By David Tepera, December 20, 2023

Listen, we all have faults and bad habits, but it shouldn’t be what defines us.

At one time, the biggest idiot I knew was me, so I am never one to cast stones. Here are a couple of questions for you: Based on your character, are you the person you would want to date? Are you the person you would hire? And, lastly, when my children were young, I asked them if they were the kids they would want to raise?

Now, start answering those questions honestly. Just know, that over the past decade or so, physical appearance was not what I found attractive in people. If you have confidence and treat people respectfully, then you are beautiful in my eyes, plus we are lucky to have you in this world. These should be the people we all want.

We all have a story, and that’s what defines our character. Yes, you can have a rough upbringing, but you get to choose how you will treat others. I know people who had abusive alcoholic parents, but chose to become philanthropists. And then there are others with silver spoons, who judge and degrade common people.

If you think about it, why should we care about others’ choice of religion, sexual orientation, race or politics? If you’re a good person, then you wish the best for everyone, so let’s embrace each other and be the person we would want.

Just know, that’s the main reason I still write a column for The Daily News. I love bringing us all together, and the weekly emails I receive humble this old guy.

Interesting story, this past weekend, Tina and I took our mothers on a quick trip to Boerne. We stayed in a beautiful house given to us by one of our clients. Christmas in Boerne and Fredericksburg was absolutely beautiful and memorable.

What my mom doesn’t know until she reads this article is that the reason I kept opening her door to my truck when she was getting in was because of my love for her. She kept telling me to stop opening her door. I didn’t do it because I had to, I did it because I get to. One day, I won’t be able to open doors for anyone, but today, I get to open the door for my mom. Lucky me.

Now it’s time to take a deep look at ourselves. Try to only focus on your good qualities that make others’ lives better. Today, we will spread love and happiness because that’s the person we would want.