All posts by David

Growing up with a father who was a high school football coach, I was around sports my entire life. Even to this day, at the age of 55, I'm a professional physique competitor. So, as you can read from my blog, I see the world as one big sports arena that teaches us all lessons on life. Enjoy, because today, your life will change.

What do you add from past generations

By David Tepera, February 4, 2021

Of course, we all are descendants from past generations. The goal of each new generation is to accomplish or add more than the previous generation. This doesn’t just pertain to financial status. There is so much more in bettering yourself.

So, you know, Tepera is a Czech name, and I’m third-generation American born. The first family of Teperas who crossed the ocean on boat moved to Central Texas and became sharecroppers. They were adventurous and shared a strong work ethic. Education was not part of their childhood because everyone had to work the farm.

My grandma was the oldest of eight children and was forced to quit school in the seventh grade. But, believe me, grandma’s lack of school education didn’t identify her. To me, she had a doctorate in hard work ethic, including strong religious values and discipline. Grandma was the backbone of the entire family, and that’s why I continue to reference her in my articles.

Even though my dad grew up extremely poor, he embraced all of grandma’s lessons and experiences. Dad continued his birthright, along with his twin brother, and became the first Teperas to graduate college. Now, that put plenty of pressure on my sister and I, but we accepted the challenge and conquered. I chose to add health and fitness to my family.

OK, enough about me. What can you add from your past generations? What are the lessons learned and experiences past on to you? Are you striving to be better and accomplish more?

Remember, those before you had to take on a set of different challenges with less technology. Today, the world of knowledge is at our fingertips. There’s no excuses for not giving your best. Yes, you will fail, but that’s just another lesson to take a different direction or to get back up and give a bigger fight.

I don’t know your current situation, but can you teach others to be kind, give up prejudice, volunteering, anything to make this world a better place? How will you impact your children so they can pass this among their kids?

With an extreme obesity rate of 42 percent, maybe you can be the health and fitness expert in your family. Whatever you choose, it’s your turn to add from past generations.

You’re one decision from changing your life

By David Tepera, January 20, 2021

I once read, “you’re one decision from changing your life.” Of course, these decisions can be life altering or disastrous. We have all been on both sides of that coin.

Let’s start with some life changing bad decisions. There are those who’ve driven while intoxicated, and it didn’t end well, people who got hurt from affairs, lost money from bad investments or business partners, and so-on. I’m sure you can add to this list.

Most of all, let’s focus on life altering good decisions. For me, I would had never met my amazing wife if I didn’t have the courage to start a simple conversation.

The choice of becoming a father was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. If you’ve been reading my column long enough, you know I was a single custodial parent for almost 15 years until Tina came into the picture.

I’ve told my grown kids many times that they changed my life. I became a better person through single parenting. I gave up socializing, alcohol and sold all my man toys. I was the SUV soccer dad throughout their childhood. Besides my career, my kids became my total focus, which created a special lifetime bond.

What positive life altering decisions have you made? Make a list and it will put you in a happy place. Let today be one of those great decisions. It could be as simple as showering people with love and respect. We all have goodness within us. It’s your turn to show others how awesome you are.

If you focus on all the good decisions, you’ll realize how incredible life is. It’s easy to get caught up in all the negatives, but that only leads to a destructive personality.

Is there something going on in your life where it’s time to make a serious change? This could be health related, occupational or relationships. What decision could you make today that would change your life for the better?

Remember, you have total control over your life. You get to make every decision of what you eat, social media, who you hang out with, how you spend spare time, including to be loving or a bully.

It’s time to take a serious look at our lives and recognize the decisions we are going to make going forward will change our lives forever.

What matters is who you are now

By David Tepera, January 14, 2021

I’m sure there’s plenty of you who are not happy with some choices you’ve made in the past. Just remember, life is not about who you once were, it’s about who you are now.

I still shake my head over some of the decisions I made way in the past. I look back and realize the immaturity of my thoughts and actions. Even though it took some time, I’m just glad I woke up and stopped making the same dumb mistakes.

Recently, I was talking to a good friend of mine, and we were expressing how glad we were that cell phones weren’t around when we were being idiots.

But listen, mistakes of the past don’t define who you are now. There’s nothing you can do about it, so let it go and make sure you learned from it.

