By David Tepera, February 21, 2024

It’s time to let go of what other’s think, and just believe in yourself. I know too many people who won’t take a risk because they’re concerned what people will say.

I say “forget those who want you to fail because they are insecure due to their lack of taking chances”. Believe me, I failed at more businesses than I succeeded. But, in the end, I finally nailed it with our Ageless Muscle Fitness Center.

At that time, I was in my late 50’s and taking a huge risk quitting the medical field, including the benefit packages, then adventuring into a something no other gyms has ever tried to succeed.

Of course, that was targeting the older population to help them learn to weight train properly to give them a quality of life. You see, most membership gyms want all the younger people, stay at home moms, including the working class. Most of those places are uncomfortable for the elderly.

My wife Tina and I had a vision. There was no plan B. Tina was terrified that we would lose all our savings, but kept believing in me and we stayed on course. Every day we count our blessings because our risk paid off.

Now, what’s your ultimate desire? Come on, there’s something you want to accomplish. What would be life changing for you? What and who is stopping you? Really, you are the only one keeping you from moving forward. Yes, it is scary getting out of your comfort zone, but don’t put it off any longer.

Today is the time to put a plan together and take a risk. Even if doesn’t work as planned, there are lessons learned to help move in a different direction.

Like I mentioned, I failed more than succeeded, but I never gave up. You can google any multimillionaire, and I promise, at one time, they all failed and lost their money. But, what separates them from the common people, they got back up and kept fighting.

There’s a fighter inside of you, so dig deep and step into the ring. Don’t be afraid to get punched or knocked down. People want you to stay down, but that’s not who you are.

Every one of us has been suckered punched from life. You can’t escape reality, but when you’re ready to take the risk, nothing can stop you.

Listen, if you’re not happy with your current status, then it’s time to take the risk. If you want it, go freaking get it. Not tomorrow – TODAY!