By David Tepera, July 5, 2023

Take a good look at your life, and put the focus on all the successes. How much time and dedication did it take to reach your level of education or the title of your occupation?

You might’ve been passed up for promotions in the past, but instead of quitting, you stepped your game up and got a better offer.

How about those of you who’ve reached greater levels of health and fitness? I’m always impressed with people who challenge themselves in fitness. How many of you have ran a marathon, triathlon, MS 150 bike race, Iron Man competition or fill in the fitness blank?

How many failures and sacrifices did it take before you completed one of those races? When I competed in martial arts, I received many black eyes, bruises and bloody noses in order to being ranked in Texas.

There are many of you with artistic skills who can play an instrument, sing, draw, paint or possess the gift of writing. How many learning curves and failures happened along the way to create its beauty?

Believe me, I have no artistic ability whatsoever. I can’t sing, draw, play an instrument, and I can only cut-the-rug if I have a six pack of confidence. Just the oldies will get that joke.

But, I did develop a gift of writing through many failures. James LaCombe, the sports editor of this paper, mentored me to become a better writer.

Those of you who been following me through the years, I chose to bring people together, but to also challenge you personally. It’s easy to find people out there who want to divide us and for you to fail. Nope, we are all in this together, and we should have each other’s back.

Whatever you have succeeded in, you had to pass many failures along the way. Otherwise, you really don’t understand the value of success.

To me, people who won’t take responsibility and expect people to give them a handout will never feel the benefit of success. Quit blaming others for your failures.

Now, what are you striving for? What’s your next plan of success? Accept the failures along the way because they will help develop character. The most successful people I know are the most humble and kindest people to meet.

When you find a way to help others, you will find the greatest reward, and to me, that’s success.