Category Archives: Fitness

New procedure gets results on trouble spots

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, June 28, 2016

It is almost rare for me to write an article on the results from a new product on the market. Most of the time, I only give an impression from a first experience. I felt compelled to let you in on this treatment.

Just know, what I’m about to write, I have no financial stake nor will receive any financial benefits.

I just completed a series of six sessions from an ultrasound liposuction called Vanquish. I’m the typical 50-something-year-old man with the trouble spot of lower back fat. I will usually go on a very strict, lengthy, disciplined diet in order to trim that part of my body, but the fat returns within a short period.

To my amazement, Vanquish worked extremely well — with continuing improvements. My back fat is almost completely gone, plus still disappearing to never return.

Don’t we all have troubled areas like upper arms, thighs, buttocks and midsections? Some of us are habitual in our workouts, but just can’t get rid of those particular stubborn areas.

Maybe you have a wedding coming soon, a tropical vacation, want to make a former spouse jealous, or just the need to feel more confident and sexy.

Here’s how it works: Vanquish uses ultrasound waves that destroys fat cells. The machine is draped over the problem areas while you’re lying down. It’s a nice warm sensation that’s totally pain-free.

Each time I attended one of my sessions, I would randomly talk to other clients about their results. One lady lost 4 inches off her thighs, and an average man lost two belt sizes.

There were people of all shapes and sizes getting the results they wanted. Even female competitors were there to dial in the tightest waist possible.

The one important key note I took from all the clients, including myself, it’s by the fourth session where the results start kicking in. That’s because it typically takes 21 days for your body to metabolize the dead fat cells.

The particular facility I used with amazing results is Skinny Sculpt in Friendswood. There are people driving as far as the Woodlands and beyond.

Skinny Sculpt has many other treatments for cellulite, turkey-neck, collagen building, skin tightening and even female intimate area rejuvenation.

If interested, check out or call 281-532-6375. Dustin Moore is the owner, but any of the well-trained staff will be of assistance.

Flip your thinking to accomplish goals

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Probably, the most challenging component of losing weight is getting our diets in order. Americans are bombarded with fast-food marketing, large food portions and unlimited buffets.

So, as we are determined to lose weight, we continuously say to ourselves, “I’m not going to eat fast foods, fried foods, doughnuts or any unhealthy foods.” But what really happened is those particular foods salivate your brain, which in turn creates more cravings for them.

You must be more positive and proactive by saying, “I can’t wait for lunch to eat a grilled chicken or seared tuna salad with dark green crispy lettuce.” Keep repeating the desire for healthy foods and your body will want them.

The same goes to your workouts. Most people dread knowing they need to exercise after a day of work. You need to flip your thinking and get excited knowing the gym is a reward for a productive day.

In the morning, I lay out my gym clothes and charge my headphones. It’s my reminder that it’s another amazing day because I GET to exercise.

Let’s apply this type of positive thinking for all parts of life. You should wake up each morning excited knowing you have a job. You get to provide for your family and have a quality of life.

Once, my daughter Daylyn dropped an expensive bowl in the kitchen and it broke into many pieces. She looked at me with much concern. I thought about it for a moment and told her, “I didn’t like that old bowl anyway — good riddance.” We both laughed and cleaned it up together.

Now think about that. No matter what the situation was, that bowl was not coming back. I decided to not ruin her day or give myself unnecessary stress. Daylyn loves to tell that story and will probably, one day, use the same scenario with her kids.

Sometimes you’ve got to take a step back, breathe deep and realize how incredible life is.

I can’t take back what happened yesterday, but I’ve got full control of what’s happening now.

Stay positive and be kind to all.

My first experience with cryotherapy

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, April 12, 2016 

Recently, an ex-body builder and good friend of mine told me about a new treatment called cryotherapy and how it helped him and his wife feel amazingly better.

I was already somewhat familiar with cryo because I knew superstar athletes were using it. I never thought much about it since I’m a common man.

Well, my friend sent me to I-Cryo in League City to meet with the owner and manager Kyle Jones to find out what this new craze is all about.

After a brief cryotherapy education from Kyle, I stepped into the I-Cryo unit for a 3-minute session. I went in at level one, which dropped the temperature to negative-220 degrees.

