By David Tepera, April 3, 2024

Of course, there are countless studies to support the importance of exercise to fight off diseases. If you’re not battling one now, eventually, it’s coming.

Now, diseases come in all types of categories. At Ageless Muscle, we weight train people battling prostate, breast, bone, melanoma or other forms of cancer, as well as depression, epilepsy and cardiac conditions. Their medical specialist expressed the importance of winning the fight by getting themselves in better shape. Your body needs to be as healthy as possible to battle the issues.

Think about it, if you give in and lay around, then you will wither away and lose the fight. I’m not referring to exercise as the cure for all diseases, but it will give you a fighting chance, or at least, a better quality of life.

For all of us, there is a beginning and an end because life is a journey. We all know our birthdate, but we have no idea of the end date. And, you better never live thinking the end is tomorrow. You’ll miss out on all the love and beauty that surrounds you.

Listen, there are situations in life that we can’t control, but we can control how we respond.

What are you battling today? If your situation is health-related, then what’s your plan? We all have a fighter within us that was passed down from ancestors. The weak were eliminated, so if you’re reading this, your ancestors fought for you. Now, it’s your turn to continue the fight. You must go down swinging because your life and character depend on it.

Alright, here we go. Today is the next chapter of our lives. We will start walking, lifting weights, join a local gym, read positive books, or just find a way to get your body moving and stimulated.

Don’t forget to reach for healthier foods. Your body repairs itself from the intake of proper nutrition. Late night snacking is usually the biggest reason for obesity. All that food is stored as fat because it’s not being utilized for energy. It’s time to start cooking instead of driving through the grease pit. Prepare healthy foods, so when you open the fridge, they’re there and ready to eat.

Look, we all know our downfalls when it comes to exercise and diet, so if you want to win the battle, then get up and put up a fight — NOW!