Tag Archives: personal trainer

Take action and change your life

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Typically we all have areas in our lives that need improving. We can make a choice to take action or no action. Whatever the results become, it’s from your decision.

I often hear from people complaining about being overweight, being in bad relationships and disliking their jobs. My first question is, “what steps have you taken to change it?

Sometimes we have to create a new chapter in our lives. This can be scary because it takes us out of our comfort zone and requires time and perseverance.

A few years back, there was a young man named Clay who had built his body into an impressive specimen. Clay was not happy with his current occupation and wanted to break into the fitness environment to become a personal trainer.

I introduced Clay to a gym owner who gave him an opportunity to chase his dreams. Clay started out very inspiring and was building a strong cliental. But once Clay became comfortable with his new lifestyle and income, he started slacking and taking time off. I even paid him to train my kids, but each week we didn’t know if Clay would show up or not.

Clay came to me depressed because he was losing business, and most of his clients started using other trainers.

I explained to Clay that when you’re chasing dreams, starting a business or improving areas of life, that it requires full focus and dedication. People are investing their hard-earned money and time in you. You have to be accountable at their request, not on your time.

Clay experienced that taking action changed his life, but his non-action led to failure and depression.

So, what area in your life needs improvements? Are you whining and complaining or taking action?

Trust your instincts and gut feelings. Put a plan in place and step out of your comfort zone. Taking the first step builds confidence to take another. Before you know it, you’ll be running to the end zone to score a touchdown on life.

I’m doing it. You can do it. We can all take action and create an amazing journey together.

Swing for the fences and have a great life

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 

Have you not reached your diet and fitness goals? Are you still not making enough money?

What’s the problem and why are you still giving excuses?

Just know people around you know the truth. You can fool people and yourself for a while, but after time, your current occupational and health status is obvious.

Be honest, the only thing holding you back — is you. The best investment you can ever make is in yourself.

When it’s for better health, get a gym membership, hire a trainer or take cooking and nutrition classes.

If it’s time to increase income, then maybe you should take night classes, become an apprentice or research the path for the occupation you most desire.

What skill or skills are you good at? It could be sports, music, puzzles or a particular hobby. You should apply that same intense excitement to improve other areas of life.

Write down your income and health goals because they are important to reach quality and longevity. Be clear and realistic in order to be obtainable from your current position.

I’ve been following the baseball playoffs watching players make millions of dollars by only hitting the ball 20 to 30 percent of the time. How much more could they make by increasing batting averages?

Maybe your low wages and bad health is because you only give 30 percent effort. How would your life change if you increased focus and effort by an additional 50 percent? Only you can answer that question honestly.

We are all born with the capability to become successful. Embrace life and take full control of your destiny. Laugh at the challenges and turn them into opportunities.

Now, let’s all swing for the fences and have the life we truly deserve

Use fitness to reach new levels in life

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Recently, I was grocery shopping and ran into my friend Natasha Reyes, the owner and personal trainer of Fitt Life Fitness in League City.

We spoke and shared inspirational stories for about 30 minutes. But, what became apparent to me was how fitness and training builds confidence in people to take their lives to another level.

Natasha has helped countless people accomplish their goals through diet and fitness. And now, she is taking all the steps and learning to bring her experiences to whole new levels as a life coach. 

Because of my busy schedule, I only personally train one or two people at a time. Through the years, almost every one of these people built confidence to pursue higher levels in other areas in their lives. 

For example, one gentleman fixed air conditioners during the day, started taking college classes at night and now owns his own business. Another lady with low self-esteem lost over 30 pounds and built the confidence to pursue executive positions within her company. 

I could write about countless stories that would take up my column through the rest of the year, but I want to help focus on your current situation. 

Now, I’m not saying you need to be extreme or try to reach an elite physical level, but I am telling you to start a regular consistent exercise program. Pushing your body past its comfort zone will produce a natural high of endorphins in the brain.

Once you’ve progressed to one level of fitness, your body will crave more frequency and intensity to reach another level. The endorphins will overflow through your nervous system, which creates a desire to improve other areas in your life.

You’ll have the passion to move up in your company and find ways of increasing income. You’ll become more energetic, which leads to better quality of time with the spouse and kids. 

