Tag Archives: accomplishments

Turn right for success

By David Tepera, May 24, 2017

For a lot of people, life is smoothly moving along with small worries. You and your spouse have a steady job, decent income, kid activities and school, along with weekend festivities and relaxation.

Life seems to be on cruise control, then out of nowhere, a crisis strikes. You’re forced to make an immediate left turn because life becomes disrupted. It could be a job loss, health issues, divorce or dreadfully the death of an immediate family member. Something that changes you and everyone around you lives forever.

These types of crises are typically out of your control and will take time to get back on the road to a quality of life again.

Now, there are many of us who are already living in a challenging world. Every day is a grind just to survive through all the responsibilities. Your life path isn’t running too smoothly because the road has many potholes. You’ve been traveling down that left turn way too long.

But know, just as terrible crises can strike, so can wonderful exciting miracles come into your life.

You can create these opportunities by giving the world your best. As long as you stay positive and keep moving, goodness will come your way, and life will take a right turn.

A dream job will cross your path, a perfect life partner will come into your life, you’ll defeat the health crises, and so on.

Of course, the easiest road to get back on is a healthier life. From this day forward, no more bad foods and bad habits. You’ve chosen to start an exercise program and take care of yourself to live a better quality of life. You must become your own role model.

You have to look at life as planting a seed. You buried it into soil to water and fertilize. Remember, the seed is starting to grow under the earth, but you can’t see it yet. It’s ready to sprout and reach the skies, but you gave up and stopped caring for it, so it dies. If you would had stayed on track and kept caring for it, then the seed would become a beautiful tree.

That seed is you. Don’t give up because your seed is ready to sprout and take your life on the best journey possible.

Now, take control of your life and make a right turn to success.

Compete against yourself

By David Tepera, May 17, 2017

As most of you know, I have helped countless people with diets, fitness and weight training. A very common mistake I hear from most people is the desire to compare their bodies with other fit people.

First of all, that person has probably been exercising for years and you’re just getting started. Maybe that person looked like you in the beginning. Who knows, so stop comparing.

I continually explain to people to only compete against yourself. You know how you looked yesterday, so today needs to be better.

What’s your personal best? Take each day and do a little more. If it’s cardio, perform an extra 10-15 minutes. If you’re on a timeline, then add intensity. The same goes for weight training.

How many of you think in order to get ripped abs, you must perform tons of situps? Wrong.

I rarely will do any abdominal exercises these days because I’m competing in physique contests. I’m trying to keep my waist line as small as possible, so I don’t want to add extra muscle to my obliques, which are also known as “love handles”.

Now, don’t get me wrong because I used to be known as the ab-guy. I would do all kinds of crazy abdominal exercises, especially the abdominal reanimater because of its core strengthening.

But hopefully, most of you already know, ripped abs are built in the kitchen. Believe me, 85 percent of a six pack is from diet alone.

Ok, now it’s time for you to set new goals. We live on the gulf coast and swimsuit weather is here. Don’t compare yourself to others because that only gives you disappointment.

Also, stop criticizing yourself for current status. Only give yourself encouragement and compliments.

Each morning, look in the mirror and tell yourself, “Look at that fine, sexy person. Oh yes, I’m turning heads today.”

I know lots of people who didn’t get serious about weight training and diet until their mid-40s and beyond. Just recently, a 58 year old lady friend of mine, who’s been training for about two years, told me that she’s never looked this good in her entire adult life. Her confidence level is through the roof.

So now, it’s your turn. It’s never too late. Challenge yourself to compete each and every day. The only person who’s going to benefit is you. Your life will change. I promise.

Refuse to lose

By DAVID TEPERA, April 19, 2017

When we hear professional athletes being interviewed about an upcoming event, they will boastfully say, “we are preparing our best to be winners.”

When athletes claim to be winners, it’s because they have a specific goal in mind that has a date attached to it. For example, a championship game or any sporting event.

What about us common people, or those of us who want to win in life, but don’t know the particular outcome or have a specific date? You’re facing many challenges and all you can do is keep battling so you don’t lose.

To me, that’s the ultimate mindset in difficult situations — “Refuse to Lose”.

