Category Archives: Dekeday Foundation

A children’s nonprofit organization to help and inspire families and people of all ages.
Founded in 2009 by David, Dylan and Daylyn Tepera


By David Tepera, July 27, 2022

As most of you know, even though we train people of all ages, our gym caters mostly to the older generation. A large portion of our weight lifting clients are in their 70s, with some in their 80s. I thoroughly enjoy our many conversations.

You see, I’m 61 years old, and my great grandmother, who I knew very well, was born in 1898. To me, I think it sounds very old that I knew relatives from the 1800s.

A little side note, in 1898, William McKinley was the 25th President of the United States until he was assassinated Sept. 14, 1901 after leading the nation to victory in the Spanish-American War. His presidency raised protective tariffs to promote American industry.

Now, back to training our older population. I get to hear all the lost words of my elder relatives. Let me throw some out at you to see if it brings back memories, but I’m hopeful some of you are still using.

We all know the lazy guy who’s just “hem hawing” around. I promise, the “proof is in the pudding.” We had fun at the beer joint because we “cut the rug” all night.

How many of you wake you in the middle of the night because of a “Charlie horse?” Some of our male clients are old, so I guess that makes them an “old geezer.”

Why in the “tarnation” are you making all that “racket?” Can’t you do that “over yonder?”

We all know you’re full of “bologna,” so quit making a “fuss” about it.

Anyway, I’m sure most of you have your own list of “lost words.” I truly miss all my older relatives, especially those on my Czech side because the language will be lost after my sister and I.

My mission for all you older folks. You must somehow find a way to reach our younger generation. I feel they are getting lost when it comes to good values, respect and hard work ethic.

Believe me, there’s one thing you can do to get the attention of your grandchildren or younger relatives, and that is through exercise.

As I mentioned, the clients in their 70s can all flash a set of guns. These clients have funny stories of them competing with their grandchildren over the biggest biceps.

There is still a way to connect with our next generation. It’s our duty as older people to put our children on the right path.

This will all start by realizing you are the beautiful generation.


By David Tepera, July 20, 2022

Recently, I had a very interesting interview with your local gym’s equipment. They wanted to give me their perspective of its handlers.

For all of you who are members of a local gym, this article is for you. Our gym is private, and we completely control every aspect of the environment and equipment.

I first sat down with Mr. Dumbbell. He was explaining to me how some men feel the need to scream and throw him to the ground when finishing a set. Mr. Dumbbell told me that he and all his buddies know that even though most of these men have large muscles, their mind is weak with respect.

Also, Mr. Dumbbell shared the unfairness of some people who grab him and his two older brothers to hog up the family of dumbbells. For some reason, these people think their workout is more important than others who also pay a membership. Please learn to be fair and share.

On the positive, Mr. Dumbbell appreciates all the people who put him back in his home known as the dumbbell rack. Especially those who place him in the correct spot according to the weight.

My next interview was with some of the many free weight machines. There are typically two types of weight equipment. One comes with weights that utilizes pin placement. The other is free weights that require manually loading the weights.

The free weight machines’ main beef is when people finish, they still leave all the weights on. How would you feel if I jumped on your back and you had to carry me around all day? It’s embarrassing and disrespectful to watch a lady or an elderly person have to strip the weight off after some meathead.

Now, the free weight machines did want me to give a shout out to all you who rerack your weights and show courtesy towards other members.

Before I left the local gym, all the weight and cardio equipment gathered around to give me one more perspective. No one likes to take a bath in someone’s sweat. It’s great that you’re getting a good workout, but please, carry a towel and wipe down when finished.

Lastly, all the gym equipment wanted to let everyone know that they enjoy helping people improve their lives. With every lift and action is another step towards life improvements. We are all in this together, so let’s treat each other as family and respect.


By David Tepera, July 13, 2022

Every client that comes to us has a goal and purpose to accomplish. Because most are in the older population, they typically have a variety of previous injuries or medical conditions. Of course, as we all start aging, different forms of arthritis attacks our joints.

I’m proud to say that all clients who stay consistent get through these issues and improve their quality of life. It’s very humbling for us to listen to a client’s testimony of how they almost threw in the towel, but gave life another try.

Just know, you are never too old or broken to be fixed. There’s no secret, as we age, it takes longer for our bodies to heal. Don’t let these setbacks keep you down because it will only weaken your body even more.

If you haven’t started already, then let today be the beginning of a new you. Don’t fall into the category of a frail old person. No, you will be the one who encourages and sets examples for others.