So, as Natasha has discovered and so will you, there are no boundaries and limits to keep reaching higher levels in life.    

Who is the hero saving your life?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2015

If you’ve been following my column, you’re familiar with my work in the medical industry. I’ve been involved with well over 1,000 knee replacements, plus I work with some outstanding medical professionals.

Recently, there was a situation where a patient went into cardiac arrest and my friend Ramon, who is a physician assistant, performed chest compressions for about 15 minutes and saved this man’s life.

Ramon was very humble over the situation and thought of it as another day on the job. 

Of course, we commend all other non-doctors who save lives like firefighters, EMS, nurses, policemen and women, and many others.

But, since this column is about “Simple Fitness,” it made me think about other professions that help save lives.

Let’s take nutritionists and personal trainers who do their best to change lives, but for some people, they’ve saved them or at least prolonged their lives.

There are people with diabetes, obesity and unhealthy lifestyles that are on the brink of catastrophe. They desperately needed guidance, planning, training and education to start or return to a healthier lifestyle.

But really, who is the biggest hero when it comes to saving your life? That person is you.

You’re the one who recognized that there’s a problem with what’s happened to your body. You realized that you no longer have control and a quicker death is inevitable. And now, you’re taking positive steps in seeking help.

You only have one life, take control for not only you, but for all the people who count on you. They deserve it and so do you.

If you want to lose weight, stop dieting

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, July 1, 2015

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, stop dieting. It seems like I give diet and fitness tips almost daily, but the problem is our definition of dieting.

Most people think of diets as a temporary reduction of food in order to lose weight. This definition is true except for the word “temporary.”

When it comes to losing weight, it should be a permanent change. Almost all of us have tried the many fad diet trends, but they don’t keep the weight off. There seems to be a diet war between all the choices. 

Remember Oprah Winfrey and the liquid diet? Her goal was to fit into a small size pair of Jordache jeans. She accomplished her goal, but we all witness the end results. Oprah said when she went back to her dressing room, she scarfed down a whole big bag of potato chips. Everyone I know who tried that diet became more overweight shortly after.  

When it comes to losing weight, you should be making a lifestyle change. Sometimes, my family thinks I’m kind of strange because I order grilled chicken salads when we are out to eat at a nice restaurant. I explained how much better and energetic I feel after a light, healthy dinner compared to the heavy, saturated meals.

Recently, my 14-year-old daughter decided to order the same light meals as me. To her surprise, the food was tasty, she felt full, and had a better overall feeling. 

The process of losing weight doesn’t have to be a burden. I find pleasure eating nature’s fresh foods. 

Without going into detail, here are a few quick lifestyle diet tips: avoid sodas and junk food, eat healthy snacks between meals to ward off hunger, eat breakfast, choose whole foods over processed, and, most of all, change your environment. 

Remember, if you don’t change lifestyle, the weight will always come back.

A clean diet doesn’t mean doing the dishes while eating chocolate cake.

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Consider investing in a personal trainer

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Have you ever walked into a gym and were overwhelmed by all the fitness equipment? It can be intimidating looking at the sea of weights and cardio machines. You probably felt like a high school freshman on the first day of school.

If you haven’t worked out in quite some time or need help accomplishing fitness goals, then seek a personal trainer.

There are many qualified trainers who will help acclimate to a gym environment. You’ll learn which weight lifting equipment targets specific muscle groups and how to activate cardio machines to burn calories.

A good trainer will listen to your specific goals and set up personalized programs to accomplish them. Trainers should be highly motivating, informative and completely focused on you during the hour training sessions.

Here is my personal advice in choosing a personal trainer. First of all, when starting a program, only invest in minimal amount of training sessions. You need to make sure there is a personality connection with your trainer, and they are truly involved with your fitness goals. You’ll have a tendency to purchase larger amounts of training sessions due to overall costs being lower, but you don’t want to be stuck and disappointed if this trainer isn’t for you.

Second, if the trainer is pushing you to purchase supplements and products, then they are only interested in making money. You don’t need to purchase any products when starting a fitness program. Your body will make improvements, and energy levels will increase by just getting in motion.

After a period of time, if you feel the need, then a qualified personal trainer or nutritionist will help set up a personalized diet program.

Remember, training sessions are your “Me Time”, so make the most out of it!