we strengthened before surgery which made recovery time shorter and less painful. And others, we strengthened after surgery to get back faster to a quality of life.

Come on, the choice is yours to have more life experiences. It’s time to enjoy the golden years. Get out there and see the beauty this world offers.

We only have limited time on this earth, so don’t waste the last moments glued to a recliner. This is your day for a comeback. Now get yourself ready for the next series of amazing experiences.


By David Tepera, August 9, 2023

What’s the one thing that would be life-altering if you accomplished it? Whatever that may be, what’s holding you back? The only way you’re going to win is to begin.

Just know, you are never too old to set new goals, so throw that excuse out the window. When I was training my 102-year-old good friend, Pater, his goal was to be able to dance again without a walker. We hit that goal before he passed. I still miss that guy.

Quit dwelling on the times you failed, missed the shot or struck out in life. Those experiences should make you stronger to build back confidence. Get back up off the mat and start swinging for a knockout.

Let’s be real — do you really want to get yourself in shape? Are you ready to separate from the obese population? Aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired?

Why does your life only consist of working and laying on the couch? I bet you can list multiple shows you’re streaming every late night.

Now, today, we are all going to win because it’s time to begin. Pick grilled over fried, water over sodas, exercise over the couch, sleepover streaming or you pick the better habit.

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed because today you get to begin again. You must find a way to only allow positive thoughts to enter your mind. This might take eliminating negative people in your social circle. Stop reading words from people who want to divide us.

This is your day and your time to begin. What makes you happy? Do you treat others and your spouse the way you want to be treated? Do you wake up knowing you get another opportunity to win?

The biggest goal we can all accomplish is just being kinder to others. Quit carrying around a chip on your shoulder and being smug-faced. We all have challenges, so choose to be happy.

If you need to get out of a bad relationship, then start your exit plan. Many people battle depression for various reasons. Most of the time, it’s because of insecurity and confidence.

Through the years, I had some serious challenges that backed me into the corner curling in the fetal position. For me, I chose to win through prayer and exercise. Yes, God and the weight room saved my life.

So, now, it’s your time to win because today you are going to begin.