Tag Archives: parenting

What’s your power play?

 By David Tepera, March 10, 2017

If you’re not familiar with the term “power-play,” it’s when one team has player advantage for a period of time because the other team has players in the penalty box. Of course, this means one team has more players in the game than the other. It’s during this time that a team must be more aggressive to score. The most popular known sports with this type of player offsets are ice hockey and water polo.

All teams strategize a series of power plays in order to take advantage and score as much as possible before the penalty time is over.

So, how do we apply power plays into our lives? Actually, many people are doing this and might not realize it.

Mental power is a great example. There are many high school graduates taking off for college hoping for an education that will lead to successful, powerful jobs. Some will — some won’t.

But, I think we can all agree that knowledge is the greatest power one can possess. This doesn’t always have to be through academic education because hands-on experience is at the top of the list.

Now, what happens when you utilize your mental power? You move up in your company with promotions and pay raises. You are put into more powerful positions with critical decision making and leadership roles. Or, you utilize a power play to start your own business or brand.

One power play we all have control of is physical power. Everything you do to your body is by choice. You can be lazy, undisciplined with loads of bad habits, or treat your body with healthier demanding choices.

Admit it, when we see people with athletic body types, we not only see beauty, but also discipline, confidence and power. It doesn’t matter, sex, race or age, if you project an athletic body, along with confidence, then you own the room.

I take my daughter Daylyn to school most mornings. We both use that time as an opportunity to uplift each other. Each day, we both face stresses of school and work, but choose to stay positive and find the good in each situation. It’s become our power play.

So now, throw your shoulders back, lift your head up high, give this world your best power play and make each day amazing.

Local father-son duo win fitness competition

Hi Fives: Posted: Saturday, December 17, 2016 

Congratulations to David and Dylan Tepera for taking first places in each of their divisions in a recent NSpire Sports League event. NSL is a world-wide competition that promotes healthy bodies.

David won two events in the men’s masters beach and athletic physique body categories, and Dylan won the teen beach body category.

What made this competition special for the pair is the fact David and Dylan were not just the only father and son duo, but at the age of 55 and 18, they were the oldest and the youngest competitors.

David and Dylan will be representing Galveston County come March 18, along with others, at Fit Life Fitness in League City.

Stay in bounds

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, December 13, 2016 

Most sports that use a ball for play will have an out-of-bounds line. Typically, within these sports, the ball is turned over to the opponent for going out-of-bounds.

Let’s use soccer for today’s lesson. Like many other sports, the whole idea is to move the ball down to the other side of the playing field to score a point in the opponent’s goal.

Of course, the drive down the field is not just a straight line. The other team will have defenders trying to steal the ball, knock you down with slide tackles, and force an out-of-bounds.

So, in order for a team to score, they’ll need protect the ball, go through or around defenders, and most importantly — stay in bounds.

Maneuvering the ball through defenders is a skill that takes practice and patience, but with persistence, will usually score a point.

I think we can all agree, our lives are like trying to score goals in soccer.

The soccer field represents our life’s journey. We are all doing our best to reach success and happiness. But, as we’ve learned, it’s not a fast straight line to reach our goals.

There will always be obstacles and people getting in your way to stop or slow down your progress. Just like in soccer, sometimes you have to regroup, take a step back and maneuver around them.

We all have human flaws too, so don’t get discouraged when you get sidetracked and fall out-of-bounds. I look at this period as a timeout. It’s easy to get depressed if you dwell on the mistake of falling off track.

Just know, you can’t control what happened yesterday, but today is all yours. So get back on the field and get moving again.

When I was coaching high school soccer, it was easy for my team to get frustrated when the opponent kept stealing the ball. But, I explained that we needed to step up to another level and focus on our game plan.

Never lose the will for the ultimate goal which is to score. It’s already within you. Create more passion with every attempt.

Now, just like in soccer, stick to your game plan in life and don’t stop until you’ve scored the winning point.

I can hear it now “Goooooaaaaal!”

