David Tepera, October 11, 2023

In most cases, when you really want something, you’ll accomplish it through the little things.

How about when you were courting your spouse? Did you open doors, hold hands and give frequent compliments, along with smiles and laughter? I’m sure you did more little things, but just remember, it was those gestures that landed her heart.

Typically, we are all trying to lose weight. What little things will make the difference? Why not drink water versus sodas, or choose grilled instead of fried? You can save money and calories by not driving through the coffee shop for one of those expensive super enriched fat upside-down latte-grandes, or whatever you call them.

In our gym, we teach all clients, including the elderly and physically challenged, the proper form for lifting weights. It’s the little things that make the difference. For example, we change hand grips and range of motion to protect the joints. Remember, it’s not how much you lift, but how you lift.

If you want to take some stress off your morning commute, then why not leave the house 15 minutes earlier? I promise you’ll be in a better mood when you get to work, and I’m sure coworkers would appreciate the attitude change.

What little things are you doing at work to get noticed? Have you ever thought of cleaning the break room? Is your desk a constant cluster, or does it reflect organization? Now, don’t get mad at me, I know some of you have an organized mess because of responsibility. You know who I’m referring to.

Tina and I own our gym, and I’m the one who cleans bathrooms, vacuums and does all other maintenance required for the weight machines. We might not have the latest and greatest equipment, but we do have one of the cleanest gyms, and we take pride in that. It’s those little things that our clients appreciate.

Now, what little things are you going to do today? How many family members will receive hugs and “I love you?”

You’re also going to show leadership at work by lifting others up and not putting them down. Be the “go-to” person and watch how much you’ll enjoy being at work. Just know, promotions and more income are on their way.

So here we go, the big things are happening from all the little things.