Category Archives: Fitness

Reprogram your brain to change your life

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Since birth, your brain is programmed and develops thinking through life experiences.

Your current status is from all decisions you’ve made to date. This includes your health, income and living conditions.

Now you’re an adult and can choose experiences to reprogram your brain. According to many studies, it takes a minimum of 21 days to develop good habits. This means 21 days consecutively, not every other day or some days.

We have all experienced failure with diets and exercise. I know people who eat a clean diet one day, then reward themselves with greasy or sugar foods the next day.

Eighty to 90 percent of people quit an exercise program or stop going to the gym within a month or two.

I always crack a smile at the beginning of each year when New Year’s resolution people come back to the gym. I typically see the same faces each year for a month then they disappear.

I’m sure they are paying for that membership all year with intentions to go each week, but it never happens.

It’s normal to get disgusted with ourselves for a lack of discipline. We know our own bad diet and fitness habits.

Some of you are looking forward to cold weather so you can hide underneath all the clothes. I’m sorry, but you’re not hiding anything.

It’s time to reprogram that lazy complacent brain of yours. Start off with at least one healthy meal a day and a brisk walk in the evening.

Then, continue developing better habits by choosing more healthy meals and increasing workout intensity.

My best advice is to choose breakfast as your first healthy meal. Now you’ve already accomplished your goal for the day and will feel good about yourself.

There are many choices. Try a cup of oatmeal with fruit or egg whites and one slice of wheat toast.

Start drinking a glass of water before each meal to give a more full stomach feeling. Plus we typically don’t drink enough water anyways.

Look, we are all beautiful people and others love us just the way we are. I just want you to develop more energy, have a better quality of life and to live much longer.

Swing for the fences and have a great life

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 

Have you not reached your diet and fitness goals? Are you still not making enough money?

What’s the problem and why are you still giving excuses?

Just know people around you know the truth. You can fool people and yourself for a while, but after time, your current occupational and health status is obvious.

Be honest, the only thing holding you back — is you. The best investment you can ever make is in yourself.

When it’s for better health, get a gym membership, hire a trainer or take cooking and nutrition classes.

If it’s time to increase income, then maybe you should take night classes, become an apprentice or research the path for the occupation you most desire.

What skill or skills are you good at? It could be sports, music, puzzles or a particular hobby. You should apply that same intense excitement to improve other areas of life.

Write down your income and health goals because they are important to reach quality and longevity. Be clear and realistic in order to be obtainable from your current position.

I’ve been following the baseball playoffs watching players make millions of dollars by only hitting the ball 20 to 30 percent of the time. How much more could they make by increasing batting averages?

Maybe your low wages and bad health is because you only give 30 percent effort. How would your life change if you increased focus and effort by an additional 50 percent? Only you can answer that question honestly.

We are all born with the capability to become successful. Embrace life and take full control of your destiny. Laugh at the challenges and turn them into opportunities.

Now, let’s all swing for the fences and have the life we truly deserve

With cooler weather, time to exercise outdoors

 By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Finally, we have “no excuses” weather to exercise outdoors.

All summer long, you’ve been whining about it being too hot and humid in this Texas heat. Well, now it’s time to enjoy the cooler weather and get your bodies in motion. 

I typically ride my bike for at least an hour or so, but this past weekend, I took a 2-hour ride with energy to spare. I barely broke a sweat with the cool breeze against my body. Mother Nature was serenity, and I was one happy fella. 

Grab your spouse or friend and take a brisk walk through the neighborhood or drive to the Galveston seawall to walk 45 minutes in one direction so it takes 45 minutes to get back. 

Also, it’s time to get those outdoor chores taken care of. I’m sure your flower beds, trees and bushes need grooming. It’s amazing how much better your house looks when yard work is completed. 

I know retired people who won’t hire a lawn service because they use mowing grass and weed eating as their outside exercise, so maybe you should, too. 

As I’m getting older, I seem to appreciate my physical body. I’m slowing down, but at the same time, I’m making sure to stay in decent shape to enjoy life. 

Making excuses and being lazy is the easiest thing we can all do. Developing good habits takes time, but the reward is a longer and better quality of life.

Our bodies are designed for physical activity, and that’s how our ancestors built this country. Don’t be part of the obese epidemic of 34.9 percent or 76 million Americans.

Now, get your booty outside, play some music, dance around the yard and make the neighbors think you’ve gone crazy. It’s a great way to keep them away, but you might find yourself on YouTube.

Use fitness to reach new levels in life

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Recently, I was grocery shopping and ran into my friend Natasha Reyes, the owner and personal trainer of Fitt Life Fitness in League City.

We spoke and shared inspirational stories for about 30 minutes. But, what became apparent to me was how fitness and training builds confidence in people to take their lives to another level.

