By David Tepera, June 7, 2023

I have the privilege of weight training my good friend and mentor Grand Master Al Garza of Premier Martial Arts. Master Garza is a strong Christian man with lots of philosophy and education to guide people toward better lives.

He recently turned 67 years old and shared his new 12-month challenging program. In the old boxing days, fighters would fight for 12 rounds. So, Master Garza is treating each month as a one-round fight. Of course, the goal at the end of each month is to be a winner in life.

Now, we all know life finds ways of sucker punching and knocking our feet from under us, but we must learn to get back up and keep swinging.

Master Garza asked an important question that made me take a deep look over my life. The question was “David, you’re going to be 62 years old, what’s your winning record?”

I would like to share that same question with each of you. How many years of life are winners compared to the challenging years of trying to survive?

I feel confident that once you tally the score, you’ll realize you are winning.

We all get down on ourselves for failures and defeats, but you must realize that you’re still alive and still in the fight.

As we get older and slow down, it’s easy to want to throw in the towel of life. I’m telling you to pick that towel back up and wipe off the sweat for your new fight. You might have lost a few rounds or years in the past, but not this year.

This whole philosophy pertains to everyone who has challenges in life. Are you still struggling with obesity, an abusive relationship, addiction or you fill in the blank?

Let the month of June be your first round in this year’s fight. If possible, write down a plan for success. Don’t worry if it doesn’t go as planned, just keep swinging and kicking. Remember, all fighters who win got punched in the face.

Sometimes, you have to learn to absorb the punches as you counter with your own.

If you fell off your diet, then start a new round tomorrow. Whatever failures that might have happened yesterday, then get back in the fight today.

Bottom line, don’t ever give up. You’ve put in the work, so now it’s time to come out on top.

For all of you, this year is yours to take back control of life, so let’s get ready to rumble!


By David Tepera, May 31, 2023

How many of you look at someone with huge muscles and say, “I could look like that if I took steroids.” Well, hold that thought and let me give you an insight into the life of a bodybuilder.

First of all, for women and men, there are multiple categories according to the body you want to sculpt. The categories range from an athletic beach body to the classic large muscular physique.

Tina, Dylan and my stories are similar to other bodybuilders, so this is what it takes. We’ve been lifting weights for many years before we decided to compete, so our bodies were accustomed to training.

To prepare for the competition, we performed a rigorous weight training program — six days a week for almost a year. There was no drinking or staying up late. We cooked all our food and ate six to seven times a day.

Once we were within three months of competition, our day started at 4 a.m. for breakfast, gym at 5 a.m. for an hour of posing, then shower and off to work. Eating every two hours, we were back at the gym around 6 p.m. for weight training. Afterwards, one last small meal with no carbs, a casein shake and bed.

Have you ever had boiled chicken, bland broccoli and jasmine rice for breakfast?

In the last few months, most bodybuilders will perform more than an hour of cardio per day. We stay somewhat lean year-round, so our cardio is minimal.

Let’s fast forward to the last week before the competition. This is where champions rise to the top.

Just know, the last week’s prep is all about science and understanding your body. It’s not the healthiest plan, but necessary to dial in on game day.

Six days from the competition, we drink 2 gallons of water per day, reducing a half gallon per day to only a half gallon of water on the day before the show. On the day of the competition, you can only have little sips of water every now and then.

Also, you cut out all carbs, sodium and seasonings for the entire week. Every night you must soak in a tub with Epsom salt for 20 minutes. Two days before the show, no lotion or antiperspirant.

The night before the show, there’s professional tanning over your entire body. It’s not like the local spray tan. No, it’s gooey and you feel like someone threw tar over you, plus you’re not allowed to shower. You’re hungry with no energy and very irritable, but because of the strict diet, your skin is now totally shrink-wrapped with every muscle fiber displayed.

On the day of the show: Wake up, eat a small breakfast and it’s time to battle. It’s typically an all-day event, with awards in the evening. The ultimate goal in competition is to win a pro status. The athletes’ bodies competing to win pro cards are off the chart. Tina and I competed against athletes 20 and 30 years younger than us.

In case you’re curious, I won two pro cards at the age of 55, Tina won two pro cards at the age of 46 and Dylan was an undefeated teenage champion.

Believe me, there’s so much more to this lifestyle than I can put in a small article. Today, we are not training for competition, but we still lift weights five days a week, along with maintaining a healthy diet.

My goal was to hopefully help you understand the discipline and sacrifice it takes to be a competitive bodybuilder. I tip my hat to all those who have stepped on stage. You’re all winners!


By David Tepera, May 24, 2023

Recently, I was having a conversation with my client Dr. Kyle Knupple, who’s a retired veterinarian from Galveston. Kyle brought up the importance of being proactive versus reactive.

