Category Archives: Dekeday Foundation

A children’s nonprofit organization to help and inspire families and people of all ages.
Founded in 2009 by David, Dylan and Daylyn Tepera


By David Tepera, December 29, 2022

Well, the year 2022 is almost over, and have you put a plan in place to make 2023 even better?

No matter what challenges you faced this year, they should be lessons to make you more driven. Sometimes, we must grit our teeth, harden our skin, and start punching and kicking our way to success.

Tina and I called 2021 our broken year. I lost my father, second-oldest son Dalton, plus I was hospitalized with a rare illness for more than three weeks. All this and other situations took a small toll on our business that set us back.

But, we didn’t let it take us down. We put a plan together to leave 2021 behind and make 2022 the “fix-it” year. We kept our heads high, along with a positive attitude, and kept fighting our way through the year. We brushed off all the small stuff and never let outside influences create a negative impact. We proved that we are stronger than anything thrown at us.

Now, 2023 is coming, and we are ready to make an entry into a brand new and exciting year. As of today, everyone in my family is healthy, including myself making a full recovery.

Our business has never been stronger, plus my speaking calendar is growing.

Now, it’s your turn. What are you exiting that will lead you to a better place? What lessons did 2022 give you? Did you curl up in the fetal position or bear down and fight your way back up?

What’s on your list to exit and never look back? Is it a destructive relationship? Do you need an occupational change? Are you ready to get your health back? Just know, each of these questions are completely under your control.

I understand that sometimes making a change in life is uncomfortable because we are not sure of the outcome. But, if you don’t like your current situation, then do something about it. Don’t throw in the towel, especially when it comes to health.

I promise, if anything, when you start the process of exercising and eating healthier, your life will change. It will give you confidence and self-pride to tackle other challenges. You will no longer be a victim to anyone or any situation. You will become the victor!

Now, get your game face on and exit 2022 and be ready to enter into an amazing year of 2023.


By David Tepera, December 21, 2022

During the holidays, my wife Tina and I have been enjoying watching all the classic Christmas movies. It’s been entertaining while getting us into the holiday spirit.

One movie I wasn’t aware of was “A Christmas Story.” Obviously, I’m in the minority because all my clients were familiar with this classic. Even my 77-year-old client Terry has scheduled a trip to tour the house used in the Christmas Story movie. It was based in Cleveland, and turned into a museum for the millions of fanatic fans.

Well, for all of you who are familiar with “A Christmas Story,” the importance of the Red Ryder BB gun was just as significant in my life as for Ralph Parker. Parker was a 9-year-old boy in the 1940s who dreamed of Santa bringing him a Red Ryder BB gun. His only issue was that everyone kept telling him that he would shoot his eye out.

For your information, the Red Ryder was first produced in 1940 and was named after a comic strip cowboy syndicated in newspapers nationwide.

In my family, my dad was given a Red Ryder in 1947 when he was around 7 years old. That gun stayed at my grandma’s house even when I was a kid. Since we are not a family who hunts, it was the only gun I got to shoot in my youth.

I loved going to visit grandma and pulling out that old Red Ryder. I destroyed many mason jars and tin cans because I was the “Rifleman” of the 1960s.

Well, as to continue the family tradition, fast forward to my son Dylan’s early youth. It was time to buy a new Red Ryder for his first gun. As per my dad and me, Dylan and I would walk along backroad trails and target shoot any debris we could find. It was good ol’ father-son bonding time while building memories.

Today, I still have that Red Ryder available in my hallway closet. It’s only used to chase the squirrels away from the flowerbeds. Just know, it’s not powerful enough to hurt animals.

Now, for all you “A Christmas Story” fans, just know, I never shot my eye out. Wink-wink.

Remember to take time this week and call someone to share love and kindness. Be the twinkle in people’s eyes and the smile on their face. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas.


By David Tepera, December 14, 2022

There’s no secret, each and every one of us has weaknesses or bad habits. Of course, some are more severe than others. I’m sure one of those destructive habits is keeping you from reaching your potential.

Take a hard look at your life and think about all the good and bad decisions you had made. Every one of those is the reason for your current situation. Hopefully, each year, you are in a better place than before.

But, if not, what’s the one thing you can fix that would change your life?

For me, it seems about every decade, I need to make changes in order to improve my life’s journey.

For example, when I was 26 years old, I decided to go back to college. I didn’t like the career path I was on, so I did something about it and focused on an education. My degrees opened doors that I never could had imagined.

