By David Tepera, July 26, 2023

We’ve all heard the question, “If you could go back in time, would you change anything?” Well, duh, of course we would change many decisions made back in the day. But, guess what? There’s not a darn thing you can do about yesterday’s mistakes.

It’s interesting how often we hear from our older clients wishing they got into weight training years ago. My typical reply is, “You are here now, and your quality of life is improving, so start enjoying the golden years.”

Just know, it doesn’t matter what’s your age and if you’ve never lifted weights, because it’s never too late to gain muscle and strength. We have people of all ages, but our gym is full of the 70s, a few 80s and even 90-year-olds. These people never lifted weights in the past, but chose to make the change today.

Remember, I’m never promoting our fitness center because there are plenty of gyms in your area. Just find the right fit for you.

Here are some thoughts. Fillers can hide aging, but muscles will reverse aging. Surgery can fix an injury, but muscles will prevent injury. Botox will keep you looking young, but muscles will keep you feeling young. Muscles can’t be bought, so put in the time now.

Now, what are you doing today to make changes? You might have fallen off the wagon yesterday, but don’t let that get you down today. Bad habits are hard to break, so make up for it today. Try to smoke less, reduce alcohol, add a healthy meal, be nice to those around you or do something to make you proud today. This is what you can control at this very moment.

Are you in a position to impact others? What can you do to help someone’s day be better than yesterday? Today might be a good time to give a lonely depressed family member or friend a call. You ever bought a stranger’s lunch or coffee?

Why not come home from work and shower all family members with love? Throw your old grumpy self out the window because yesterday’s bad attitude is gone.

I personally know that the loss of a loved one or bad news from the doc can toss you into depression. But, Mr. Badnews can kiss my hiney because that was yesterday. So today, I’m going to make it the best day possible.

Remember, you cannot change yesterday, but you can change today.