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Watch the many testimonial videos, read success stories, and learn from the instructional video.
Have fun creating a new body, and invite a friend to join in the partner techniques.
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By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, June 3, 2015
I once read, “you can wish for gold, but unless you’re digging some dirt, you’re not going to find any.”
This message is for all parts of life. Don’t we all want to make more money, find that perfect job, lose weight and get in better shape?
I can’t tell you how many people have said to me, “I need to lose this gut.” I’ve led countless people to diet and exercise programs, but unless you’re digging some dirt, you’re going to stay fat. We’ve all heard, “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.”
It’s your body, your life, and it’s your destiny. You are the only one who has full control.
I’m going on 54 years of age, and have grown a passion to inspire and motivate people in their business and personal lives.
The Daily News has given me a wonderful opportunity to reach people with hopes of changing lives. I receive numerous emails of how my articles have done just that.
Because of your emails and motivational speaking, my passion has strengthened, so I’m digging lots of dirt to pursue additional opportunities.
I’ve contacted other well-known newspapers, made phone calls, written emails, letters and sent packages to broadcasting stations. I’ve Linkedin with high-profile professionals for stronger connections.
Sooner or later, from all the digging, someone will give me the opportunity to reach a broader base of people.
What do you really want out of life? Remember, you are never too old or too young. My children started a foundation when they were only 8 and 10 years old. They’ve helped thousands of families through The Dekeday Foundation —
You can no longer control what happened yesterday, but you can start making steps forward right now.
Start by taking action, dig up some dirt and discover gold. The true reward is within you to have the body and life you wish for.
By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, May 27, 2015
There’s no secret, America is the fattest country on earth. Our obesity rate is skyrocketing, and it’s one of the many reasons medical insurance is costly.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one-third or 78.6 million U.S. adult citizens are obese. It’s estimated that the annual medical costs of obesity was $147 billion in 2008 and has now climbed to $300 billion.
Now, I’m not going to list the variety of reasons for this atrocity, but will focus on one aspect all of us can control.
For some reason, Americans are obsessed with large food portions. We search for restaurants known to dish out oversized platters. Look around and you’ll see the explosion of buffet restaurants. Typically, for less than $10, you can stuff your face and feel like you ate your money’s worth. But, what really happened? You overloaded your body with probably low-quality food cooked in large amounts of sodium, unhealthy grease, and saturated in butter.
When tourists from other countries visit America, they are shocked on the size of our food portions.
What’s happened is we are all programed from childhood to finish off the food put on our plates. Our parents taught us not to leave or waste food. This thought process has been passed down since the Great Depression of the 1930s. And now, through current era, we are all accustomed to overloading our plates with the learned pattern of finishing it.
I’m not one who measures food portions and more than likely, neither are you. If you question yourself about food portions, then lift up your shirt. There’s your answer.
Here are a few tips:
1. Use smaller plates, bowls and cups
2. Eat salads, soups and veggies first, meats and proteins second, and carbs last.
3. When eating out, ask for an extra plate and share meals. It’s cheaper, plus you can have dessert.
4. Eat when you’re hungry and stop when satisfied. I eat six to seven times a day.
How many of you have heard the words “wow, have you lost weight?” If not, it starts with smaller food portions.
By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, May 20, 2015
During my kids’ sports seasons, we had a serious discussion. I wanted them to recognize their potential skill level in order to improve their game.
I let them know that they are really good players like most of their teammates. But, now it’s time to separate yourself and become one of the great players.
Great players fight to the end, no matter what the score reflects. Even if your team is getting slaughtered, you should be the leader that never gives up. Be the player who wants the ball with seconds left, and defend like your life depended on it.
You want to walk away knowing you put in every effort possible. That my friend, will earn you respect from players and coaches.
We should all take that “great” attitude into our adult lives in order to truly accomplish goals. Are you a good or great employee, spouse or parent?
If you’re trying to improve health, do you exercise and diet sometimes or every day?
Who’s the leader in your family, work place or community?
Challenge yourself, step up your game, and attack each day with full focus on the tasks at hand. Develop the habit of winning and not accepting defeat. You only fail when you give up.
When life becomes a challenge, it’s your opportunity to develop strong character.
Don’t tip-toe through life and settle on being just good at something. Learn to go from good to great.
As the late, great Zig Ziglar always stated, “see you at the top.”
By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Do you want to lose weight, start a business, write a book, or accomplish something completely out of your knowledge?
We all have a specific set of goals needing attention. The problem is, sometimes, we really don’t know how to get started.
I found the best path to reaching my goals was to find a mentor. There’s always someone who’s been down your path that has mastered your goals.
Seek out that person, tell them your passion, and ask for advice. I promise, everyone enjoys feeling like the expert, and will gladly give tips and pointers.
Now, don’t make the mistake and ask someone to take you under their wing and show you the ropes. That old “saying” needs be thrown away. Nobody has time for that. You should only ask a mentor for a few tips or one big piece of advice. Make sure, your very next step is exactly what they advised you to do. Otherwise, don’t bother them again. No one wants to keep giving advice to someone not putting their words into action.