I understand that college is not the answer for everyone. It was just the best decision for me at that time.

Years ago, a friend of mine, who was a family man, had a drinking problem and asked for my help. He was responsible during the week, but drank excessively on the weekends. I had him join me at the gym to lift weights every Saturday and Sunday morning. We did this for over three months and it changed his life.

What’s going to be your wakeup call to get your health back? Do you spend money on prescriptions and doctor’s appointments, or a gym membership?

Be honest, when is the last time you’ve done some sort of exercise? Here is an idea: take the day and detail your house. Wipe the cupboards, baseboards, scrub the bathroom and so-on. I promise, it will be a great workout that will make you proud of your accomplishment.

What would it take to fix and improve your income? Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Make a list of your spending habits and see what needs to be eliminated.

Are there people in your life that’s holding you back? At some point, you need to take up for yourself and control your destiny. Fix it and leave them in your dust.

Starting today, find the one bad habit that needs fixing. Eliminate the smallest one to claim victory. This will help start the process of fixing others and change your life forever.


By David Tepera, December 7, 2022

If you ever pay attention to the statistics of professional athletes, you will notice they typically have more failures than successes.

For example; if a baseball player’s batting average is better than .300, then he’s doing well. That means he is hitting the ball three out of 10 at-bats. So, obviously, he’s striking out more than hitting, but those three hits made an impact.

Right now, the biggest sport being played is FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022. There are a lot of people who struggle watching soccer because of the low scores. This is because of continual failures throughout the entire game.

The USA team beat Iran 1-0 in order to advance the next round. How many times did both teams drive the ball down the field only to have the opponent steal the ball back? The entire game was a series of failures with USA winning by scoring only one point.

Just know, professional soccer games are 90 minutes long with a halftime. But, with accumulated stoppages, the game will last around three hours. So, think about sitting around for three hours for only one goal? Obviously, there were plenty more failures than successes.

Now, how many times have you failed this year? The year is almost over, and where have your failures landed you? If you’re giving life your best, then failure should have you sitting in a better position.

Have you ever tried to start your own business? You can ask every successful business owner, and they’ll give you a list of failures during their journey. Also, possible failures still exist, but because of experience, they can be handled properly.

How many diet and exercise programs have you failed? New Years is around the corner, and you’re getting ready to start another one. The only way it will succeed is if you learned lessons from previous failures.

Just know, your whole life has been nothing but continual failures. How many years did you study for an education? Did you ever try to learn an instrument? What about sports and athletics?

To succeed and be good at anything takes time, practice, dedication and plenty of failures.

Hopefully, I’m making sense to you today because if you don’t like where you are in life, then it’s time for more failures.

Now, quit sitting on the bench and hoping success will fall in your lap. It’s time for you to create and build your own productive life. All you got to do is get out there and fail.


By David Tepera, November 30, 2020

There’s not one of us who can’t escape difficult situations. Some of these are self-inflected, while others are not.

Throughout my younger adult life, I was ambitious, including making steps forward and seemed to be on a good path. But, then I would make a bonehead mistake, and it would set me back again. I was one of those “two steps forward and one step back” kind of guys. It got so frustrating, but I knew it was from immaturity.

I think we all know the definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. I finally figured out that I was the problem and it was time to become the solution.

Today, I’m in the best relationship I could ever imagine with my wife Tina. Our business is impacting so many lives that we are expanding in 2023. My kids are happy and are productive citizens in their occupations and community.

Listen, I know it sounds like I’m bragging, but I’m also aware that my next problem is around the corner.

OK, so what problems are you facing today? What situations have you gotten yourself into? Sometimes, we want to point the fingers at others, but if you really think about it, you put yourself in that environment.

It was your decision to drink too much alcohol, take the pills or do drugs. It was you who chose to spew mean words at someone that now you regret.

Are you having problems at work? Which path do you choose — to be the “go-to” employee or the whiner?

I once worked for a medical company at which one of the sales reps did nothing but complain at every meeting. Our company was growing, including a great commission package. We were all making good money except for this slacker. Of course, within a year’s time, his lack of work ethic got him fired. Bottom line, he was the problem and chose not to be the solution. Don’t be that guy.

Now, are you ready to become the solution? Quit hanging out with deadbeats and put yourself in a positive environment. You have total control of your destiny. No more setbacks.