In the veterinarian world, proactive is pertaining to preventive medicine, along with spaying and neutering. Owners should have their animals on heartworm prevention or any other needed medication for that particular breed. Don’t wait for the animal to suffer from certain ailments because then you’re forced to be reactive.

Now, our business is in the health industry, we find most of our clients are being proactive.

I’ve written it many times, and don’t know how to express it enough, but as you get older, lifting weights is the closest to the fountain of youth as possible. Yes, it’s my personal opinion, and, of course, we are all going to get weaker and eventually die, but why not start being proactive?

Even though we train all ages, the majority of our clients are in their 70s and older. Some came to us with a variety of ailments and joint pain, while others did not. The ones with joint pain were forced to be reactive, but since we’ve fixed their pain, they are now lifers who will continue to be proactive.

We’ve heard it from many, “I’d rather pay you than my doctor.”

So, are you taking vitamins or a variety of medications? I know as we get older there are certain medications that are needed, but through exercise and weight training, you can lower the dosage or eliminate it altogether. It’s up to you.

Now, I’m not trying to sell our gym. There are plenty of gyms in every town. Just find one that’s convenient and has the right atmosphere for you.

Get off the couch, stop making excuses and get proactive. It doesn’t matter what state of health you are currently dealing with. Get in the mindset that you are a champion. There’s a winner inside of you, and today you will start winning.

When we were babies, we had to learn to roll over, crawl, stand and fall, but we kept trying until we could run. If that’s how you need to start again, so be it. You will walk again, you can exercise, you can lift weights and you will conquer depression along the way. I promise!

This is your day. You’ll no longer be reactive when the doctor tells you about ailments. Nope, those days are over because from now on, you are proactive.


By David Tepera, May 17, 2023

In my business, I have the honor of working with many elderly people. Before my oldest client and best friend Pater passed away at 102 years old, we spent many years together training and hanging out.

At the end of each session, we would shake hands, but I always held on a little longer than normal. My thought process was, “If Pater’s hands could speak, what would be their story?”

Pater was a WWII vet, family man and self-made business entrepreneur, along with 102 years of life experience. He built houses, barns, boats and other construction-related structures.

Today, I have the privilege of working with a beautiful 90-year-old lady. We typically hold hands as I guide her from one weight-lifting machine to the next. I gather the same process of what all of Betty’s hands have touched and embraced throughout her many years.

How about your hands? What’s their story? How many babies have you held and loved? In my family, we are known as huggers. I’m fortunate to see my adult children almost every day. We never miss an opportunity to wrap our arms around each other and say “I love you.”

My wife Tina has beautiful hands with long fingers that are always manicured and painted. But, as a professional athlete with more than 25 years of lifting weights, her palms are slightly rough and calloused.

To me, it warms my heart when we hold hands strolling through public. It’s her hands that helped build our successful business, a beautiful home and, most importantly, the love in my heart.

Now, I’m not one to be unscathed, but what level of destruction have your hands caused? How many people have you hurt? Are you the person who’s always looking to get one over on someone?

Remember, bullying isn’t just physically putting your hands on people; using your hands to write division on the internet is just as evil.

No matter what past circumstances that have occurred, today can be the beginning of a great new story. Who can you reach out to and rebuild love and trust? Maybe, you can do volunteer work and make a difference in others’ lives. There are so many choices that your hands are capable of doing.

At the end of the day, take a look at your hands, and let them tell you a wonderful story.


By David Tepera, May 10, 2023

The best feeling of accomplishing anything is from all the personal work put into it.

How many of you enjoy planting and customizing the flowerbeds? It’s a joy to step back and admire the beauty it possesses, and even more so from the time and sweat you put into it.

For those of you who lost weight and got your body back in shape, how wonderful does it feel to hear all the compliments from others?

Your income and all possessions are a reflection of a strong work ethic and the sacrifices you made to get there.

Bottom line, if you want the rainbow, you must put up with the rain. Not everyone has the ambition and drive to put the work in. There are some people who are lazy and put their hand out, while others are driven to put their hand in. You have that choice of which you want to be.

To reach that pot of gold, how many thunderstorms and torrential rains did you have to battle?

Don’t get upset, but take it to heart when I encourage you to get off the couch, shut your laptops, quit complaining and take control of your destiny. Stop pointing the finger and take responsibility.

If you only see obstacles, then that’s what you will only focus on. Yes, you might have to work extra hours or take on projects, but in the end, it will lead to more income and promotions.

No matter what you’re wanting, keep your focus on the goal. I promise, the obstacles and rain storms will roll off like water. You will hurdle over road debris, run through whirling winds, swim through the high tides, and reap the rewards and possess all the beauty the rainbow shines upon.