It’s interesting as you get older, it’s easier to love people and let go of unnecessary hatred.

Now that we are into the new year, don’t let the setbacks of 2020 define you. We are all trying to create and accomplish new goals to make us better than before.

Since Tina and I are professional athletes, we take the last few months of the year to gain as much muscle as possible. Of course, this will include some extra fat as well. Now that January is upon us, we started a three-month fat loss program to be competition lean by the end of March. We do this every year, and our bodies are accustomed to it.

What type of program have you started? Are you on pace to be healthier this year? Remember, one or two bad meals doesn’t make you fat. It’s a consistency of bad dieting that does it.

Just like getting in shape doesn’t happen in a few days. It takes months to be a healthier you. This process is a marathon, not a sprint, so don’t get discouraged.

Each morning you get another opportunity to start over. Forget failures and yesterday’s bad decisions and make this a better day.

For me, I start my mornings with a little prayer to give thanks for having a loving family, incredible wife, having my health and for guidance to be a better person today.

So, remember, you’re not defined by who you were yesterday, it’s who you are now.

What can happen in a year?

By David Tepera, January 6, 2020

One of my late Grandma Tepera’s famous quotes at the end of every December was “what can happen in a year?” I believe we can all agree with Grandma that 2020 was loaded with peaks and valleys.

Now 2021 is upon us, so we should feel a new and better start is upon us. To get back on a productive path, you must love yourself enough to want more, demand more and be disciplined enough to create more.

What are you goals and plans for the month of January? To achieve greatness, there’s a need for small accomplishments.

If your goal is to lose 20-plus pounds, then losing a pound or two each week will be necessary. What diet and exercise changes did you make to start this process? Are you drinking more water, eating less carbs and cooking meals instead of takeout?

Each week, are you exercising more frequently, including increased intensity? If you’re starting out to walk 1 mile per day, then each week you should be adding an extra half-mile. How quick can you get to 5 miles?

Are you looking to create more income? Have you seriously tried to move up in your current company? All it takes is proving leadership qualities, become the “go-to person” and requesting better opportunities.

How’s your personal life? Are you in a respectful and loving relationship? What steps do you need to take to show your partner that you’re committed? If you’re in a destructive relationship, it’s time to put an exit strategy together. This is your life, and you are in control.

What are you going to do to make this year your best? If you’re doing the same thing, you’re going to get the same outcome. It’s time to make changes and lead a more productive life. This will create happiness, so start loving yourself.

Listen, the time is now. No more procrastination and excuses. It is January, and it’s game on. To make tomorrow better, you have to be productive today. Just know, most people want you to fail because they’re failing. People with destructive behavior seem to find each other. Productive and positive people will find each other, too. Plus, they’ll support and help each other to reach goals.

Leave the negative people in your dust because you’re in this game to win. Now, put your game face on, get out in the grind because this next December, it will be amazing what happened in one year.

It’s the small habits that will change your life

By David Tepera, December 30, 2020

More than 15 years ago, life wasn’t heading in the direction I was hoping for. My mind became my worst enemy. All I could think about was, “Why are bad things happening to me, why are negative people in my life and why do I find the worst in every situation?”

I knew the only way to find peace and happiness would begin with me. I started reading three positive books a week, listened to uplifting CDs in my car and made constant prayers throughout my days.

My thought was if I filled my mind with only positive thoughts, there wouldn’t be any room for negativity. Guess what? It worked beyond my wildest dreams.

If you’re needing change in your life, start with the small habits. What’s your first thought when you wake? Are you thinking about all the negative people and situations you’ve encountered, or are you giving thanks and praise knowing you have another day to be a better person?

How do you spend your mornings? Are you dreading another day at the grind or are you excited that you have a job with a source of income to provide for your family? Which family member is getting the first hugs and smiles from you?

As your day continues, what are you allowing to enter your mind? With the social media craze, which stories and videos are you watching? Are you a laptop bully or a person of kind words, encouragement and support? Really, you probably need to step away from social media for a period of time.

Who do you allow to enter your life? Just know, the people you surround yourself with are a personal choice. If your friends have bad habits, no ambition and constantly putting others down, you are that person, too. Get out of that cesspool and go swim in bluer waters. You are who your friends are.

We are routine people. It’s the only way we can feel organized, but we know our organization skills need improving. Don’t only focus on big changes because you’re probably setting yourself up for failure. But, start with small habits and you’ll find a way to change your life and make 2021 the best year ever.