Remember, you might be the problem, but starting today, you’ll be the solution. Now, get out there and kick some butt.


By David Tepera, November 23, 2022

When people come to our gym with hopes of changing their lives, we make them understand that reaching physical goals takes time. It took years to get out of shape, so don’t expect results overnight. Together, we will get your quality of life back, but remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

Just stick to the program and stay consistent and you’ll be amazed that at any age or medical condition, you’ll get back to enjoying life again.

We help people understand that each training session doesn’t get easier, it gets better. For those of you who are older or have physical limitations, make sure your trainer or training programs are stimulating the body, not annihilating.

There are plenty of gyms and trainers to choose from, so do your homework and find the best fit for your needs.

After one of my guest speaking appearances, a man challenged me about Usain Bolt being the fastest sprinter in the world. He was letting me know that sometimes a sprint can change your life instead of a marathon.

Even though this gentleman was correct with the statistic, there was an important aspect he needed to understand. Yes, Bolt is the fastest human in the world with record holdings in the 100- and 200-meter runs. But, if you research Bolt, he explains how it took four years of training to be able to sprint 100 meters in 9.58 seconds.

So really, his sprint was a marathon in order to be the best in the world. Where would you be if you trained hard for four years?

Look, your whole life is a marathon. What experiences did you learn from your childhood? It doesn’t matter how good or bad your situation was, it comes down to how, as an adult, you respond to it.

Every failure taught us a lesson to be stronger. How many times have you been knocked down? That number should equal how many times you got back up — plus one.

The marathon that life gives us is not a straight and easy path. How many hills have you climbed? It’s difficult to be the king of the mountain when life wants to throw you down the hill.

When running a marathon, there are so many obstacles along the way, but that’s the beauty of crossing the finish line because you conquered everything in your path.

Now, shut your laptops and get up. Your race is nowhere from being over. Step over the road blocks, and bust through obstacles because life is a marathon, not a sprint.


By David Tepera, November 16, 2022

Throughout our lives, including every day, we make multiple choices that impact our lives. Some could be life-altering and others might seem small, but each choice is yours to make.

Just know, quitting is the easy out, and that’s why so many people choose it. All you have to do is walk away and stop trying. Admit it, there are situations and possibly goals that you gave up on that are still haunting you today. That’s because a quitter never wins and winners never quit.

We can’t take back the past. We can only live in the present and prepare for the future. Your only option for the things you quit on is to wrap them up as an experience. Remember, experiences are valuable lessons.

Now, it’s time to throw away the quitter attitude. Once you’ve quit something, it’s easier to quit everything. From now on, winning is the only option.

Winning is not easy. It takes drive, sacrifice, a strong attitude and not caring what others think. Winners always make it to the top. That’s why there is only one winner and endless amounts of losers.

Where do you want to be today? Are you tired of watching others fly by you? What’s it going to take to step up your game? Bottom line, stop being known as a quitter.

Yes, you are going to lose more than you will win. But, it takes the attitude of digging in deeper to accomplish winning.

Are you happy and comfortable with your current employment and income? What’s your game plan to get the promotion or pay raises? Do you just fly under the radar or are you ready to get noticed by supervisors?

How’s your health? This is one aspect of your life you have total control. Being in orthopedics, I can’t tell you how many times I heard a woman say she is overweight because of being “big-boned.” I’m sorry ladies, being involved in over 3,000 knee replacements, I never witnessed a big-boned lady.

Come on now, don’t get mad at me. Take back your life and start exercising. Let others be lazy and just fade away, but not you.

Quitters love to hang around each other because it makes them feel good about themselves.

Break away and get your game face on because quitters never win and winners never quit.


By David Tepera, November 9, 2022

None of us have a crystal ball, but we would like to know what’s in our future.

Are there financial opportunities, loving lasting relationship, or maybe, just a long healthy life? What’s in your future that you are hoping for? Do you feel that you’re on the right path? Are things lining up for you?

If you really want to know what’s happening in your future, then check your habits. Do you have a plan or are you just winging it? Do you get up early every morning to conquer the day or are you always running late? Do you spend your spare time finding ways to better yourself or are you scrolling social media? Are you developing good habits or still stuck with bad habits?

Now, it’s time to break the negative cycle. You might need to get rid of certain friends. Remember, you are what your friends are. Don’t worry about what others think. Go out there, chase your dreams and create your future.