Why are people addicted to junk food?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 

Recently, I was a guest speaker to a group of high school seniors. One student asked me my thoughts of why people become addicted to junk food.

The following reply is my explanation of why there’s an obesity epidemic that plagues our present-day society.

You see, back in the early days, there was only one parent working which was typically the father. The mother stayed home bearing all the responsibilities of raising children and house work.

Most all meals were prepared by mom using fresh vegetables and fruits from the garden or the local grocery store. All meats and fish came from area farmers and lakes. Eggs and dairy came from grass-fed cattle and chickens.

Now, I’m not saying all of mom’s meals were completely healthy because there was a lot of flour and grease used for cooking back then. But, it still wasn’t processed foods.

Fast forward to present day, and our American society has drastically changed. Now you have both parents working to create better financial security. Mom and dad put in a full day’s work and cooking becomes too great a chore. It’s much easier to grab precooked processed foods on the way home.

Your kids probably have multiple activities after school like dance rehearsals, baseball practice, karate lessons and so on. Both parents are going in multiple directions trying to accommodate the needs of each child. “Honey, you get food for Billy, and I’ll grab something for Suzie. See y’all later tonight.”

Also, present-day children’s lunchboxes are filled with foods that come in wrappers, boxes and juice packets. All these are loaded with sodium and sugar. Read the labels and you’ll be upset with yourself.

Lastly, I told the group of high school seniors, when you were kids, how often did you attend birthday parties on the weekends? Because we live in such crowded cities along with multiple activities, kids will have tons of friends. Which is fine, but they are probably eating birthday cake and ice cream almost every weekend.

So, how do we change these destructive eating habits in our crazy busy parenting lives?

You already know the answer. You must grocery shop and meal plan for the entire week. This includes breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. Give your kids a variety of veggies, fruits and nut treats to find out which are their favorites.

Parents, I know you’re busy and tired, but you must take a step back and teach your kids a healthier diet. You’re setting them up for a better quality of life.

Make it a great day

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Recently, I was listening to a radio interview with Troy Aikman, Hall of Famer and former quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys. Aikman was asked about his former wide receiver Michael Irvin. His response was how Irvin can turn an average practice into a great one with his enthusiasm and work ethic.

Let’s all think about how we can apply that same mentality and turn our average days into something great.First, start by recognizing and being thankful for everything you already have. I sometimes remind my kids that there are thousands of other kids who would love to trade places, so appreciate what you have.

Take your average day at work: complete unfinished projects, help a colleague or decide to treat others with more respect and make everyone’s day better.

Maybe when you get home this evening, instead of plopping on the couch, take a brisk walk and enjoy the outdoors.

Take the family to the park, their favorite restaurant, get ice cream or just find time to interact with them. Kids want parents to listen to them and be loved. I sometimes try to be sillier than my kids. They think I’m the biggest dork, and I love it.

When’s the last time you surprised your spouse with a random heartwarming hug along with a passionate kiss? Look at them and say “just because,” then walk away and leave them in shock. This could be your lucky day — wink wink.

Listen, we all battle the brutal world during our average days. Don’t let yourself get caught up going through life just making ends meet while being stuck in the same old routine.

Tap into your creative mind and start thinking outside the box. Find what you truly have a passion for and apply it into your daily life.

I have a passion for many things, but I get the biggest kick out multiple acts of kindness throughout my day.

I typically work in a variety of hospitals each week. So, I interact with complete strangers all day long via parking garages, elevators, offices and operating rooms. I always hold the door and greet people with a smiling, head-nodding hello.

At least I know, for one brief moment, that person had an opportunity to smile. They might be having a bad day, and that one smile helped them get back on track to a great day.

Now go for it and make it a great day, too.

Learn to get back up and never quit

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, August 30, 2016

As parents, one of the best lessons we can teach our children is to get back up after being knocked down. These lessons will be needed throughout their whole lives.

For example, when I was a youth soccer coach, it was countless how many times parents would run to their kid’s rescue after they fell from being tripped. The fallen kid would look for their parents then start crying.

