Category Archives: Dekeday Foundation

A children’s nonprofit organization to help and inspire families and people of all ages.
Founded in 2009 by David, Dylan and Daylyn Tepera


By David Tepera, March 22, 2023

Do you ever wonder why there are never Lamborghini commercials? It’s because they claim their target audience isn’t sitting around watching TV.

Next time you’re watching your favorite TV programs take notice of the type of commercials being shown.

Cartoon and Disney channels will promote cereal, baby food and toys. Sports channels typically market beer and trucks. The golf channel will feature luxury cars and investment banking.

As you can see, there’s a lot of research in television marketing to get the most bang for the buck. For your information, this year’s Super Bowl commercials cost from $6-7 million per 30 seconds.

Now, what are you doing in your spare time? If you need more income, are you working a second job, going to night school or proving you’re worthy for a promotion? Are you determined and dedicated, or are you sitting around watching TV?

How about your health? We all have spare time, so are you exercising and lifting weights? I’ve heard many times from people telling me don’t have time to exercise. Sorry, but yes you do.

How many times are you hitting the snooze button? Why not get up an hour earlier for some cardio? Just know the best time to perform cardio exercise is when you wake on an empty stomach. It’s called “fasted cardio.” Your body will burn more fat, plus boost metabolism.

What other improvements are you making in your spare time? Are you volunteering, finishing house projects or maybe enjoying a fun hobby?

Whatever it may be, make sure you are involved in something that is self-rewarding. I’m not just pertaining to financial rewards, but also what makes you feel good for yourself and possibly others.

Listen, it’s definitely OK to take time off, go on vacation or step away from the grind. As most of you know, we live a healthy lifestyle, but when it comes to vacation, we eat and drink anything we want. And, believe me, we do.

Now, if you’re not happy with your current situation, then start looking for self-improvement in your spare time.

We all develop habits, some are destructive, and some are productive. The choice is yours. Stop hanging around with people going nowhere and create the life you are meant to have.

Starting today, your life is going to change because you will discover a way to be productive during your spare time.


By David Tepera, March 15, 2023

Everyone wants to be affiliated with a winning team or a winner. That’s the main reason professional jerseys are a huge money grab for companies. For those of you who are sports fanatics, I’m most certain you have a jersey with your favorite player’s name on the back.

People do this because it lets others know they are part of a winning team. And, when you put all these fans together, arenas and sports bars bank tons of money.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Even though I don’t wear shirts with another man’s name on the back, I think sports help bring people together in a positive way. Most people need an outlet to make them feel like winners.

What about you? In the real world, do you consider yourself a winner? Are you the best employee, team leader, husband and father?

If you’re at the top of your game, the people around you will want to be on your team.

Just know if you are out there kicking butt and making a name for yourself, you will never have to let others know. That’s because your fans will do all the bragging for you. Just stay humble and keep winning.

Next time, notice how people respond to you at work, in the community or even at church. Do people draw to you because you are kind, generous and a positive person, or do people shy away and avoid you?

Remember, people want to be around winners because it makes them feel better about themselves. No one wants to be in the presence of someone that makes them feel less.

One thing we take pride in at our gym is to make everyone feel like winners. They came to us to improve their lives, and through our teamwork and consistency, they are winning in life.

Today, let’s take a realistic reflection on ourselves. How many times can you be a winner today? Did you make your bed, get to work early, greet everyone with a smile, eat healthier and exercise? These are only a few examples, so what’s on your list?

Winning the championship is always the ultimate goal, but to get there, you have to win many games along the way.

It’s time to take the leap to enhance your life by choosing to be a winner. Now everyone will be wearing your jersey.


By David Tepera, March 8, 2023

People are much more productive when they are excited about life. Once you’ve reached one goal, there must be another to work towards.

In most sports, each week, a team plans and prepares for its opponent. When you have a winning season, the excitement comes in preparing for the next game. Once in the playoffs, the ultimate goal is winning the championship.

What is the next thing you’re looking forward to? Each day when you wake, there must be a plan to accomplish something. We all live different lives, so what’s your list of goals?

Are you working hard to collect a bigger commission, a promotion or a possible financial raise? Maybe you’re the team leader who enjoys lifting people up and not putting them down. Do your employees get excited to be on your team?