Natasha has helped countless people accomplish their goals through diet and fitness. And now, she is taking all the steps and learning to bring her experiences to whole new levels as a life coach. 

Because of my busy schedule, I only personally train one or two people at a time. Through the years, almost every one of these people built confidence to pursue higher levels in other areas in their lives. 

For example, one gentleman fixed air conditioners during the day, started taking college classes at night and now owns his own business. Another lady with low self-esteem lost over 30 pounds and built the confidence to pursue executive positions within her company. 

I could write about countless stories that would take up my column through the rest of the year, but I want to help focus on your current situation. 

Now, I’m not saying you need to be extreme or try to reach an elite physical level, but I am telling you to start a regular consistent exercise program. Pushing your body past its comfort zone will produce a natural high of endorphins in the brain.

Once you’ve progressed to one level of fitness, your body will crave more frequency and intensity to reach another level. The endorphins will overflow through your nervous system, which creates a desire to improve other areas in your life.

You’ll have the passion to move up in your company and find ways of increasing income. You’ll become more energetic, which leads to better quality of time with the spouse and kids. 

So, as Natasha has discovered and so will you, there are no boundaries and limits to keep reaching higher levels in life.    

Go for it and enjoy all of life’s experiences

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, September 9, 2015

My daughter just completed a series of volleyball tryouts for her school in which she made the team. Daylyn told me about her friend Jennifer who tried out knowing that she really didn’t have a chance.

You see, Jennifer is not very athletic and has tried out in the past only to be one of the first girls cut from the team. But what struck me was that Jennifer didn’t care. She decided to go for it anyway because it was still a lot of fun. Wow, now think about that. None of us like to expose our weaknesses or enjoy the embarrassment of failure. We get too caught up worrying what others will think and possibly say.

Jennifer didn’t care about anyone’s thoughts but only about the great experience she was having along with her friends.

It’s obvious Jennifer will have a great time experiencing life. She will glide through adulthood never saying “I should’ve, would’ve or could’ve.” 

This is a great lesson as parents. How many times do we allow our children to quit or not even try? We teach our children to accept standing on the sidelines or to sit in the stands and watch instead of participating. 

Be the example in your family and try something that is out of your comfort zone. Even if it didn’t turn out as you hoped, the journey and the experience will far outweigh the results. Plus it builds confidence to try again or at least attempt another spectacular feat. 

So go tell your kids to go for it, and they will build confidence and have fun like a supposedly nonathletic girl named Jennifer.

Who is the hero saving your life?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, August 26, 2015

If you’ve been following my column, you’re familiar with my work in the medical industry. I’ve been involved with well over 1,000 knee replacements, plus I work with some outstanding medical professionals.

Recently, there was a situation where a patient went into cardiac arrest and my friend Ramon, who is a physician assistant, performed chest compressions for about 15 minutes and saved this man’s life.

Ramon was very humble over the situation and thought of it as another day on the job. 

Of course, we commend all other non-doctors who save lives like firefighters, EMS, nurses, policemen and women, and many others.

But, since this column is about “Simple Fitness,” it made me think about other professions that help save lives.

Let’s take nutritionists and personal trainers who do their best to change lives, but for some people, they’ve saved them or at least prolonged their lives.

There are people with diabetes, obesity and unhealthy lifestyles that are on the brink of catastrophe. They desperately needed guidance, planning, training and education to start or return to a healthier lifestyle.

But really, who is the biggest hero when it comes to saving your life? That person is you.

You’re the one who recognized that there’s a problem with what’s happened to your body. You realized that you no longer have control and a quicker death is inevitable. And now, you’re taking positive steps in seeking help.

You only have one life, take control for not only you, but for all the people who count on you. They deserve it and so do you.

Which cardio exercise is best for you?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I frequently get asked which cardio exercise is best. I always answer with, “which one do you like the most?”

By far, the two most popular cardio machines are treadmills and ellipticals. Typically, there are more of these machines than any other in most gyms. They both provide effective cardiovascular workouts and caloric burning. 

There have been multiple studies comparing the benefits of each. A Mayo Clinic study shows ellipticals burns 50-75 more calories per hour than walking on treadmills. The Medical College of Wisconsin shows running on a treadmill burns more calories per hour than ellipticals.  

The benefits of treadmills create natural running mechanics with compound movements. This is useful for strengthening bones and muscles, which is important for people with osteoporosis. 

Treadmills can be uncomfortable for people with severe osteoarthritis due to joint pain.

The benefits of ellipticals are that it is non-weight bearing and much easier on joints, which is better for people with osteoarthritis. Also, with the use of handles, it includes an upper body workout.