Now wait a moment and keep reading before you get mad at me. There is a difference between being hurt and being injured.

At the beginning of each season, I would tell the parents that if your kid falls, I’m going to yell at them to get up and get back in the game. I wouldn’t give them an opportunity to cry or have their parent over-pamper them.

Also, once the kid was up and running, I would yell encouraging words letting them know how proud I was of their effort. Those kids always received extra high-fives from me.

It was amazing to watch a young kid learn to self-power and transform into a determined athlete.

The second part of this lesson is I never allowed my kids to quit any sport or activity either. It didn’t matter how much they weren’t enjoying it. I told them to finish the season, and if they never wanted to play again, then don’t.

Besides, my kids typically would end up liking that sport anyway. They just had a discouraging game or practice during a particular week.

Once we teach our kids to quit, quitting becomes a way of life. Believe me, my kids have deleted the “quit” word from their vocabulary.

I know a family whose parents came to their son’s rescue in every situation possible, not just sports. Their son never learned to get back up or problem-solve. They allowed him to quit every activity he was involved in. Now he’s in high school and has no ambition because quitting comes too easy.

Throughout our whole lives, we will be in situations that require us to find courage to never give up.

We’ll encounter divorce, unemployment, life-threatening diseases, death of love ones and so on.

Yes, you will fail, you’ll get hurt, and you’ll lose. But, you’ll also come from behind to win, cross the finish line and fight your way back in life.

You’ll always find a way to land back on your feet because quitting was never an option.

Change your destructive family patterns

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Have you ever noticed obese parents typically have obese children? How about athletic parents raising children athletes?

Of course this is one extreme to the other, plus this only pertains to percentages. There will always be outliers in every category.

You can use the same statistics for parents who have destructive habits. Why do their children take on the same behaviors? How come this pattern keeps being passed along the bloodline?

Maybe you were raised in a questionable environment. The good news is that you are the one who is willing to stop it. You are the family member who chooses to start a new tradition of a healthy environment for your children, who, in turn, will pay it forward.

I was fortunate to be raised by a father who was a high school coach. My sister Karen and I were exposed our whole lives to a variety of sports, especially football.

Recently, I was apologizing to my 15 year old daughter Daylyn for not exposing her to more girlie types of activities. She happens to be raised by a single dad who only knows sports.

Daylyn is so funny. She told me she hates high-heel shoes, and would rather be wearing sneakers and putting her hair in ponytails, anyway.

You see, I don’t have any artistic ability either. I just had to come to the conclusion that I can’t sing, draw, paint, play any musical instruments or cut-the-rug on a good day. My poor kids have the same DNA.

Believe me, I personally tried to do all the above, but to no prevail. So, I can only pass the family pattern of a healthy environment of exercise and diet.

What about all of you parents? Just know your kids are a product of their environment. Their success in life depends on your teachings. This doesn’t mean what you say, it means what you do.

I know a family whose children were raised in an active, healthy lifestyle. One child grew up and raised their children the same way. The other child grew up and decided to become lazy and undisciplined, and now their children suffer from adolescent diabetes.

Be the hero in your family and start a new branch on the family tree of strength and success. You just need to leap out of the destruction basement and hit the ground running.

You’ve got this!

If you want it, act like it

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday August 9, 2016

Recently, my daughter Daylyn tried out and made the freshman high school volleyball team. Daylyn explained to me how there’s such a big difference in skills between the varsity players compared to the subvarsity teams.

Even though it’s early, Daylyn is already concerned about reaching those higher skill levels in order to continue playing throughout high school.

I told her to study the best players on the varsity team. Watch not only their skills, but how they approach everything else. This includes practice, mannerisms, maturity, hustle and how they respond to coaches.

Get in your mind that you’re already a varsity player and to start acting like it as a freshman. Don’t wait until you’re a senior, be that character of a player now.

This really made a lot of sense to Daylyn, and she took it to heart.

Now, let’s think about your ambitions. Do you want to move up in your company? Are you the worker you’d want to promote?