Most of the clients at our fitness center are retired. My first comment is “Congratulations, you made it.” For all you retirees, you’ve battled every storm possible over the many years. If you want to enjoy the rainbow to its fullest, then create a new habit of exercise and weight lifting.

Now, there are many of you in the thunderstorms today. Just keep your head up with pride, chest out with confidence and keep grinding out each day. Because, if you do, I guarantee you’ll enjoy all the brilliant colors and rewards that come with the rainbow.


By David Tepera, May 3, 2023

For all my fellow successful people out there, I tip my hat for having the guts to fight the obstacles in order to obtain self-wealth, healthiness and prosperity, including the finer things in life.

Stay with me on this, because today I got your back.

Tina and I started our business only five years ago, and as of today, our dedicated work is paying off because of our commitment to helping people. Through all this, we are able to have more and do more.

How many of you have that one family member or friend that observes your lifestyle and will make the comment “It must be nice” or “Lucky you”?

What some people don’t know about success is the late nights, early mornings, failures, risks, obstacles, sacrifices and money invested.

I challenge you to Google any multi-successful person and find out how many hours they sleep. That’s also why I never accept someone’s reply that they don’t have time to exercise. Sorry, but yes you do.

If you really want to change your life, then it should take up your every waking moment. There’s never a full day off when chasing a dream or goal.

The first couple of years of our business, we worked seven days a week and barely paid our bills. Today, we work six days. Even on vacation, we take at least an hour each day for work-related stuff.

Believe me, I’m not trying to boast about us because I’m no better than the next person. We are all equal, but how we react to life is what separates us.

Now, if you truly want to change your body, it will take hours, months and maybe years battling weights at the local gym. It takes commitment to cooking healthy and giving up trash eating. It takes walking, biking or some type of cardio over running to the local bar.

What risks are you willing to take to change your life? I guarantee it’s time to step out of your comfort zone and go for it. Don’t look back, and accept failure is a part of success.

Not doing something to move forward is another day lost. How much further today would you be if you did something yesterday?

Remember, people only view you from results. They’ll never understand the sacrifices and commitment it took to be successful.


By David Tepera, April 28, 2023

Recently, I was guest speaker for a group of people, and we were sharing life’s challenges, including how we overcame them. Once I finished, a young man sadly commented about how much tragedy and death I’d been through.

It took me back for a moment because even though I lost my two oldest sons, a father and a few close friends, all within a short period of time, I never felt sorry for myself. Yes, it was a difficult time to deal with, but through my faith and strong will, I became a stronger man from it.

Here’s my message. I know there are so many of you out there that have dealt with heartache and devastation worse than me. I never thought “woe-is-me” because I know people who’ve been through worse times.

As life moves forward, we will see the joys of marriages, birth of babies, plus all the happiness from a variety of celebrations.

But, at the same moments, we will attend more funerals, hear of devastating diagnosis and other tragedies life throws at us.

We must all accept this is the part of life that molds us. It’s easy to enjoy the goodness we experience, but when you get suckered punched, surviving will make you stronger.

To me, death is the most difficult to deal with. There’s not one of us who can escape its wrath. As much as you might want to crawl up in the fetal position, you must learn to celebrate the memories that person gave you.

Maybe you’ve been diagnosed with a challenging disease. Notice, I chose to name it as “challenging.” What some people might think is defined as terminal, you must change your stinking thinking and be ready to put up a fight.

Sometimes in life, we get pushed into a corner and the only way out is to fall to our knees or start punching and kicking our way out.

Just like I used to tell my athletes when they got blind-sided, “GET UP and get back in the game.” It doesn’t matter how many times you get knocked down, it’s how many times you get up.

Now, today is when you decide to turn things around. There’s no more feeling sorry for yourself because you are no longer a victim. Pick yourself up, get your game face on, and start kicking some butt.

You are going to show others, that no matter what happens, surviving makes you stronger.


By David Tepera, April 12, 2023

For those who follow me, you’re very familiar with my research on inspirational people. What’s intriguing is the variety of those who make a difference in our culture and the world.

Today’s inspiring person of interest is Bob Marley. I’m sure most of you relate to him as a reggae-singing marijuana promoter from Jamaica, but there’s much more.

I read an interview with Marley, and he was asked, “Is there a perfect woman?” I completely loved his response because it pertained to all of us.

Marley replies, “Who cares about perfection? Even the moon is full of craters. The sea is beautiful but salty and dark in the depths. The sky is always infinite but often cloudy. So, everything beautiful isn’t perfect. It’s special.”