For those who have been diagnosed with a health crisis, you don’t know when or how long the crisis will last. But, as long as you refuse to lose, you’ll conquer it.

What happens if your job needs to cut corners and your salary was reduced? Or, you were passed up for the promotion? Sometimes, these situations force you to search new occupations and opportunity. If so, refuse to lose and you’ll land the dream job.

There’s a lot of people battling unhealthy addictions that threaten their quality of life. You know it’s destructive and winning has no time period attached to it. So, if you refuse to lose, you’ll eventually overcome and life will be amazing again.

You can use the “refuse to lose” attitude in every aspect of life: student-athletes, education, business, relationships, spiritual and so on.

I’m personally facing critical decisions which prompt today’s lesson. I had a long discussion with my kids because, just like all of you, they have their own challenges.

For those of you from the greater Houston area, Jim McIngvale, better known as Mattress Mack, once said “the only people who don’t have stress in life are in the cemetery.”

Now put on your game face and read this last statement out loud: “I vow to stay happy and keep pushing forward to enjoy life. I control my destiny and no one can stop me or push me down. I am bold, mighty and strong and will overcome any challenge I face because from now on — I REFUSE TO LOSE.”

I choose to be extraordinary

By DAVID TEPERA,  April 12, 2017

If you’re an ordinary person, then you’ll have an ordinary life. Just the typical daily grind of a boring occupation, monthly bills, along with simple common recreation. You’ll never really face defeat or more importantly — huge success.

For you, life is as simple as it gets. And, that’s probably fine because you’d rather not step out of your comfort zone and worry about what people think of you.

Keep in mind, ordinary workers can be replaced. Ordinary athletes are a dime a dozen. Sorry, but ordinary is a life without purpose.

Recently, I was sitting amongst some successful friends sharing our troubled paths and the importance of a mindset to overcome them.

You see, we all agreed that we never wanted to be ordinary. We understood that doors will slam in your face, people will call you names and tell you that your ideas are ridiculous. Others will do their best to deflate your ambitions because they haven’t accomplished anything worthwhile themselves.

Yes, these are harsh statements, but it’s reality. Excuses are way overrated and gets you nowhere.

Let today be the day you choose not to be ordinary anymore. All it takes is a new mindset. Learn to pump up your psychic while looking in the mirror to mean-mug yourself. Say out loud “that’s it, there’s no ordinary in this body anymore. From now on, I’m extraordinary, and I’m going out in this world and kick some butt.”

The definition of extraordinary is to go above and beyond what is expected.

For athletes, you’ll step up your game to get the attention of coaches. You might not be the fastest in drills, but you’ll be the first in line. Learn to sprint to each drill. When coaches huddle players, be up front, eyes wide open and fixed on every word a coach says. Followed by “yes sir” or “yes ma’am.”

As adults, we are all different in so many ways, but to reach extraordinary is to improve diet and exercise. That alone will change every aspect of your life. Getting in better shape builds confidence to conquer. You’re in competition with yourself, so win the day.

It’s your life. Admit it, you don’t want to be ordinary. Break the chains weighing you down. Put on your superhero costume and soar through life with a mission to fly to the top.

Sunny days are here

by David Tepera – March 8, 2017

Lately, I’ve been flying across the country for multiple speaking engagements. My last trip was to Orlando, Fla., and the weather conditions leaving Houston forecasted torrential rains.

To say the takeoff from the runway was turbulent would be an understatement. The airplane rocked side-to-side as we fought our way skyward.

Of course, the pilot and flight attendants made sure everyone on board was aware of the situation and to hang tight until the plane can push through and over the clouds.

This happened to be a day trip, so most people were visually glued to the window. The astonishing part of this whole experience was when the plane broke through the rain clouds into an extremely bright sun with incredible vivacious blue skies.

You could hear the sighs of relief along with joyous sounds as passengers witnessed Mother Nature’s beauty. It was at that moment, you knew everything was going to be OK.

Over the past few months, I’ve been helping several people food-prep for upcoming physique competitions. During the first month, it’s similar to a turbulent plane ride. You’re trying to get acclimated to eating extremely healthy up to eight times a day.