We have more than 15 clients in their 70s. Most of them have been with us for years. Yes, they came in with health issues, but that’s not their identity anymore. It’s fun to listen to their stories of how family members are impressed and proud with their growing muscles and strength.

Listen, I’m not trying to promote our business. We all have different journeys. I’m am telling you to start a weight training program somewhere. It’s the strength training that will change your life. I don’t care if you’re confined to a wheelchair or bed. Don’t wither, start lifting now. I promise, you’ll be proud of yourself with each growing day.

For me personally, I’ve found pride in many categories. I’m proud of the kind caring adults my children have become. Also, I’m proud of many family members who took on occupations to help others and impact this world.

I’m proud more of people I’ve never met than people I know. This would include the military that my oldest son served in, first responders, police who protect us, medical staff and so much more.

Lastly, I’m proud of the weekly emails I receive from all of you out there. Your stories of encouragement that I’ve helped you through my column are humbling. There’s so much beauty in each and every one of us.

We all have different journeys, so go take a good look in the mirror and tell that person starring back of how proud you are of them. Just keep loving yourself and those around you.


By David Tepera, July 7, 2022

Hey, if something in your life is really weighing you down, stop worrying because everything is going to be OK.

Throughout our lives, we all face adversity in a variety of situations. If you think back, you made it through each one, and you’ll conquer this one, too.

Most of us has been sucker-punched at some point in life. You didn’t see someone was about to hurt you, or that your job was being terminated. Maybe, you or your loved one was just diagnosed with a terrible disease. Whatever seems devastating, just know it will be OK.

It’s in our nature to fight back. Keep your head up and fill yourself with confidence. You would not be here today if your ancestors weren’t fighters. And now, it’s your turn to come out swinging against life.

If you’re struggling in your fight and trying to figure out a game plan, then start taking long walks or bike rides. This will help clear your mind and allow new thoughts to enter. I did this many times to create business ideas and problem solve.

Keep in mind that you are the king or queen of your life, and no one is going to knock you off your throne. You’ve had enough, and you don’t care what people think because you’ve taken over your destiny.

This is your life, and you choose happiness over hatred. Let others dwell and sizzle in their negative world. Don’t let them pull you into it anymore.

Become the leader of those around you. If there’s a new employee at your work, help and mentor them. Be the “go-to” person, and you’ll get the promotions. I promise, the negative people at your job will eliminate themselves. Don’t fall into their misery. You’re better than that.

Now, this is it. No more feeling sorry for yourself. No more letting the world bring you down. You are here to make a difference. Use your life experiences to make you stronger and become a better person.

Just like in the past, whatever you’re dealing with, stop worrying because everything is going to be OK.


By David Tepera, June 29, 2022

It’s in our nature to let negative situations take over our thoughts. I’m like most of you who find it difficult to let go of experiences that brought us down. It can be the first thought to wake and the last thought to bed. We know it’s unhealthy, but it’s really hard to let some things go.

We must learn to overcome because some situations can lead to depression. Just know, we all deal with depression on different levels. Some can handle and control it, while others lose control and fall deeper.

But, hey, let’s learn from it, snap out of it and grow from it. Some things that happen to us we can’t control, but we can control how we respond to it.

You will never make everyone happy around you, so just focus on yourself.

So, what’s weighing on your mind? Did you not get the promotion? Are you disgusted with your weight? Did you just get out of a relationship because the other did you wrong? Whatever your situation may be, it’s time to let go so you can grow.

Look, years ago, I dealt with a horrible five-year child custody battle, career challenges, bankruptcy, the death of my oldest son and other difficult situations. At that time, saying life was at its worst is an understatement. It seemed like my mind wasn’t ever getting a break from turmoil.

But, here is the reason I conquered and came out on top through all my battles, plus my suggestion for you.

You have many options when dealing with negative life experiences. You can run to the bar and drown your sorrow, but it will only lead to more bad decisions.

You can run to the buffet to stuff your face and use food as a crutch, but this will only lead to more depression as you gain weight.

For me, I went to the gym and hit the weights with a vengeance. With every rep as I pushed heavy iron, I was punching my enemies in the face. All enemies were being destroyed through my training program. I was becoming invisible, and my confidence grew each day.

There was no way anyone was going to control my thoughts anymore. I no longer gave 2 cents about what others had to say.

Also note, I let go and gave all my problems to God, and He carried me to happiness, prosperity and growth.

