By David Tepera, June 28, 2023

It’s no secret that sports and life are similar in many ways.

Those of you who choose to sit back and be passive will never accomplish your dreams, and life will quickly pass you by. You’ll wake up and wonder where all the years went and why you’re still in the same situation.

It’s possible that there is someone out there who’s less qualified than you living the life you want simply because they took action. Let that sink in for a moment.

Of course, there are those who are aggressive with goal setting who will eventually rise to the top. These people are not afraid of failure because they know it’s part of the process of winning. The more you fall, the faster you are at getting up.

Just know, the action you are most scared to take is the one that will change everything for you. If you won’t start today, you won’t start tomorrow either.

Believe me, Tina and I were scared for me to leave the secure corporate world of salary, commissions and full benefits, along with retirement. But, after 20 years, this old-timer wanted to control his destiny, and it could only happen by taking action.

By owning your own business, you’ll never work harder or longer, but it’s under your control to win.

What are you yearning for? What’s keeping you up at night? What action can you take today that will change your life forever?

Is it health-related, occupational, spiritual, relationships or recovering from a heartbreak?

We all need to improve our health by eating cleaner and exercising. I don’t need to preach to you because everyone knows their bad eating habits. Just take action with one small change. It could be as easy as giving up soft drinks for water. I know people who lost at least 15 pounds within two months by doing this.

Look, don’t be scared. You only have one life, and this isn’t a dress rehearsal. Don’t let people or situations keep you down. You are better than that. You are strong and beautiful, and this world needs you.

Starting today, you will have the best life possible because it’s time to take action.