Yes, you’re getting plenty of food, but it’s frustrating and difficult staying on course. But once you start seeing the results, you’re able to break through the rainy days and see the bright blue skies. You finally realize it’s going to be OK and you’re on the way to diet success.

Can’t we all apply this to other parts of our lives? Doesn’t this happen at work, home and relationships?

How many times you’re busting your hump at work and no one is giving you credit? Then finally a supervisor takes notice and a pay raise or promotions become available.

Maybe you’re dealing with a personal situation with a friend, relative or spouse. You must be the bigger person and have a mature discussion and work through the issue. It will almost always resolve where the relationship strengthens because of your actions.

Don’t let the cloudy, raining days keep you down. Just like a crazy plane ride, you’ll eventually bust through to the brighter side.

I want you to realize that life is an adventure that takes us on a journey of emotions. Just keep pushing forward because sunny days and the reward is within reach.

Are you ready?

By DAVID TEPERA – February 15, 2017

How about in sports? How many times have we seen a starting player get hurt or pulled from a game and the second-string player needs to step in?

If you are a Houston Texans football fan, over the past few years, we’ve seen this happen many times with quarterbacks. From 2002 to the 2016 season, Houston Texans used 14 different quarterbacks. This is more than any other team in the league. Plus, I think most people are hoping for a new quarterback this coming year.

What happens if a job promotion becomes available with your company? Have you been doing your homework, acting and treating other co-workers as a professional? Are you the person they want to hand over the new responsibility? If you’re ready, then how much more income could this produce?

This might be meaningless to most people, but I teach my kids to keep our house “company ready.” There is nothing more embarrassing than to have an unexpected guest, and your house is a complete mess. My house is always ready for the unexpected, except my daughter’s bedroom. I’m not sure, but I think that’s a female thing. You ladies have a lot of stuff.

A scary, but understandable, statistic is that most Americans don’t have at least $1,000 in savings. All experts agree that we should have enough savings to cover six months worth of bills.

Do you have an emergency funds account? I know we are all scared to lose a job, have unexpected vehicle expenses or a serious medical issue.

Today is the time to re-evaluate your life. What steps do you need to make in order to be ready?

Let others point the finger for their downfalls. You’re better than that. Take ownership for your faults, learn from mistakes, and keep grinding forward.

Practice your craft like you’re the starting player. Develop the character needed at work to prove you’re worthy of promotions. Be the role model for your kids in order for them to learn leadership skills.

You have complete control of your life, so be ready. It’s coming.

Throw a Hail Mary pass

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, January 24, 2017 

If you’ve been following professional football, then you’re aware of the Hail Mary pass becoming popular again.

I wonder how many of you right now are shouting Aaron Rodgers’ name. The quarterback of the Green Bay Packers has made this sandlot football play into one of the most spectacular events in the game.

To date, Rodgers has thrown two Hail Mary passes last year for touchdowns, and another one this year.

You see, typically, a Hail Mary pass is used when there is only enough time for one more play, so you give an “all or nothing” effort, hoping for the best. But the cool part is — you have nothing to lose by going for it. That’s why it’s called Hail Mary, because it’s truly a prayer effort.

This makes you wonder why other teams won’t try this pass more often, at least near halftime. Most teams will just take a knee to end the play, then run back to the dressing room to regroup for the second half of the game.

Why not just go for it and throw the Hail Mary pass? You could possible score and, in the end, win from it.

How many of you want to change careers? Do you feel stuck in the everyday grind with no purpose or promotions in sight? Have you lost your ambition because you’ve been deflated with current status?

Well guess what? Today, you’ll take on the Aaron Rodgers mentality and throw a Hail Mary pass. You’ve got absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. So, what does that mean? If you really want to change your life, then you must go for it.

If you want a better career, seek the CEO and set up a meeting. Most people get caught up thinking they aren’t qualified enough to meet or talk with the top brass of companies. I’m here to let you know, if you’re persistent and professional, you can have the career you most desire.

