Get up and do something about it

By David Tepera, January 23, 2019

So, you’ve been bombarded with advertising to eat foods that are sugar-free, gluten-free, fat-free, low-sodium, non-dairy, no carbs, high-protein, no-protein, yada-yada-yada.

As I was growing up, I can’t think of any of my older relatives who were overweight. Believe me, none of them ate that crap, and really, neither do we or my adult children.

The only reason you’re fat and obese is because of lack of exercise. You’re being suckered into buying expensive foods and crazy diet programs because you’re lazy. Bam! Yep, I said it, and the truth hurts.

My late grandma Tepera was a lean religious lady who lived to be 92. Grandma ate fried chicken, homemade bread, Czech kolaches and other foods that are now considered bad. Now, she did eat fresh vegetables grown in her garden. Boy, I sure miss her cooking.

Bottom line, grandma was not lazy. She was on the go from before the sun rose until after sundown. This work ethic was instilled into my dad who passed it along to my sister Karen and I.

What are you passing on to your younger generation? Maybe, it’s time for you to get off the couch and do something about it.

Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle. How many of you have to hold your breath in order to bend over and tie your shoes? It totally sucks doesn’t it?

In the far past, there were times I needed a good tongue lashing to wake up and be productive. Right now, as you read these words, I’m so in your face that you can smell the coffee on my breath.

There’s a reason at the end of each column I write “keep moving and improving.” If you don’t, you’ll wither away and die earlier than expected.

From now on, delete the words “lazy” and “undisciplined” from your vocabulary. It’s you that’s going to change and be a leader amongst your family, friends and coworkers.

So, put down this paper, tie up your sneakers and head out the door to begin your new journey of health and fitness. There’s a lean, mean-fighting machine lurking inside of you, so get mad and let that tiger out — now!