Be a kid again during the holidays

By David Tepera, December 23, 2020

I’m sure the holidays this year will be a bit different from the past, but it’s up to you to make the most of it.

Remember when you were a kid and having a few weeks off from school was like the best ever? During my day and in my neighborhood, there weren’t too many families who left for the holidays. It didn’t matter what the weather was like because all the kids would gather outside to play.

We would ride bikes, play kickball, driveway basketball and sneak out to Delany’s Lake to play hide-and-seek in the bushes and trees. Us kids didn’t have a care in the world because life was simple and easy.

Then we grow up to be parents, along with all the financial responsibilities, holidays become stressful, and you forget the reason for the season.

Well, it’s time take a step back and reflect on being a kid again. I know it’s difficult, but let go of the stress and get outside to play. If you have children, do some outdoor activities and let them see you be silly and having fun. It’s truly your opportunity to be a goofy kid and laugh at all the fun stuff.

I’m glad I didn’t grow up in the video game era. I’m sure I’d have a been a couch potato, too.

Not too long ago, Tina, our daughter Daylyn and I put on some Michael Jackson music and were doing our best to moonwalk. We were laughing hysterically, especially at this old man because I’ve lost my rhythm. I had to beg them not to post it on social media for I would totally lose my man-card.

Remember, it’s not how much you spend for Christmas, it’s the quality of enjoyment you get from it. Let go of all the stress because it will always be there. Make these holidays are a part of your forever memories.

Don’t forget to call elderly family members and brighten their day. All of us need to smile for Christmas and be thankful for all those who love us.

The year 2020 might have been a challenge, but you can change all that by just taking time to be a kid again.

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.

Learn to be happy right now

By David Tepera, December 18, 2020

There’s no secret, life can be extremely complicated. Almost all of us deal with unwanted situations on a daily basis. Do not wait for things to get easier and better because you must learn to be happy right now.

How many of you are just grinding out the work week and waiting for the weekend to enjoy life? It’s easy to get caught up in this week after week.

Tina and I are just like you. We do look forward to Friday evenings knowing our hard work will be celebrated. But, we’ve made it a point to find ways throughout the day to laugh and have fun while working.

We enjoy smiling and cutting silly jokes with our clients. Everyone will push through their weight training and will have fun doing it. There are serious moments, but there are brief down times that allows us to reflect on happiness.

What can you do at your specific job that could bring happiness? How do you respond to family members once home from a hard day at work? Who’s taking the responsibility to make everyone smile, plus can light up the day?

Our daughter Daylyn still lives with us. She works, attends college and is the first to want hugs when we walk through the door. She is the positive energy in our house. Her happiness is contagious, which radiates the rest of the evening. I know, I’m blessed to have wonderful children.

If your situation is not desired as wanted, it’s up to you to change the environment. There is good that surrounds you, so tap into the positive energy and recognize life is better than perceived.

Look, if you’re really struggling to find happiness, here are my two suggestions: 1. Do a small deed for someone else. It’s as easy as opening doors, smiling with a sincere hello, along with a conservative compliment. 2. Get outside and go for a long walk, grab your headphones and put on some uplifting music. The fast-paced songs you choose will put an extra “gid” in your giddyup; also you’ll walk a longer distance.

OK, now I’ve given you some thought to enjoy the days better. You’re an amazing, smart and incredible person put here because you have unique skills that makes other’s lives better. All it takes is learning to be happier now.

Is the reward worth the risk?

By David Tepera, December 9, 2020

It’s no secret: We are all scared to take risks. But we must ask ourselves, “Is it worth the reward?” Just know, the greatest risk will produce the biggest reward.

Do you want to change careers, ask the girl out, invest or anything that creates a better life?

To me, at 59 years old, I’m running out of time, so I’ve taken a few risks. I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. If I lose, I’ve gained knowledge for the next risk.

What I’m trying to relay to you today is to go for it. Quit wishing because it’s time to get out there and start winning.

I’m fortunate to have a support system from my wife, Tina, and I hope you have the same support, too. If not, it’s your life, so don’t let the haters keep you from reaching your dreams.

If you feel stuck in a rut with current job position, put a plan together and build your dream job on the side. Once it gets traction, you can jump to full-on effort to make it a success.