If you’re struggling or depressed with work, then find a way to make money from your favorite hobby. You might not make money at first, but I promise you’ll look forward to giving your best each day.

We purchase all our salsa from someone who started a small tomato farm in another state. They were tired of the corporate grind and took control of their destiny.

How’s your relationship with your spouse? Is it a true partnership in which each is being respected? Do you look forward to spending another day with the one you love?

My day starts at 3 a.m., so I usually wake up before my wife, Tina. Before I step out of bed, I reach over and touch her arm and say a small prayer thanking God for bringing Tina into my life.

What are you doing to improve your health? Are you looking forward to exercising each day? Did you set a goal to lose weight and eat healthier? Have you cut back on alcohol and tobacco?

Are you looking forward to getting off the couch and taking back your life? Your excuses have run their course. There’s no more tomorrow, later or after this or that. Nope, the time is now.

Get excited about life again. You once had a zest to get out and look forward to something, so get back out there. It’s never too late. Of course, as we all get older, we slow down and battle certain ailments, but don’t let that stop you. Those are only obstacles and speed bumps.

So, now, here we go. You have something to look forward to.


By David Tepera, March 1, 2023

When you’re in the spotlight or on top of your game, there will always be people trying to bring you down. Just look at it as flattery because, actually, it stems from jealousy.

Think of professional athletes. There are players that you totally support and probably wear their jerseys. And, there are those you hate on and hope they have a failed game.

Back in the day, when I used to watch professional sports with my son Dylan, we both hated on the late Kobe Bryant and Steph Curry. We had our personal opinions, but it was all in fun.

I told Dylan that we might hate on them today, but if the Houston Rockets signed them up tomorrow, we would then become fans.

Just note after Kobe’s death, I researched his work ethic, and it was over the top. His passion to be the best was extraordinary. One rookie player for the Lakers spoke about how he wanted to be the first at the practice facility to impress the coaches. But, when he arrived at 5 a.m., Kobe already had his knees wrapped in ice from hours of weight training and drills. No one on that team could out-work the “Black Mamba.”

What about you? Are you in a position of power? Is your work ethic and drive pushing you to success? Just know, people will be jealous and try to knock you off your path.

Don’t waste energy on people’s negativity. Keep your head up, chest out and feet moving.

When I coached high school football at La Marque, we would teach the running backs to secure the ball and keep their feet chopping while running through the line. This is to never give up and stay in the fight. People, just like players, who work hard enough will break through and head toward victory.

Well, today is your turn to keep pursuing dreams and passions. Let the haters slide off like hot butter. You’re living in their heads, so don’t let them seep into yours. It’s such wasted energy.

Now is your moment to head toward victory. This is your year to make dreams a reality. Love yourself and stay on course.


By David Tepera, February 22, 2023

I’m sure each and every one of you strives to be successful. Of course, this depends on your individual beliefs, wants and desires of what that success will be.

As we get older, the pursuit of financial success becomes the most important, but there must be something that you’ve always wanted to conquer. However, you must find a way to rise above fear to obtain it.

How many of you remember the first time you jumped off a high dive at the local pool? Admit it, once you made the frightful jump, your confidence level skyrocketed to do it over and over.

What keeps you up at night, or what stays lingering in your mind that you’d like to pursue? Is it a better job, education, self-defense, asking out the boy or girl, or whatever you desire?

During my martial arts career, I would guest speak at women’s conferences and teach them self-defense. One subject I spoke about was why wait until you get hurt or violated to learn how to protect yourself. Gain your confidence, be proactive and do something now.

Also, I’ve watched physically handicapped people weight train in public gyms. What guts did it take to possibly feel like an outcast amongst fit people? It’s these people who’ve overcome fear that inspires me.

How many of you are intimidated to join the local gym? Don’t worry about what others think because they are caught up in their own world. Put your headphones on and learn to explore the weights. Each time you’ll gain more confidence and realize people aren’t even paying attention to you.

Are there people bullying you? Do you keep getting passed over for promotions? What’s it going to take to stand up for yourself? Bust through your fear and confront the situation.

I understand how uncomfortable it is to step out of your comfort zone, but no one else is going to stand up for you. Sometimes, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so just do it. No matter the results, you’ll be proud of yourself, plus gain more confidence to tackle the next situation.

