By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Well, I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving feast and all the tasty nondiet foods. Last week I gave you a pass to eat anything and as much as you want without any guilt.
Now, what typically happens to most people is you consider the holiday season and cold weather months as a time to blow off healthy diets.
You’re already trying to fool yourself that January will be different this time. This is a huge mistake in which you set yourself up for failure once again.
Be honest, this is the same destructive cycle you do every year. Snap out of it. It’s never worked, so why is this year different?
The truly best way to reach your 2016 diet and exercise goals is to start right now.
Developing habits and routine takes some time. If you get started now, then you’ll be in the zone by January to accomplish all those goals.
Yes, I know, there will be Christmas and office parties, family gatherings, and lots of homemade cookies and milk for Santa. But that’s even more reason to start now to improve diets and exercise.
The only way to battle through all the holiday calories is a consistent exercise program. Your biggest obstacle will be cleaning up your diet, but at least the party season will be over and excuses should stop.
Believe me, I understand the challenges. I made an eating fool of myself at Nanna’s house, but I started exercising the very next day. Oh my goodness, I was so sluggish and felt like a fat slob.
I went to the gym and walked 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on an eclipse machine, 30 minutes on a stationary bike and ended in the sauna.
Even though I didn’t feel like going back to the gym yet, I knew it’s time to start getting back on the path of a healthier lifestyle. It has taken a few days, but I’ve already made a commitment to make 2016 the best year ever.
Don’t wait until 2016 to make New Year’s resolutions. Make a promise to yourself to change your life now.
Allow the month of December for diet and exercise failures. You need this time to stumble while better habits are being formed. Start crawling, so when January comes, you’ll be running.
There’s a beautiful person staring back at you in the mirror. Fall in love with yourself, take care of that amazing body and make tomorrow the best day ever.