Yes, it was cold, but bearable since it’s cooled by nitrogen. Oh, did I mention the only thing you’re wearing is gloves and socks? So men, use the gloves to keep the boys covered and warm — if you know what I mean.

To my amazement, I felt great and had extra energy throughout the rest of day, even my aching joints were better. To understand the full benefit package, go to

But, what impressed me the most was the knowledge and expertise Kyle Jones possessed. Not only did Kyle have a bachelor’s degree in exercise science, but he had a passion to help others through a whole new method.

Kyle took the last 2 1/2 years of his life to study cryotherapy and meet with medical professionals and manufacturing companies to bring the best product and business model to his clients.

Bottom line, Kyle made it affordable for all of us common people. Kyle takes the time to educate all clients, so you’ll completely understand the full benefit and positive effects on your body.

Kyle told me that a few years back, he made a life-altering decision to dedicate his life to helping people without any returns. To him, it’s not about money, it’s about changing one life at a time.

Formula helps coaches reach kids

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, February 23, 2016

We all love to hear compliments from others. It typically inspires and motivates us to elevate ourselves with the tasks at hand.

Recently, a parent friend of mine named Scott volunteered to coach youth sports. Scott was asking my advice for a method to get kids to listen and be encouraged to learn the skills he was teaching.

Each year, there are a lot of new parent volunteer coaches and maybe this article might be of help. Also, parents just know I use this same technique on my own kids to get them to complete chores and other responsibilities.

The formula I’ve put together is as follows: compliment — explain problem or skill needed — solution — encouragement.

Let’s take youth soccer for our example. Little Bobby keeps kicking the ball with the front tip of his cleats, which is very common among beginners. I’ve been trying to teach him, but he’s not correcting the mistake.

I start off telling Bobby how impressed I am with his speed and how he is one of the fastest players on the team. But, if you would start kicking the ball on the proper placement of your cleats, then I could move you into a position to score points.

As long as you keep kicking with the front part of cleats, I’ll have to keep you in a defensive position. Bobby, you’re an amazing player and we are lucky to have you on our team. I know you can do this. Now, give me a high-five and show me what you’ve got.

I guarantee Bobby feels great about himself and starts doing his best to kick properly.

For all you youth soccer coaches, here’s a little trick that helps kids to kick properly.

I would put white medicine tape on the contact areas of cleats, so when they get dirty, the kids know the kicks were correct.

Now, when it comes to disciplining our kids, I’m sure most of us learned old-school methods from our parents, if you know what I mean. But, try my formula. It has worked very well for me to which my kids have learned to stay responsible.

Take action and change your life

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Typically we all have areas in our lives that need improving. We can make a choice to take action or no action. Whatever the results become, it’s from your decision.

I often hear from people complaining about being overweight, being in bad relationships and disliking their jobs. My first question is, “what steps have you taken to change it?

Sometimes we have to create a new chapter in our lives. This can be scary because it takes us out of our comfort zone and requires time and perseverance.

A few years back, there was a young man named Clay who had built his body into an impressive specimen. Clay was not happy with his current occupation and wanted to break into the fitness environment to become a personal trainer.

I introduced Clay to a gym owner who gave him an opportunity to chase his dreams. Clay started out very inspiring and was building a strong cliental. But once Clay became comfortable with his new lifestyle and income, he started slacking and taking time off. I even paid him to train my kids, but each week we didn’t know if Clay would show up or not.

Clay came to me depressed because he was losing business, and most of his clients started using other trainers.

I explained to Clay that when you’re chasing dreams, starting a business or improving areas of life, that it requires full focus and dedication. People are investing their hard-earned money and time in you. You have to be accountable at their request, not on your time.

Clay experienced that taking action changed his life, but his non-action led to failure and depression.

So, what area in your life needs improvements? Are you whining and complaining or taking action?

Trust your instincts and gut feelings. Put a plan in place and step out of your comfort zone. Taking the first step builds confidence to take another. Before you know it, you’ll be running to the end zone to score a touchdown on life.

I’m doing it. You can do it. We can all take action and create an amazing journey together.

Reach new levels with a good wingman

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Having a strong wingman will help elevate your skill set. In my day, it was Scottie Pippin with Michael Jordan and John Stockton with Karl Malone. One of today’s most known wingmen is Klay Thompson with Stephen Curry.