Then start acting like you have that position and be the leader within your current status. You should dress for the position, improve work ethics and treat others with respect. These qualities will get you there.

Let’s think about other categories of our lives. Are you the spouse you would want? The child to be proud of? The neighbor you want next door? The friend to count on during troubled times?

Only you can answer that honestly.

Of course, we’ve all let people down in each of those categories. But, the good news is today we get to start all over. We can make all positive changes immediately.

We all have the qualities to be amazing people. When you encourage others to step up their game, your own self-worth will soar. You’ll reach heights of success and happiness that dreams are made of.

Remember, strong people don’t put others down, they lift them up.

All you have to do is start acting like the person you want and desire to be.

What choices will you make today?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Friday, July 29, 2016

Each morning, we wake to a full day of choices. Every thought and every action is based on a series of choices.

One of the greatest beauties of being human, is we get to make our own decisions about how we live our lives.

You get to decide on clothes, cars, neighborhoods, friends, spouses, diets, exercise and so on. But, most importantly — how you treat others.

Whatever and wherever you are in life, is due to all the choices you’ve made to date. Now think about that for a moment.

If you’re not happy or you’re miserable, then maybe it’s time to change your thought process by being a more positive and caring person.

Take a hard look in the mirror, reflect on yourself and understand why life hasn’t gone as planned.

To turn it all around and get back on track, start by changing your stinking thinking. Recognize when your thoughts are negative and find something positive to focus on.

For me, when situations aren’t going well, I’ve trained myself to find all the reasons to be thankful. I recognize life could be so much worse.

This starts first thing in the morning when I wake. My first thought of each morning is, “Wow, I’m alive and I get to go out into this beautiful world today.”

It took some time, but once I forgave everyone who wronged me, unnecessary stress vanished. Now, I find beauty in everyone and life has never been better.

My kids have learned to interact with people because I’m always striking up conversations with total strangers. To me, everyone has a story, plus I’m truly interested. That’s why I share so many stories in my column.

Just remember, your thoughts become actions, and your actions will determine your true character. That character is how we perceive you.

So, what choices will you make today? Choose to be happy because you can turn your life around with just one choice.

Turn weaknesses into strengths

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 

We all have strengths and weaknesses in every category of life. This includes job experience, relationships, spiritual, self-confidence, diets and habits.

I can’t express strongly enough the importance of competition from childhood throughout adult life. You learn to gauge your strengths and weakness compared to others competing in the same event. When you lose, you discover your weaknesses. When you win, you’re rewarded for your strengths.

We all hate to expose our weaknesses because we’re afraid others will judge us unfairly. But you must learn to pick yourself up and target those weaknesses. It will only make strengths even stronger.

The most obvious example is the sport of boxing. It’s almost certain the outcome is determined by who can protect the body and counter punch. If you can’t do this better than your opponent, you’ll get knocked out.

The biggest discovery is when you can turn a weakness into your strongest asset.

Believe me, I have many weaknesses, and I really do my best to overcome them.

All my years in school and college, my weakest academic class was English. It always dropped my GPA, even though it was still moderately high. I hated writing papers because my grammar was embarrassingly poor.

My English teacher in high school was Mrs. Watts. I think she only passed me because I was dating her daughter. Come on now, that wasn’t my strategy. I really did like her daughter.

When The Galveston County Daily News asked me to become a columnist, I was scared to expose my writing weakness to sports editor James LaCombe. James became my mentor and helped edit my articles until I became a strong writer.

I now write almost daily and it’s become my biggest passion. I also write for a monthly magazine, have written a play and started a feature film.

It still amazes me that I used to hide behind my weakness, but now I’m most known for it.

What about you? I bet if you worked on your weaknesses at work, you’ll start making more money and get promotions.

Most people’s weaknesses are bad diets and poor exercise habits. Make a stance and do something about it. Your whole life will change — I promise.

Today is the day to accept your weaknesses, pour energy into them and become stronger than you could ever imagine.