Now, today is the day you are going to let everything go because you will grow into the amazing person you’ve always been.


By David Tepera, June 22, 2022

We all have a list of goals that we want to accomplish. What you must realize is the only thing slowing you down is too much focus on obstacles. Everything in life has speed bumps and barriers, but you must keep your eye on the target.

Look at obstacles as a reminder to focus stronger. Don’t allow others to get in your head to keep you down. Remember, when you’re happy and tackling goals, some people will say negative things about you. I always looked at it as a compliment because I’m taking chances in life while they’re not going anywhere.

So, what’s your list of goals? If it’s to save more money, then quit the senseless spending. Our daughter Daylyn, who works and goes to college, has learned to utilize thrift stores and other retail shops to find some really good bargains on name-brand clothing. This alone has helped her grow a savings account.

Most of us are consumed with losing weight. You know the only thing preventing you from reaching your goals is the lack of exercise and discipline of eating.

Instead of dreading going to the gym or exercising, you should be excited knowing the end result will be burning calories and building muscle. It’s time to separate yourself from the new norm of most people being obese.

Don’t look at taking the time to cook healthy foods as an obstacle over the ease of driving through the grease pit. You need to look forward to putting time in to prepare delicious healthy meals.

Every weekend, Tina and I consider it “date time” when we take about one hour and 30 minutes to cook and prep all our meals for the week. We put on music, sometimes share a bottle of wine, and just flirt and crack jokes. So, instead of dreading the time it takes to cook, we have a blast making memories.

Now, it’s time to get back focused on your goals. There is no obstacle strong enough to keep you from blasting through it. Don’t look down. Keep your head up and stay on path. Punch, kick and fight your way to the top.

It is you who will accomplish success. It is you who will climb out of any negative situation to find happiness and prosperity.

This is your day because you will only focus on the goal and not the obstacle.


By David Tepera, June 15, 2022

So, where are you at in life? Do you sit around and wish you did this or that? Of course, we all wish we did some things differently in our past, but those are the lessons to push us forward.

We all choose a path in life, which includes occupation, relationships, finances and so on. But one of the most important choices involves health decisions. When we’re younger, we are invincible and bad habit choices were no big deal.

Now that you’re older, how many prescriptions do you have? Are you obese and feel sluggish all day? Have you let all your unhealthy decisions confine you to a wheelchair? Bottom line, what’s your quality of life?

If you don’t like where you’re at, then change direction. Yes, it’s that simple because today you’re taking back control of your life. This is your wakeup call, so no more feeling sorry for yourself. We don’t want to hear about all your health problems because we all know you did this to yourself.

I know I’m being a little harsh today, but what’s going to wake you up? Quit telling people your problems because we all have them. We don’t need to add yours to our list. Don’t let your ailments be your identity.

From now on, when people say your name, it will be related to someone who is inspiring others. Yes, you were down once, but that all changed today.

It doesn’t have to be health-related. Are you in a destructive relationship? Do you hate going to work each day? Whatever is making you unhappy, then change direction.

If needed, find a way to switch careers or maybe change departments. Put an exit plan together and get out of that unhealthy relationship.

If you’re addicted to drugs or alcohol, then seek professional help or most of all, drop to your knees and let God guide you through it. Believe me, if it weren’t for Him, I wouldn’t be the man I’ve become.

So, now, this is it. Are you getting excited? Are you ready to be happy? The old you is over and the new started today. It will take time and will not always be easy, but the journey has begun.

Words cannot express how proud I am for all those who have taken back control of their life. I hope you figured out that all it took was to change direction.


By David Tepera, June 8, 2022

Who said life was easy? No matter what your situation may be, each day will have challenges.

As we grew up, we had challenges of school, competitions, socializing and learning to be responsible. As adults, we face the challenges of finances, work, marriage and children.

Once you reach old age and retirement, the challenges become more health-related.

Now, as we look at or look over our lives, you should realize that you got back what you put into it.

If you’re struggling financially, have you put in the time and dedication into your occupation? Are you really worth your paycheck? Have you proven your work ethic to get the promotion or pay raise? If not, step up your game and put more into it.

How’s the relationship with your spouse going? Is it a partnership or one-sided? Do you treat each other with respect and love as you did while dating? Whatever the situation may be, you’re receiving what you put into it.

How’s your health these days? Are you content losing your breath while tying your shoes? Admit it, you feel depressed because of the lack of exercise and bad diet. Remember, you’re in your condition from what you put into it.

