By David Tepera, June 21, 2023

Out of all your skills, which one are you best at?

If you think about it, you’re best at the skill you practice the most. This skill could lead to positive or negative outcomes. It depends on what you want to be identified as.

How would you rate your employment knowledge? Are you a leader that lifts people up or a dictator that puts people down? Whichever that is, it’s up to you. Would you hire you?

Take notice of certain people in your workplace. Those who are considered slackers are usually the biggest complainers. They live in a negative world and are headed nowhere because this is what they practice.

Then, there are those who are ambitious and will reap the rewards of promotions and better income because they set goals.

Now, if you’re on top of your game and kicking butt in this world, the people who hate on you and try to knock you down are hiding behind their weakness. That’s what creates bullying.

What other areas of life are you practicing? Are you a respectful husband or wife, a loving father or mother, kind to strangers or just an overall good person?

In the gym environment, a very common phrase is that Monday is known as “international chest day.” You see, Monday is the busiest gym day and no one wants to expose their weakness, so the gym bros hover around all the chest equipment.

Tina and I will sometimes frequent other gyms. If it’s on a Monday, we will work legs because usually most of the leg equipment is available. I promise, the gym rats are laughing with me on this.

OK, that’s enough making fun of others. My purpose today is for you to work on your weaknesses. What can you start practicing to enhance your life?

According to the American obesity epidemic, most people need to improve their eating habits. Notice, I try not to use the word “diet” because most diets eventually set you up for failure.

Quit bouncing from one diet to the next fad diet, and start practicing healthier choices. When we were competing, I would immediately brush my teeth after dinner. This would help stop cravings for dessert or late-night snacks.

Today, the question you must ask yourself is “What can I start practicing that I want to be good at?”