By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Probably, the most challenging component of losing weight is getting our diets in order. Americans are bombarded with fast-food marketing, large food portions and unlimited buffets.
So, as we are determined to lose weight, we continuously say to ourselves, “I’m not going to eat fast foods, fried foods, doughnuts or any unhealthy foods.” But what really happened is those particular foods salivate your brain, which in turn creates more cravings for them.
You must be more positive and proactive by saying, “I can’t wait for lunch to eat a grilled chicken or seared tuna salad with dark green crispy lettuce.” Keep repeating the desire for healthy foods and your body will want them.
The same goes to your workouts. Most people dread knowing they need to exercise after a day of work. You need to flip your thinking and get excited knowing the gym is a reward for a productive day.
In the morning, I lay out my gym clothes and charge my headphones. It’s my reminder that it’s another amazing day because I GET to exercise.
Let’s apply this type of positive thinking for all parts of life. You should wake up each morning excited knowing you have a job. You get to provide for your family and have a quality of life.
Once, my daughter Daylyn dropped an expensive bowl in the kitchen and it broke into many pieces. She looked at me with much concern. I thought about it for a moment and told her, “I didn’t like that old bowl anyway — good riddance.” We both laughed and cleaned it up together.
Now think about that. No matter what the situation was, that bowl was not coming back. I decided to not ruin her day or give myself unnecessary stress. Daylyn loves to tell that story and will probably, one day, use the same scenario with her kids.
Sometimes you’ve got to take a step back, breathe deep and realize how incredible life is.
I can’t take back what happened yesterday, but I’ve got full control of what’s happening now.
Stay positive and be kind to all.