By David Tepera, December 23, 2020
I’m sure the holidays this year will be a bit different from the past, but it’s up to you to make the most of it.
Remember when you were a kid and having a few weeks off from school was like the best ever? During my day and in my neighborhood, there weren’t too many families who left for the holidays. It didn’t matter what the weather was like because all the kids would gather outside to play.
We would ride bikes, play kickball, driveway basketball and sneak out to Delany’s Lake to play hide-and-seek in the bushes and trees. Us kids didn’t have a care in the world because life was simple and easy.
Then we grow up to be parents, along with all the financial responsibilities, holidays become stressful, and you forget the reason for the season.
Well, it’s time take a step back and reflect on being a kid again. I know it’s difficult, but let go of the stress and get outside to play. If you have children, do some outdoor activities and let them see you be silly and having fun. It’s truly your opportunity to be a goofy kid and laugh at all the fun stuff.
I’m glad I didn’t grow up in the video game era. I’m sure I’d have a been a couch potato, too.
Not too long ago, Tina, our daughter Daylyn and I put on some Michael Jackson music and were doing our best to moonwalk. We were laughing hysterically, especially at this old man because I’ve lost my rhythm. I had to beg them not to post it on social media for I would totally lose my man-card.
Remember, it’s not how much you spend for Christmas, it’s the quality of enjoyment you get from it. Let go of all the stress because it will always be there. Make these holidays are a part of your forever memories.
Don’t forget to call elderly family members and brighten their day. All of us need to smile for Christmas and be thankful for all those who love us.
The year 2020 might have been a challenge, but you can change all that by just taking time to be a kid again.
I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.