Is there someone that you’ve been wanting to meet? What’s holding you back? If he or she is not interested, you can let it go. Otherwise, you’ve got nothing to lose and possibly an opportunity to find the perfect partner.

Several years back, I was frustrated with the medical industry that I’ve been involved with for more than 20 years. I told Tina, “I’m done with the corporate world, and it’s time for us to pursue our dreams.” To be honest, Tina was scared because the money and benefits were good, and if we failed, it would be financial devastation.

Well, as you all know, our business is booming, and we are changing others’ lives besides ours.

Look, quit wishing and start doing. We have a new year coming, so start going after your dreams and goals. Don’t listen to others’ negative comments and take over your own life.

Yes, we live in a world of risks, so be one of the few who are risk takers. This is your opportunity to be the person you’ve been dreaming of. Step out of your comfort zone and start living life to the fullest because the reward is greater than the risk.

It’s fourth quarter, now finish strong

By David Tepera, December 2, 2020

We are now full-fledged into the holiday season. It’s been quite a challenging year for all of us, but how are you going to finish 2020?

When you compete in sports, it’s the fourth quarter, final inning or the last few minutes on the clock that will determine the outcome. This is where leaders separate themselves from others.

Are you throwing in the towel and letting the final minutes slip away, or will all the hard work and prep take you over the finish line to win the game? That choice is up to you.

None of us enjoy losing, so don’t accept failure.

What does it take to find success? For Tina and me, it was sacrificing evenings and weekends to build our brand. We used discipline and persistence to continue our growth.

All of us will face criticism and rejections, but don’t let that stop you from taking risks. This is your life, so go after your goals by putting forth full effort.

What lessons did you learn throughout the year? How did you bounce back? What’s your game plan to finish the season? What momentum will you create to start the coming year?

These are serious questions you must be asking yourself today. Napoleon Hill once wrote “a goal is a dream with a deadline.”

If you suffered failure, just know it is a new beginning. If you don’t go after your dreams and goals, you’ll never have them. You have nothing to lose and will only gain experience. Never compare yourself to others because you must live out your own destiny.

Remember, when you’re finding success, there will be people who will criticize you. That’s their insecure problem, so brush it off. I find criticism as a form of flattery because really, it’s just jealousy.

My friend Jeff started his own machine shop over 15 years ago. He had plenty of people telling him that he would fall on his face. Jeff did fall on hard times where I even helped pay to keep his truck from being repossessed. Jeff kept on his path, stopped listening to people, and now his business is a multimillion-dollar corporation.

Now here we are in the last month of the year. Get your game face on and be ready to finish the season with a championship because you are a winner.

The question you must ask yourself is “Why?”

By David Tepera, November 25, 2020

Just about every decision you’ve made or will make in life is because of a reasoning and should be answered with the question, “Why?”

Why did you start exercising and eating healthy? Did you finally get fed up with being overweight and exhausted all the time? Was your daily life on a down slide heading to depression, so you made the choice to take control?

What happens to most of us who start a healthier lifestyle? At some early point, you quit. You must again answer the question, “Why?” Of course, quitting is from lack of discipline.

We have clients who come to us with multiple joint problems. Over the next several months, we help resolve their issue, plus teach them how to lift weights properly. Our hopes, when they decide to venture on their own, is that they can walk into any gym and lift weights injury free.

But again, some people stop exercising and come back to us because their joints get stiff and issues are reappearing. I always ask, “Why did you stop lifting weights?”

We must ask ourselves, “Why?” in other aspects of life. Why did we choose this career path or that particular job? Are you still giving the same effort to succeed as when you started? Did you lose your ambition?

Why did you choose this person to be your spouse? Over time, are you still treating each other with respect and love, or did you get settled in and take advantage?

Listen, it doesn’t matter what is happening in your life at this moment. You must find a way to get out of your comfort zone and change things around. You were once vibrant, excited and enjoying life to the fullest. Today is the day to find the old you and start the journey of being happy again.

Don’t just start something with all cylinders blaring to run out of steam early. You must keep the gas tank full, rev up your engine and attack this world to cross the finish line in first place.

Now, next time you start something that enhances your life, don’t forget, it began with the question, “Why?”

I would like to wish each and every one of you a very happy Thanksgiving Day.