Why not you? Educate yourself. Don’t just answer questions, ask them. I’ve taught plenty of people how to conduct themselves during the interview process. If interested and needing advice, email me.

You have complete control of your destiny. No, it usually doesn’t happen overnight, but preparing yourself and going for it will eventually change your life.

Opportunity only comes to those who seek it. You must put yourself in position for a touchdown. Be the quarterback with an “all or nothing” attitude and throw the game-winning Hail Mary pass.

Failure is your friend

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, January 3, 2017 

As we reflect over this past year, can you count the number of times you’ve failed? Of course not, because you should be failing at something every day.

The only way to become successful or master a task is to have failed multiple times.

You see, failure is your friend. Failure’s goal is to teach each of us lessons.

For people trying to add muscle to their bodies, you must lift weights to failure. Each week when you attempt those same lifts, your body will be able to push further until a new failure kicks in. Keep repeating this process, and muscles will grow.

You can use this same physical process for every exercise or sporting skill you’re trying to master.

Think about all the practices and drills in order to play sports, musical instruments, artistry and years of education.

Each and every learned behavior of your existence was due a succession of failures.

Don’t we also learn from failed relationships, raising children, financial decisions and the quest to be spiritual? Starting to make sense?

You can’t let failure beat you up. Yes, sometimes it hurts and will get you down, but that’s your moment to build character.

A college professor of mine once told a story about Charles Schultz, the creator of the “Peanuts” cartoon. Schultz became severely depressed and chose to end his life by running until he had a heart attack. He took off sprinting in New York’s Central Park until he passed out.

When he woke, he walked home upset that the attempt failed. He continued this process each day until he realized that he was getting in shape and was deleting depression.

Now, this story might have been false, but the message made was clear to us college students.

Continual failure should harden you and make you stronger. Once this happens, then you can shake off failure like a doormat.

Failure only means that you’ve pushed yourself to the limit.

Believe me, you will find happiness and self-confidence through failure. Think about it.

Keep moving to stay balanced

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, December 27, 2016 

One of the first self-learned behaviors as an infant is walking. Of course, none of us can remember, but if you’re a parent, you’ve witnessed your own child experiencing the struggles.

Really think about the frustration of learning how to walk. You’re constantly falling, plus a lot of times are getting hurt.

All toddlers never give up. They have an instinct and a will to get back up, trust themselves and keep moving until they’ve conquered the task.

You see, walking is nothing more than a continuation of falling. You must put one foot in front of the other to stay balanced. If you miss one step, then you’ll fall on your face.

Once walking has been accomplished, you’ll speed up the process and start running. Plus, the fun really begins as you learn to hop, skip and jump.

People who can continually fall faster than others become track stars. Make sense?

Well my friends, this is your life. You must continually keep moving or you’ll lose course and fail. You’ll fall off the success trail while others speed past you.

Why, as adults, have you forgotten the determination you once possessed as a toddler? Why does that 2-year-old child have a “never give up” character trait and you don’t?

The truth is you’ve let life obstacles and failures keep you from chasing your dreams. You’ve accepted defeat and went into hiding.

Well, guess what? This is a new day, a new attitude, and nothing and no one can stop you.

Be that scrappy player on a team that doesn’t have all the skills, but is outworking and out-hustling everyone on the court.

You trusted yourself as a toddler, so it’s already in you. Pull out that warrior and get out there to conquer the world.

Punch negative thoughts in the face and run to the finish line. All it takes is to keep putting one foot in front of the other with a win and take-all mentality.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep balanced, you must keep moving,” Albert Einstein.

Local father-son duo win fitness competition

Hi Fives: Posted: Saturday, December 17, 2016 

Congratulations to David and Dylan Tepera for taking first places in each of their divisions in a recent NSpire Sports League event. NSL is a world-wide competition that promotes healthy bodies.

David won two events in the men’s masters beach and athletic physique body categories, and Dylan won the teen beach body category.

What made this competition special for the pair is the fact David and Dylan were not just the only father and son duo, but at the age of 55 and 18, they were the oldest and the youngest competitors.

David and Dylan will be representing Galveston County come March 18, along with others, at Fit Life Fitness in League City.