The lesson here is to stop trying to be perfect. Whoever you are, you’re special to someone. Just be free and live, and do what you love. Don’t worry about impressing others.

It doesn’t matter how you look at this very moment; there are millions of people who find you attractive. We are all wired differently, so quit being hard on yourself.

Accept the genetics that your parents passed on and embrace them. You were given one body, and it’s up to you to treat it with respect.

If you were your own therapist, what advice would you give yourself? If changes are needed, then what’s holding you back? Don’t worry about being perfect; just be the beautiful you.

For your information, Robert Nesta Marley was born in 1945 and died in 1981. He was considered one of the pioneers of reggae with a unique vocal and songwriting style. Marley increased the visibility of Jamaican music worldwide and made himself a global figure. He fathered 11 children and passed away from acral lentiginous melanoma.

Now, are you caught up trying to be perfect? It’s another reason why cosmetic surgery is a multi-billion industry. I don’t have anything against doing things to make you feel better, but most of us know someone who has taken it too far.

Go take a look in the mirror. Blow kisses and give yourself a bunch of compliments. It’s OK to be silly and realize there’s someone beautiful staring back at you. None of us are perfect, but we are all definitely special.


By David Tepera, April 5, 2023

Recently, I was listening to one of many motivational speakers. He was asking people how they would feel if he gave them a million dollars. Everyone was delighted, as you could see the joy on their faces.

Then, he asked, “If I give you 10 million dollars today, but you won’t wake up in the morning, would you take it?” Of course, there were no takers in the room.

The lesson he was preaching about is how we must realize our life can’t be bought for any amount of money. So, why not wake each day knowing you are worth more than $10 million? Try to let that sink in for a moment.

Listen, if you’re not happy and feeling depressed, the one thing you can control is what’s allowed to enter into your mind. What do you choose for your eyes to read? Which stations do you allow your ears to listen to? What programs are you watching to fill your mind?

Just know destruction and bad news pulls people in and has created hatred and mental depression. Don’t get caught up in it anymore. It’s time to feel good and spread happiness.

Mental health is just as important as physical health, so seek out the goodness that surrounds you. And yes, prayer will always lead to peace.

During my spare time, I choose to fill my mind with positive thoughts. I constantly troll motivational messages that are inspiring. I have many successful clients to whom we share positive life experiences. I spend my days encouraging people to be better than the day before.

I’m fortunate for The Daily News to give me the platform each week to inspire all its readers. The frequent emails I receive from all of you are heart-warming. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me because I respond to every email.

All of this has made me realize how wonderful life truly is and that all people have goodness within them. Sometimes, we just need to dig inside and pull that beautiful person back out in the open.

Today, you are going to choose to become beautiful again. You are going to help share love and happiness to all those around you. Let this be the next wave that spreads across the world. There’s more of you than me, so let’s do this together.

Remember, you are worth more than $10 million, so enjoy each day.


By David Tepera, March 29, 2023

Throughout our lives, there is something essential we need or want. Whatever it may be, it gets us motivated to work for it. And, if it’s something we are still involved with, it becomes a habit.

What’s on your list? Start in the early years and work toward the future.

For all the boys in my neighborhood, we grew up during the Evel Knievel crazy American stunt years. Robert Craig Knievel attempted more than 75 ramp-to-ramp motorcycle jumps. With each jump, he became more daring. For your information, he died at the age of 69 from pulmonary disease.

All our Schwinn banana seat bicycles became stunt motorcycles as we attempted record-breaking ramp jumps. Somehow, we all survived with only major scabs and road burns.

For me, I was motivated to jump the furthest and ride the longest wheely. Even though I no longer jump ramps, I can still ride a wheely down the street.

OK, so that was a silly example down my memory lane. What habits do you possess that started from motivation?

Is your work ethic a part of your character? How do people respond to you at your employment? Are you a leader that picks up everyone’s spirit, or are you more known as the company complainer? If needed, then it’s time to change some habits, or you might be on your way out.

How motivated were you to date your spouse? Do you still have the habit of opening doors, holding hands and saying, “I love you?” Has your marriage developed into a true partnership working toward a common goal?

Most everyone wants to lose weight and be healthier. What’s your motivation to change your lifestyle? Do you now have the habit of getting up earlier to exercise, then starting the day with a healthy breakfast?

Remember, it took a long time to get out of shape and put on too much weight. Through new habits, you can start the journey of taking weight off and feeling better about yourself.

I tell people to perform some type of exercise every day. Don’t set a schedule to only exercise on certain days. Something will come up, and you will need to skip that day, and then the losing cycle starts up again.

Let life tell you when not to exercise. Your body will develop the habit of wanting movement and craving healthier foods.

No matter where you are today, let motivation get you started because habits will keep you going.