I desperately needed help when first starting my column for The Daily News. Sports editor James LaCombe became my mentor. He helped adjust my writing skills to format a newspaper. Believe me, in the beginning, he had to correct plenty of mistakes. Now, he barely has to correct any, if at all.
James told me it takes lots and lots of practice, so that’s what I do. I practice writing my columns every day. I’ve actually written many others that may never get published.
How passionately do you really want to accomplish your goals? Seek out a mentor and pursue your dreams. Get out of your comfort zone and have the life you want and deserve.
By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, April 8, 2015
I have several friends who are competitive body builders, fitness and figure professionals. It’s quite remarkable to watch them prepare for an upcoming competition show. The intensity, dedication and extreme diet they go through is almost indescribable.
My friend Frances Field, NPC Figure Champion, happened to be training and preparing in the gym recently. I typically strike up a conversation with Frances and her husband, but that day was not the day. She would have eaten me up.
Frances was frantically performing speed drills on different cardio machines, then sprinted through the gym, followed by push-ups and jumping jacks, then sprinted back to the cardio machines, only to repeat the process over and over.
I promise, everyone, got out of her way, for she had the “eye of the tiger.”
Her intensity, made me think about my own workouts. I sometimes find myself just going through the motions, watching the clock, not putting in much effort and practically wasting my time.
After observing Frances, I decided to kick up my intensity a few notches. I was lifting weights, so I added heavier weights with less rest in between sets. Within a few minutes, sweat was pouring out, my heart rate was up, the endorphins were kicking in, and I was feeling like Superman. Well, maybe more like Superman’s father. I am getting a little older, but you get my point.
Next time you’re starting any type of exercise, try using competitive intensity, and psych yourself up with a purpose of accomplishing goals.
One famous philosophy of the great Jhoon Rhee, father of American Tae Kwon Do — “It’s not how much time you put into it, but how much you put into the time.”
Think about it.
By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, April 15, 2015
I once had the opportunity to judge the long-jump event for track and field day at an elementary school.There was a very athletic fifth grade girl named Jackie, who was expected to break the school record.
After her first attempt, Jackie landed about four inches shy of the record. She asked me to show her where the school record was located and to mark it. Jackie starred at the marked record for a few seconds then prepared for her next jump. She eventually smashed the school record by nearly seven inches.
It took me a few years to understand how Jackie accomplished that feat. We all have mental goals for different parts of our lives. But, unless we can truly see them and feel them, our goals typically won’t be accomplished.
What are your goals in life? Be that of ideal-weight, running a marathon, dream job, life partners, or maybe an expensive house or car. Everyone has a different list.
Write down your goals, find pictures of them, and place them on your bathroom mirror, refrigerator, dashboard of your car, and on your office desk.
You need these as constant reminders of what you want to accomplish. Do not look at them as a want or wish list, but produce the feeling as if you have already accomplished them. Walk through your daily lives as if you own those possessions, have that dream job, or ideal body weight.
When you can feel the presence of each goal, you will attract them into your lives. Don’t worry about how and when it will happen, just know it manifests through your intense power.
There’s a young lady named Cortney, who wanted to lose weight. I had her cut out pictures of herself when she was much thinner and place them around her house as a constant visual reminder of what she really looks like. Over the past several months, Cortney has lost over 20 pounds.
Use your “power of attraction” and place your goals all around you. I bet you’ll fly through the air and smash records like a fifth grade girl named Jackie
By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Late last year while exercising in my local gym, I noticed a woman, probably in her 40s, training a young lady who had to be around 20 years of age. It was obvious that the younger lady was mentally challenged, for she never smiled, never talked or made eye contact with anyone.
Because of my curiosity, I struck a conversation to enquire about their situation. The older woman’s name was Vickie, and she told me that she had recently become Sarah’s guardian. Vickie also mentioned that since she regularly worked out in the gym, she decided to start taking Sarah with her.
I expressed my surprise and joy to Vickie, then asked how Sarah, under her circumstances, was able to accomplish this transformation?
Vickie’s reply was that due to Sarah’s disability, she can only focus on one task at a time and gives it 100 percent effort. This is part of her mentality that helps her function in life.
Sarah noticed I was complimenting her because she looked deep into my eyes and produced a huge smile. My heart melted, and all I could do in return was to nod my head with a warming grin.
There are two “take-aways” from Sarah’s story. First, if we could all learn to give 100 percent focus on the task at hand, how more productive and organized our lives would be — be that occupational, educational, projects, relationships, spiritual, fitness and diet.
Second, I don’t have a PHD, but how many other mentally or physically challenged people would benefit from the use of a gym?
One thing I do know for certain, getting yourself in better shape produces confidence and endorphins.
Because of my crazy workout schedule, I haven’t seen Vickie and Sarah since then. But, the lesson learned from Sarah, will last me a lifetime.