Listen, we all have fears, but in certain circumstances, you just have to lay it all out there. So, remember, the best way to gain confidence is by overcoming fear.


By David Tepera, February 15, 2023

Recently, I was having a conversation with one of my clients named Joe. His father had just passed away, and Joe was explaining how his dad’s world had become small. A once vibrant man with lots of life allowed his ailments to quickly take him down. Joe’s dad’s world became the bed, kitchen table and recliner.

How about you? Are you living in a big or small world? Do you travel, enjoy entertainment, eat out at restaurants and socialize?

What’s your favorite hobby? Does it require interacting with people?

Yes, we will all get older and slow down, but you don’t have to throw in the towel. There is one simple solution to make your world big again, and that’s through exercise.

Just like brushing your teeth or soaking your dentures, exercise is a must for daily activities. Walking and lifting weights will keep your body stimulated and build stronger muscles, harder bone density and overall better health.

As you know, our gym caters more to the older generation. Even though we help people of all ages, the majority are in their 70s. We call them “lifers” because they’ve been with us for years and will lift weights for the rest of their lives.

Every one of our clients is enjoying life to the fullest and staying in the big world.

Aren’t you tired of being bored, wasting life in front of the TV and being isolated? Don’t let others make you scared of getting out in this world. I promise there are more wonderful people out there than not.

One of my pleasures in life is to make a complete stranger smile. All it took was a sincere greeting, along with a big grin.

Now, don’t be that grumpy old man or woman. Quit complaining about the world, other people and your medical condition. We all have our life challenges, so we don’t want to hear about yours.

Be the happy person in others’ lives, and be the inspiration of your generation and peers by building a bigger world.

Today, you will no longer allow the walls to close in on you. No, you’re going to jump out of the recliner and start walking again. Buy some small dumbbells and start lifting weights.

Don’t let your world get small because you are going to get out there and have some fun.


By David Tepera, February 8, 2023

Recently, a good friend and client named John passed away. John was battling amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease.

For your information and to keep it simple, this disease causes a person to lose connection from the brain to the muscles. Bottom line, it affects the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord, causing loss in muscle control.

ALS will gradually prohibit the ability to speak, swallow, walk and breathe. Life expectancy is typically 2-5 years.

John had been training with me for almost four years. Two years ago, he went to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota where the doctors diagnosed him with the deadly disease. The one thing that astonished the Mayo doctors was how strong John was in his stage of ALS.

The department heads of physical therapy and doctors called me to find out what type of weight training program I developed for John. He was the first to be that strong in late stages while maintaining a quality of life.

These were very educational phone calls because I had questions for them as well. They learned from me as I learned from them to continue the best program possible for my friend John.

The Mayo Clinic told John he would be confined to a bed within two years. Several weeks ago, John was laughing how he was beating all the odds.

Just know, John did need the use of a walker, could no longer drive and his speech was difficult to understand. But, he could leg press 225 pounds, bench press 80 pounds, along with other lifts and had the best quality of life possible for his condition.

There are other complications that come with ALS that took John down. John’s wife repeatedly thanked me for keeping him active to the end.

Now, what about you? What’s keeping you from fighting for your life? It doesn’t matter what the doctors have diagnosed you with. Get your game face on, strap up your boxing gloves and start punching and battling your opponent.

I competed in martial arts for more than 10 years. I trained and fought with some of the greatest champions in the world. But, believe me, the greatest fighter I ever met was my good friend John.

As the tears are flowing, I’ll miss you buddy.


By David Tepera, February 1, 2023

Recently, I was involved in a round-table discussion with a few orthopedic friends. One of the topics was about why people die from certain illnesses, injuries or difficult surgeries. There was much more detail, but I will give you the basics.

What we were referring to what was the health of each patient. The healthier the patient, the more reserve they possess to battle any health crisis.

You might know someone who was in a horrible accident or diagnosed with a terrible disease, but somehow miraculously made a great recovery. Most likely, these people had a full reserve from living a healthy lifestyle.

Unhealthier people or those with multiple issues have less to battle with. Their reserve might only be enough for a brief battle or to take on one small issue.

Typically, the low-reserve patients have longer hospital stays, difficult recoveries, or they lose the battle.

Now, don’t get me wrong. There are exceptions to every rule and situation with life. I’m just hoping to get you to think and reflect on your own lifestyle.