I know people addicted to Amazon spending sprees. How many of you have boxes delivered each week? Do you really need the newest and latest gadget? How many extra clothes and shoes will you wear? That money could be utilized, invested or saved in more productive areas.

Look, it’s OK to splurge on yourself every once in a while, but there are those of you who have a problem. Bottom line, it’s just another bad habit. Why not save it for a memorable vacation?

Listen, I’m not trying to act like I’m the perfect investor and money saver. I’ve made more bad decisions and investments than I’d like to admit. But, I finally matured and fell on my face enough to learn from experience.

What about you? What habits do you need to change? Are you on the right path because you have a strong personality and work ethic?

We all have something we want burning deep in our core. Through time, we get complacent with our lives, and lose that driving desire.

Today, things are going to change for you. Where would you like to be in five years or even one year from now? Are you further ahead than a year ago?

The crystal ball is in your hands. Look deep into the future and recognize that successful person you’ve become. This all happened because you changed your habits.


By David Tepera, November 2, 2022

We all have the ability to possess attributes and traits that drive us forward to success. But, for those who just can’t seem to get over the edge and better themselves, then you must use the word “stop.”

It’s time to stop sleeping too late, stop caring what others think, stop scrolling social media, stop eating junk food, stop listening to negativity and stop whining and complaining.

How many of these characteristics do you need to eliminate? I’m sure if you could get rid of just one, your life will be in a better place.

Why are you continuing to hit the snooze button? Flip your thinking and get excited about starting the day. Every day will be more productive than yesterday.

Stop caring about what others think. Most people don’t want you to succeed, so they can feel better about themselves. Stay ambitious and leave them in your dust.

I know social media is addictive, but you must find a way to stop getting sucked into it. If you’re having trouble getting away, then look for positive sites with uplifting messages. I’m actually on a few of them when I need a spiritual boost.

How bad do you need to make changes to your diet. Aren’t you sick of eating greasy foods? Don’t you feel sluggish and tired all day? Stop driving through the grease pit to and from work. Try to, at least, buying something you think is healthy at a grocery store each week. You’ll start to feel better and this will progress to healthier habits.

In today’s society, how often are we bombarded with negativity? It’s all around us, but don’t allow it to grab ahold of you.

Tina and I stopped watching regular TV and listening to certain radio stations years ago. We will catch a Netflix type series for entertainment every so often. Also, Tina creates a variety of music playlists that we enjoy without all the negative commercials.

Now, what’s in your life that needs the word “stop?” How can you better your life today by eliminating something or someone? When a negative situation arises, don’t get suckered into it, just stop and change direction.

Today is going to be the first day of your new life. From now on, the only direction is forward. Nothing can stand in your way to success because you know how to shout “stop.”


By David Tepera, October 26, 2022

If you are observant, you’ll notice that when people are on top, others will find ways to put them down.

This world is full of internet bullies because they don’t have the drive or ambition to better themselves. Really, it comes down to just plain laziness. So, for all you successful people, let the hate slide off like hot butter in a Teflon pan.

Being in the health and fitness industry and as professional athletes, we’ve seen plenty of jealous people try to point fingers and make excuses for others’ accomplishments.

Never let people bring you down. The best response is no response. Don’t say a word, stay in your lane, and stay focused on goals. Remember, nothing can stick to you unless you let it.

Keep losing the weight, and continue your plan of exercising and eating healthy. Be proud and feel good about yourself because you’ve separated from the new norm of obesity.

Also, there are those in higher power and in decision making positions. People will challenge you and try to take you down. Stand your ground and principles, and let the negativity roll off your shoulders.

Right now, life expectancy in America is 79 years of age. Most people work until retiring around 70. This means, you only have nine years left of living, and are probably so out of shape, you can’t enjoy it.

It’s time to start living now. Don’t worry about what others think — take vacations, splurge on yourself, go to nice restaurants and maybe some dancing. I don’t know what’s all out there, but there is something you want to do, so do it!

Look, this is your life. There’s no dress rehearsal. Each day gone is a day lost. Nothing is more valuable to you than your time. As we get older, we realize our time is moving fast and we start feeling the aches and pains of our experiences. This doesn’t mean to start throwing in the towel. No, it’s our wakeup call to start living.

There’s no more time for excuses. I don’t care of your age, medical condition or finances. Get off the couch and get excited about your new life.

You are now the role model and inspiration for friends and family. You have taken your life back and letting all the hate talk roll off because your skin is thick and made of Teflon.