It’s Never too Late

By David Tepera, August 8, 2018

Recently, I was a guest on The Michael Berry radio show. For more than an hour we discussed diets, weight training and fitness pertaining more toward the older population.

Of course, those of you who’ve come to know me, my time on the air included bursts of motivational energy. I kept expressing how it’s never too late to reach your goals.

Once the show ended, I was inundated with massive emails and phone calls spanning different parts of the country. It was interesting because almost everyone reaching out to me had lost their passion in life. They had already given up, thrown in the towel and were letting father-time wither them away.

I was humbled to learn that my words had sparked their desire to get back in this game of life.

People were tired of not having energy, lacking discipline and completely losing confidence within themselves.

Listen, we all go through difficult times throughout our lives. It’s those challenges that must strengthen our determination to keep pressing forward. Don’t run and hide. Face adversity head-on because no matter the outcome, you’ll keep your pride for giving it your best.

Those of you who think you’re too old, my question is, “why?” Who told you you’re too old to set goals? Be different than others and continue to be the best of you!

Last month, I resigned from 20 years in the medical industry. I’ve now dedicated my time to helping others recognize it’s never too late to get back in shape and add lean muscle.

Training will give you more energy, strengthen muscles and bones, delay or slow down osteoarthritis, fight depression and develop a zest for life.

I always preach to others about respecting all people, but now it’s time for you to respect yourself. It’s your body, your life, so get up and take control of your final destiny.

Don’t just walk through the pearly gates of heaven, slide and tumble in head first.

If you need guidance or more understanding, reach out to us through our company website

Just remember, it’s never too late — ever.