One thing you have control over is what you eat and how much you exercise. This alone will build your reserve. Believe me, one day you will need it.

Take a serious look at your current situation. I don’t care how obese, broke or old you are. You can start making a change today. Just like a savings account, you must put a little in at a time. Then, before you know it, you have built a healthy reserve.

Of course, we never know when our time is up on this earth, but I’m going to make sure I’m ready for battle. Almost two years ago, I was hospitalized with a rare illness. At first, the doctors were baffled because of my health levels. Within a short period of time, I made a full recovery and built back my reserve.

What steps are you going to take today? Will you find a way to build your reserve? Can you walk a few more steps each day than the day before? Will you eat something healthy at one or all of your meals?

No more accepting that it’s too late. Pick up the white towel because you’re not ready to give up. Today, you’ll put on boxing gloves and punch Father Time in the face and build back your reserve.


By David Tepera, January 25, 2023

Last week, I explained the major muscles that perform “pushing” movements and specific weight training to build them, including lessons for “who’s pushing you to success?”

Today, let’s focus on the pulling muscles. Your back is the largest muscle group of the body. To keep it basic, I’m not going to name every back muscle except the latissimus dorsi, typically known as “the lats.”

Your back’s job is to pull your arms to the body. Almost every arm pull movement is required by your lats. In the weight room, any machine that forces your arms to reach out and pull the weight toward you will help strengthen your back. It doesn’t matter if you’re reaching up high, midway or from below. All those angles will build the muscles up and down your back.

The job of the front of your upper arms, known as biceps, or what some people call “the guns,” is to pull your hands to the body. Any weight machine that requires you to reach out with your arms and curl your hands toward the body while bending at the elbows will build biceps.

For your lower body, the job of the backs of your upper leg, also known as the hamstrings, is to pull your foot closer to the body. This comes from the heel curling towards your glutes.

There typically aren’t that many specific weight machines for hamstrings, but look for sitting leg curls. These are the safest when getting started. There are lying leg curl machines, but most people perform these incorrectly and will cause lower back pain.

Now, how’s the pulling method working in your life? Last week was about leaders pushing you to success, but who are you pulling with you?

Throughout our lives, we must become leaders to others. When my oldest son passed away, even as the father, I wanted to curl up and be left alone. But I knew that I had to help other family members get through it.

My parents helped me raise him, so they needed me to pull them out of their sorrow. My younger children were learning to deal with Dustin’s death and needed me to pull them along and shower them with love.

We will all face death of loved ones. Look around and help pull those who need you.

Also, look for other areas in your life where you can help pull others up. We can all be an angel to those in times of despair. So, let’s get started and find a way to use the “pull method” in life.


By David Tepera, January 18, 2023

If you think about it, every movement with our bodies is typically a push or a pull. I try to explain this to people learning to lift weights. If you’re confused about which machines work on certain body parts, then this should help. Today, I’m just focusing on the push muscles. Next week will be the pulling muscle groups.

Your chest, or pectoralis, muscle’s job is to push your arms away from your body. So, any machine, no matter what angle, that pushes your arms away or together is working your chest — for example: bench press, dumbbell presses and flies.

The back of your arms, or tricep, muscle’s job is to push your hands away from your body. So, any machine that requires you to bend your arms and push your hands away is working the back of your arms — for example: cable press downs, dips and dumbbell kickbacks.

For your lower body, it’s the front of your legs or quadriceps muscles that push the weight away from your body — for example: close stance leg press and leg extensions.

Just know, there are other machines and multiple ways of targeting push muscles. I only gave a few examples to help you get started and feel a little more familiar in a gym environment.

Now, what else in your life that needs pushing? Is it you or someone else? For all of you who at one time played sports or had a great coach, then you understand the benefits of someone pushing you to success.

I was fortunate to grow up with a father who was a high school coach. He didn’t really push me into sports, but he did push me into being a respectful young man. My parents’ teaching skills taught me many lessons that helped my own children to grow into productive citizens.

What’s it going to take to push you off the couch or away from your laptop — just like the leg press machine that strengthens the legs? It’s time to jump up and get moving. Quit wasting your life surfing the internet and thinking everyone on social media is your friend.

Yes, you’re going to encounter plenty of roadblocks and barriers, but you now understand the value of push. So, get your game face on and bust your way to success.