Arguably these particular wingmen would be superstars on mediocre teams. But without them, how well would their teams had done?

So, who’s your wingman? I’m sure you have one and might not be utilizing them.

Do you have a spouse, business partner, co-workers or a training partner?

There’s truly not a more important wingman than your spouse. You’ve planned to spend the rest of your life together and will need support and strength in every aspect and adventure in life.

How about your business partner? Do you both have a common goal of wealth with integrity? Are you sharing the same investment of capital and work ethic?

I once had a business partner in a medical equipment company that required us to meet at patients’ homes after their surgery to set them up on rehab machines. The timing was critical to ease patients’ pain.

My partner started slacking and would go to the gym or take long dinners before helping. I gave him a fair sum of money and eliminated his name from the business. My reputation was on the line.

Choosing the right training partner is critical in order to obtain fitness goals. It doesn’t matter what challenges you faced during the day, when you step into the gym, it’s game on with exciting encouragement.

A good training partner will not let you fail because each session should make you better, stronger and faster.

If your wingman becomes undependable and gives regular excuses, then it’s adios amigos. Let them hang out with other lazy people while you sculpt a swimsuit body.

So now, what character traits does your wingman have? Don’t forget, you’re someone’s wingman, too. Maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your life and step up your game and those around you.

Let’s make this life journey together and be everyone’s wingman.

Use Christmas gifts for fitness motivation

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 

Oh yes, it’s Christmas holiday time and Santa’s bringing gifts with cheer.

There are many of you who will be receiving something in the arena of fitness. This could be anything from athletic clothes to exercise equipment.

My advice is to take whatever the gift may be and use it for motivation.

I often hear from people explaining how some new exercise gadget is really working, plus it’s made their muscles sore and helped lose weight.

I always ask “were you doing any type of exercise before you bought the gadget?” The typical answer is “no.” So, this means it became your motivation.

For example, there’s an abundance of abdominal equipment that claim to give tighter abs and lose weight. And, when people do try them, they feel soreness and some benefit for the very first time.

Yes, this is exciting and great news that it’s working. But, again, my question is “when’s the last time you performed a situp?” It’s probably been years.

Did you know that if you would just lie down, put your feet under the couch and start doing situps that you might feel the same soreness? Plus, it wouldn’t cost any money.

My message is not to discourage or make you feel ignorant for spending money on possibly unnecessary exercise equipment, but really, just the opposite.

I want you to embrace whatever gift received or personally bought and use it as motivation.

I don’t care how odd the gadget may seem. Just get on it, put it on and use it to get your body in motion. Use it every day and make it a part of your daily routine.

What will follow is the habit of exercising. Then you’ll build confidence and start exploring other areas of fitness. Fitness, diet and exercising will become a way of life and the world will open new doors.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, now get excited for the new exercise toys and start changing your life.

Just like in football, there’s a 2-minute warning in life

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2015

We are all familiar with the 2-minute warning in the game of football. It’s when there’s only 2 minutes left on the game clock in the second and fourth quarter.

This time period is critical because teams must strategize according to the score, especially the fourth quarter since it will determine a win or loss.

To me, we all receive a 2-minute warning in the game of life. How many of you have serious health issues, and your doctor has told you to change your lifestyle or a major surgery or even death will follow?

How about an abusive relationship in which the last episode was one too many?

Maybe your employer is not recognizing your qualifications and experience and keeps passing you on promotions and pay raises?

It’s possible, that under certain circumstances, it’s not wise to make a haste decision by quitting or walking away too soon. The quick results could be devastating.

Now it’s time to keep a cool head, a wise mind and put a winning strategy in place.

If it’s pertaining to your health, seek out professional help to not only change your diet and exercise regime, but for mental support as well.

If its relationship issues, then reach out to family and certain friends and put a plan in place to remove yourself. Some or most of the time children are involved and your decisions affects their well-being.

Of course, it’s possible higher authoritative help is needed. Just depends on individual circumstances.

When it comes to occupational changes, it might be time to update a resume, join LinkedIn and start networking with people in your field of choice.

Now, this is your 2-minute warning. Start strategizing, work on your plan and win this awesome but challenging game of life.