But, let’s be for real. If you don’t like any of these exercises, you won’t spend an hour on them, if ever at all. That’s why I tell people, “which exercise do you like the most?”

Experiment with all the different types of cardio equipment. Maybe, you like several types, so mix it up and have fun. 

For me, I rarely ever get on treadmills or ellipticals. My cardio of choice has always been my bicycle. I love being outdoors, listening to music, feeling the breeze, and sight-seeing through all the neighborhoods and trails. Plus, it still makes me feel like a kid again — “look ma, no hands.”

The late Robin Williams was an avid bike rider. He said bicycle riding was the closest thing to flying. 

Losing is part of life’s journey

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, July 29, 2015

If you’ve ever played sports or competed in something, besides winning, you’ve  experienced the feeling of losing. None of us like losing, but it’s part of life’s lessons that’s important to learn, especially for children.

As parents, it’s difficult watching our kids lose competition that’s clearly important to them at that time. 

My daughter Daylyn just went through a tearful loss of trying to win a position for a club volleyball team. There were hundreds of skilled players competing for only a few positions. She and many other girls were devastated after being cut from the team.

This was a moment in which parenting played an important role. We discussed every detail of where she gave full effort, and her possible weaknesses.

After going through a brief crying session and realizing there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about, we put to together a new plan to tryout for one last team.

First, I worked on her confidence, good sportsmanship and understanding to turn this into a positive learning experience. Then, we targeted weak skills to rebuild courage and determination.

On the day of tryouts, Daylyn walked in ready to own and conquer the practice. During the car ride, she visualized already winning a position. My little girl took no prisoners, and played at a whole new level.

So you know, she did make the team, but the lessons learned in losing out-weighed any victory she’s ever had.

To be a champion, you must learn from losing.

In sports or in life, what did you do next?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A common phrase I ask my children during their sport’s competition is, “what did you do next?”

We’ve all witnessed professional basketball players miss baskets and cry to the referee that someone fouled them, while the other team is hustling down the court to score. 

I told my son Dylan, who plays basketball for his high school team, that eventually someone will block your shot, and the opponent’s crowd will be screaming at you. But, it’s what you do next that will shut them up. It’s up to you to cry foul, or you can out-hustle, steal the ball back, and take another shot.

My daughter plays competitive volleyball, and sometimes she misses a block, dig, or has a bad serve. But, it’s what you do next that will determine the proceeding outcome. You can either show teammates a bad attitude or accept it’s part of the game, and make the next big play.

Over the past few years, my family uses the phrase, “what did you do next?” in all aspects of life. 

My kids have faced different levels of bullying and typical teenage drama, but they’ve become accustomed to handling those situations. 

What about you? Do you have challenging situations at work or home? When something happens to you, what’s your next action or words? Do you confront with professionalism and rationalism, or do you respond with anger and aggression? The later typically only makes the situation worse.  

Notice, people who stay cool and rational during adverse situations can diffuse problems peacefully. Also, these people typically receive occupational promotions and better life partners.

We all face challenges on a daily basis, but it’s how we respond to them that determines our true character. You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can always control how you respond.

So, next time you’re playing sports or are in challenging situations, ask yourself, “what do I do next”? I bet you’ll be the better person standing.

Are you training according to your body type?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Wednesday, June 17, 2015

For those of you who train regularly, are you frustrated that goals are coming way too slow or not really at all? The problem could be that you’re not training properly according to body type. 

So many of us read fitness magazines or celebrity fitness books, and then try to emulate those workouts. Even though it works for some people, it might not be best for you.

You need to understand we all have different body types, and according to your type, workouts should be more specific. 

Understanding your body type will help get the results you want.

There are basically three body types – ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph.

Ectomorph bodies are lean and long like marathon runners. They typically have trouble gaining weight and muscle. If your goal is to gain lean muscle mass, then lift heavy weights with compound movements and cut back on cardio because you already have a fast metabolism. You will also need to eat 6-7 times a day with a proper balance of proteins and carbs. 

Mesomorph bodies are naturally stocky, more athletic and gain muscle easily. You have the body most people are seeking. Your downfall might be from taking your body for granted. If you’re not making gains, it’s from lazy workouts and sloppy diets. Mesomorphs should train like an athlete, and you’ll be surprised how fast goals are met. 

Endomorph bodies are pear shaped and hold body fat easily. I feel endomorphs have the biggest challenge of all. Your emphasis should be lots of cardio to boost metabolism. You need to train with intensity and watch your carb intake. Eat carbs in the morning for energy then drastically reduce with each meal. 

So, it’s important to identify and understand your body type. Each one requires different training methods and diet plans. 

Just know, once you recognize body type, you can get the ripped muscular body desired.