Tag Archives: depression

Look up and keep a positive attitude

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Remember when you were a kid standing at the top of a high diving board looking down and wanting to jump, but the water looked far away and scary?

But when you’re standing on the deck looking up, the diving board really didn’t seem that high. Then once you’ve finally jumped, you wanted to do it over and over.

To me, that’s how life is.

If you’re constantly looking down, the world can seem dark and scary. You’re only focused on negativity and wondering why the world is against you, which can cause depression.

Don’t miss out on the beauty that surrounds us. Look up and see all the glorious wonders of earth and the amazing people who are in our lives.

Guess what? You’re one of those amazing people, too.

We all have bad days and get disappointed in our actions or the actions against us. But look up and keep a positive attitude.

Learn to find the good in life and make yourself feel like it’s the best day ever. You’ll produce a positive charge, and the world will gravitate its goodness in your favor.

Believe me, I’ve had plenty of days where I just wanted to look down and play the blame game. But through the years and plenty heartache experience, I’ve taught myself to just shake my head, look around and realize that it’s never as bad as it first seems.

Bad situations are never permanent. Through a positive attitude and keeping our heads up, all adverse situations will work its course and good will overcome.

Now, next time you’re having a challenging day, get outside, start exercising and shout at the top of your lungs, “I’m an amazing person, so look out world, here I come!”

Life’s law of reaction

by DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, September 23, 2015 

Newton’s third law of motion is “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” As stated in the definition, this is pertaining to objects in motion.

To me, you can spin this law and apply to all parts of life.

For example: you eat fat foods and don’t exercise — you get fat and out of shape. You excessively smoke, drink alcohol and use drugs — you destroy your life.

You’re kind to all people — good things will come to you. You become spiritual — happiness and fulfillment will follow.  

Whatever your situation is right now and whatever shape your body is in is from every decision you’ve made to date. 

If you’re not happy with current status quo, start producing positive actions to create positive reactions. This is the one area in life that you have full control.

Once you’ve become an adult, your life will shape under every decision you make — good and bad. When you take an action, you are taking responsibility for the possible reactions. 

I told my children that sometimes it seems like bad people are receiving all the riches, but eventually “bad” catches up and they’ll lose everything. And, sometimes it seems like good people are getting bad breaks, but eventually “great” will come into their lives and stay there. 

Just think, if we all produced positive and loving actions then wonderful amazing reactions would drown the negatives in our lives.  

Start today by making better diet and exercise choices. Try to be the kindest and gentlest person in the room and watch how uplifting and happy you’ll become.

“If you want your life to be different, you have to start reacting to life differently,” by Bryant McGill.

Don’t look back, keep moving forward

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, September 2, 2015

With family permission, this article is dedicated to a young man named Daniel. 

Recently, a beautiful blue balloon landed in my backyard and attached was a memorial card with Daniel’s name.  

I took the time to research him, spoke with the family and found out this 26-year-old man was very talented in music. 

You see, what touched my heart was that several years ago, I had an older son of the same age in which my two children, who are his brother and sister, also released balloons in his memory. 

My son Dustin and Daniel had lots in common, even in the field of music. 

I was impressed with one of Daniel’s favorite quotes, “Don’t look back, because that’s not where you’re going.” 

I found it important to share this quote with you because we can all use it for different parts in our own lives.

We have all experienced relationship breaks, unemployment, diet struggles and other situations that could cause depression. 

But, what’s important is to not look back, get yourself on the right path and keep moving forward until you’ve reached your destiny. Sometimes, you might not know what the true destiny is, but as long as you’re moving forward, you’ll get there.

I sometimes visit my sister in Dallas. I can’t see Dallas from Houston, but as long as I stay on the right path, I know I’ll get there.

So, take down the rearview mirror of life’s past and proceed with passion. 

We should all think real hard on Daniel’s quote, and use it to help guide us through our own lives.

I have one request for Daniel — when you see Dustin, tell him I miss him, I love him, and I’ll see you in time.

Improve life’s journey, and create a legacy for others to admire

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Lately, I’ve really been thinking about if something happened to me, what type of legacy would I leave behind for my children to reflect on?

About 10 years ago, I made a conscious decision to change my thinking. At that time, life was throwing me some very difficult challenges.

