By David Tepera, November 15, 2023

For most of us, it’s easy to get caught up in thinking more about our problems than our successes.

Yes, our battles come more frequently than we would like. It’s not fair, but people typically forget your wins but never forget your failures. It’s up to you to flip those failures as lessons that will lead to winning.

Just know, successful people attack problems with solutions. When a difficult situation hits the fan, what’s your response? Do you throw your hands in the air, point fingers and complain? Or, do you show leadership, get into the grind and find a solution?

In sports, when the team is down with the clock running, true leaders want the ball and will find a way to win. Michael Jordon holds the record of nine buzzer-beater wins. As all us old-schoolers know, Jordon was the most dominant player of his era.

Just because you’re down, doesn’t mean you are out. Just ask Tom Brady, Nolan Ryan, Wayne Gretzky, Serena Williams and many other elite athletes. This category includes CEOs, business owners and anyone else who is giving this world their best.

The best comeback person I personally knew who stayed positive and found solutions was my Grandma Frances Tepera. She lost a husband and three children during her life. Grandma was the one who gave me strength when I lost my two oldest sons. Parents are not supposed to bury their children. Children bury their parents.

Now, what’s holding you down? What will it take to think positively and find solutions? You get to script the ending of any situation, so put your blinders on and get to work.

You have control of your life, so don’t let anyone out-work you. Surround yourself with positive people. Find a way to release those holding you back that live in a negative world. You don’t need anchors, so put wind in your sails.

Remember, every situation has a solution. People want you to fail because it makes them feel better about themselves. But, that’s not you. You can step into the ring of any challenger and give it your best.

Yes, sometimes we get knocked down, but we can’t get knocked out. Just keep swinging and fighting your way through life. I promise, you will end up on top because you will find a solution.