Life is too precious, and we all deserve the best life possible.

Now is the time to start New Year’s resolutions

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Well, I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving feast and all the tasty nondiet foods. Last week I gave you a pass to eat anything and as much as you want without any guilt.

Now, what typically happens to most people is you consider the holiday season and cold weather months as a time to blow off healthy diets.

You’re already trying to fool yourself that January will be different this time. This is a huge mistake in which you set yourself up for failure once again.

Be honest, this is the same destructive cycle you do every year. Snap out of it. It’s never worked, so why is this year different?

The truly best way to reach your 2016 diet and exercise goals is to start right now.

Developing habits and routine takes some time. If you get started now, then you’ll be in the zone by January to accomplish all those goals.

Yes, I know, there will be Christmas and office parties, family gatherings, and lots of homemade cookies and milk for Santa. But that’s even more reason to start now to improve diets and exercise.

The only way to battle through all the holiday calories is a consistent exercise program. Your biggest obstacle will be cleaning up your diet, but at least the party season will be over and excuses should stop.

Believe me, I understand the challenges. I made an eating fool of myself at Nanna’s house, but I started exercising the very next day. Oh my goodness, I was so sluggish and felt like a fat slob.

I went to the gym and walked 20 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on an eclipse machine, 30 minutes on a stationary bike and ended in the sauna.

Even though I didn’t feel like going back to the gym yet, I knew it’s time to start getting back on the path of a healthier lifestyle. It has taken a few days, but I’ve already made a commitment to make 2016 the best year ever.

Don’t wait until 2016 to make New Year’s resolutions. Make a promise to yourself to change your life now.

Allow the month of December for diet and exercise failures. You need this time to stumble while better habits are being formed. Start crawling, so when January comes, you’ll be running.

There’s a beautiful person staring back at you in the mirror. Fall in love with yourself, take care of that amazing body and make tomorrow the best day ever.

What’s the secret to stay trim and fit?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Just know this article is not a “look at me” moment. There’s a reason and purpose, so keep reading.

I am 54 years old, 5 feet, 11 inches tall and weigh 195 pounds. I have a very low body fat percentage with six pack abs on most days. If you need proof, go to my blog —

I eat at our local doughnut shop Saturday mornings and McDonalds for lunch on Sundays. I usually eat seven to eight times a day and never go hungry. Typically, I have two breakfast sessions each morning before heading out the door. Also, I eat a handful of chocolate every night before bed.

I rarely drink or eat anything fat and sugar free, except sweet-n-low in coffee and tea.

So, what’s my secret? If you’ve been reading my column during the past year, then you know the answer. It’s as simple as consistency and frequency. It’s really all the little adjustments I do throughout each day.

For example: I work in multiple hospitals and use many parking garages each day and week. I rarely use the elevators and walk with a faster pace than most people.

When eating fast foods, I order grilled chicken wraps or sandwiches with no sauce or fries and take off the top bun.

All my meals throughout the day and evening are of moderate portions. I only eat to be satisfied, not full stomach. I carry a gallon of water in my car and chug on it all day.

I keep my carb portions to a minimal and almost none by dinner. My protein intake is at least 200 grams a day which is important to maintain muscle mass.

I created my own bag of raw nuts and fruits to snack on each time hunger strikes.

You need to keep your metabolism constantly working. When you stuff your face, your metabolism will shut down because all your body’s energy goes into digesting food. That’s why you get sleepy and lazy.

I stopped exercising with extreme intensity almost 15 years ago. But, I do lift weights four to five times a week and cardio-train five to six times a week.

Because of my age, weightlifting is more on the heavy side and targets every muscle group in the body.

Around 35 to 40 years of age, men’s testosterone levels decrease each year, and hanging on to muscle mass becomes a challenge. Heavy weight lifting will help.

My cardio training mainly consists of bike riding in the gym or through neighborhoods. I only keep a moderate pace and rarely with heavy breathing. It depends on the song in my headphones.

Bottom line, I’ve been doing this with consistency and frequency for over 10 years. Of course, I tweak the diet and exercise periodically, but really never taking time off.

Start today by making one healthy adjustment to your routine, then each week — add another. Within a few months, you’ll notice not only the physical change, but mental well-being as well.