I recognized all this was happening because I put myself in those situations. I owned it, and did not blame anyone else. When something bad happened it was really, in some kind of way, my fault for being there.

Once I started changing my thinking and putting only positive thoughts in my head, these thoughts became actions. My children and others around me would only see kindness and understanding. And, through time, these actions determined my character.

Now, this took some time and self-training. First, I changed my environment by eliminating negative people in my life. I only surrounded myself with positive thinkers and successful people, but really, spent most of the time alone. 

For almost 10 years, I had become a single father raising two young children practically on my own. I wanted to be the best role model possible, but this could only happen by changing me first.

I read countless motivational books and listened to numerous inspirational CDs. Once my mind was filled with only positive thoughts, there wasn’t room for any negativity. It was quite refreshing, peaceful and rewarding. 

This type of behavior seemed to spread amongst people I’d spend time with, especially my children. 

I recognized, the most important role as a parent, is to raise children to be good people in this world. This alone would be the best legacy I could ever leave them.

What about you? When you pass from this world, not only family members, but how will others speak of you? Really, only you can answer that question honestly.

Starting today, improve life’s journey, and create a legacy for others to admire for the rest of their lives. 

Just think, if everyone would embrace love and character, what a wonderful world we could live in.

Love yourself first and the world’s beauty will shine before you

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 

Recently, my son asked, “is it really true that there’s someone for everyone?” My response was, “absolutely, and as a matter of fact, there are lots of people who will match up to each of us.”

You see, we are all mentally wired different when it comes to attraction. Everyone is attracted to different body types, races and cultures. That’s the beauty of the human race. There is an abundance of people to fall in love with. 

So, are you happy with your body? Are you hard on yourself for certain body parts that were inherited? Isn’t it funny, how someone with curly hair wants straight hair or vice versa? 

We all wish we had something different about us — typically height, weight, facial features or hair color. 

Don’t be hard and cruel on yourself. Look in the mirror and recognize the beauty you truly possess. Remember, there are plenty of people who find you attractive and sexy. 

Yes, we all need to take care of our bodies with better diets and exercise, but there is no reason to be excessive. Don’t worry about the extra weight. You only want to feel better, so you can enjoy each day and live a happier, healthier and more energetic life. 

All you need to do is be confident, and attack the world as if you own it. Walk through life like you’re ready to conquer anything that crosses your path. You should float around the room and be kind to all, not stumble and hide. 

As I’ve written before, now that I’m older and understand the world better, I see beauty in everyone. It’s really a cool feeling to love all the amazing people I meet each day.

Just know, when we meet, one of my first thoughts is “what a beautiful person is standing in front of me. I hope they are living the life they deserve.”

Love yourself first and the world’s beauty will shine before you.

Weight training, cardio helps conquer depression

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, October 15, 2014

This week’s article is dedicated to a couple of friends of mine battling depression due to personal tragedies. We’ve all had or will encounter adverse situations in our lives, like divorce, loss of a loved one and unemployment. I’ve experienced all three, and weight training became my medicine. My goal was to wear myself out in order to sleep at night, but it helped me to start enjoying life again. To my surprise, I was able to get into incredible shape through the process.

Duke University performed a study finding 60 percent of people who trained four months for 40 minutes four times a week overcame depression without the use of antidepressant medication.

A Harvard study found that 10 weeks of strength training reduced clinical depression more successfully than counseling.

Now, don’t misunderstand me, some people need professional help, along with support from family and friends. I’m only giving you an option to consider because it worked for me personally.

Some proven facts from weight training are — instant release of endorphins which is the “feel good” hormone, stress reduction, increased energy levels and improved immune system.

Go outside to walk, run or bike and move faster than before. Feel the fresh air filling your lungs, the sun radiating on your skin and the sweat pouring to cool your body against the wind.

Get into a weight room to take out all your anxiety and frustration against the hard cold iron. Challenge yourself and push more weight than usual. Use every force of muscle to its limits with a “take no prisoner” attitude. You’ll walk out of that gym ready to conquer whatever life throws at you.

You’re going to feel better, look better and receive plenty of attention and compliments on your new body.

Remember, you can’t always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you respond to it. Surround yourself around happy people, watch comedy shows and movies, read motivational books and put on some great music to dance around the house showing off your best moves.

Life is awesome because you’re in it with me. Through my years, I’ve found beauty and love in everyone and it’s changed my life forever.