Here’s the good news. Starting today and moving forward, the old you is over and the new you has begun. All it takes is putting on your sneakers and walking out the door. Yes, you’re going to walk around the block and sweat. At first, you’ll feel uncomfortable, but when you’re done, you’ll feel accomplished. You need to cleanse those impurities and negative thoughts from your body.

You’re also going to drive to the grocery store and purchase healthy foods, vegetables and fruit. What you’ll soon find is that it’s cheaper to cook healthy than it is to drive through the grease pit.

It took years for you to be in the shape you’re in, so don’t get discouraged because it will take time to gain your health back. But each day is another day to create a quality of life.

Who cares if you still have fat or loose skin on different places on your body? Don’t get caught up trying to look like someone you’re not.

There’s a beautiful person in each of us. This person is kind, generous and respectful to all people.

I promise, within a short period of time, with a healthier lifestyle, you’ll release that beautiful person within you. You’re going to love what you receive from what you’re putting into it.


By David Tepera, June 1, 2022

It’s that time of year when many people are graduating from various schools. They range from high school, college, nursing, vocational and so on. Be proud of yourself for all the work and dedication it took to achieve this accomplishment.

While growing up and knowing each year was another grade for school, we didn’t have full control of our lives. The decision was already made for us, so we just kept moving forward.

For all of you high school graduates, your future now depends on your decisions. Yes, some of you will start college, but it will be up to you to make it to class or not. Others will be looking for jobs, but it will be up to you to wake up and be dependable.

Some kids participate in sports while in high school. Will you continue to exercise and eat healthy or become another obese statistic?

Whatever your situation might be, it’s time to start your list of failures. Some people will fail at college, but it’s OK if you really gave it a good try. I quit college because of a lack of maturity. Once I went out into the working world of the 1980s, I realized I needed college for the occupation I desired. So, I went back at the age of 26 and graduated at 32.

You see, I went out and failed in the working class. Also, as an adult, I’ve failed in some business adventures, investments and even relationships. But, what is important is to not be afraid to fail.

At the age of 60, my list of failures are book-worthy. What I’m trying to relay to you is that failure is good. If you’re not failing, then you’re not trying. With each failure, you’ll gain experience and knowledge. One day, all these failures will lead to success.

My wife Tina and I met while we were much older. I told her that every good and bad decision we ever made led us to crossing paths at the right time. So, don’t get discouraged from failure.

No one starts out great, but as long as you start, you can become great.

Now, get out there in this world and find your way. I promise, as long as you keep your head up and continue to fight, you’ll find financial, spiritual and relationship success. All it takes is making a list of failures.


By David Tepera, May 25, 2022

Recently, I was training one of my new male clients, Doug. During Doug’s session, we were discussing a variety of motivational sayings. That’s when Doug threw out, “the only easy day was yesterday.” As we dug into the words, I learned it came from a Navy SEAL motto.

What I’ve gathered through my investigation is that when serving as a Navy SEAL there are no easy days, and as a SEAL Team member each mission may be more challenging than the last.

Now, I don’t mean disrespect towards any military if I don’t have the meaning or phases completely correct. Remember, my oldest son Dustin served in Iraq as an U.S. Army Specialist and passed away almost 10 years ago. We are a strong supportive military flag-waving family. I’m just trying to convey this to you the best I can from my perspective.

The “easy day” motto takes on many different meanings depending on your situation. Bottom line, every day you must work harder than the day before. And, when you work hard, yesterday will seem easy.

So, what’s going on in your life? Are you sitting around wishing for this and that? Do you want the life someone else is living? Are you putting in the hours and dedication towards goals?

There will be those who will hate you because they see you obtaining the success they think they deserve from the work they haven’t done.

Not everyone has the discipline to make yesterday easier than today. When yesterday was a huge challenge, plus you grinded through it, then you realize what you’re capable of. These people will rise to the top and have a fulfilling life.

It’s never too late, so it’s time to put your game face on and don’t worry about the haters.

You can still start that business you’ve dreamed of. You can rise to the top of your company. You can have the relationships you want. You can battle through night or trade school. You can accomplish anything you desire by starting today.

No, it’s not going to be easy, but that makes the reward that much sweeter because you did it. Make sure to thank all those along the way. This is where you’ll find support through the hardest days. Release and let go all those who doubt you because they want you to fail.

But not this time. Failure is no longer an option because the only easy day was yesterday. See you at the top.