Accomplish goals using power of attraction

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I once had the opportunity to judge the long-jump event for track and field day at an elementary school.There was a very athletic fifth grade girl named Jackie, who was expected to break the school record.

After her first attempt, Jackie landed about four inches shy of the record. She asked me to show her where the school record was located and to mark it. Jackie starred at the marked record for a few seconds then prepared for her next jump. She eventually smashed the school record by nearly seven inches.

It took me a few years to understand how Jackie accomplished that feat. We all have mental goals for different parts of our lives. But, unless we can truly see them and feel them, our goals typically won’t be accomplished.

What are your goals in life? Be that of ideal-weight, running a marathon, dream job, life partners, or maybe an expensive house or car. Everyone has a different list.

Write down your goals, find pictures of them, and place them on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, dashboard of your car, and on your office desk.

You need these as constant reminders of what you want to accomplish. Do not look at them as a want or wish list, but produce the feeling as if you have already accomplished them. Walk through your daily lives as if you own those possessions, have that dream job, or ideal body weight.

When you can feel the presence of each goal, you will attract them into your lives. Don’t worry about how and when it will happen, just know it manifests through your intense power.

There’s a young lady named Cortney, who wanted to lose weight. I had her cut out pictures of herself when she was much thinner and place them around her house as a constant visual reminder of what she really looks like. Over the past several months, Cortney has lost over 20 pounds.

Use your “power of attraction” and place your goals all around you. I bet you’ll fly through the air and smash records like a fifth grade girl named Jackie