What’s your motivation?

By DAVID TEPERA | Posted: Tuesday, November 3, 2015

We all get up every morning to start our regular routine with hopes of accomplishing something by end of day. Those accomplishments should be specific according to your position in life.

But my question is: what’s your motivation? When you get out of bed and your feet hit the ground, what excites you about the day?

Are you ready to get to work, show leadership qualities and prove to your company that they made a wise decision in hiring you? You should be excited because this promotes job security and will eventually, if not already, produce more income.

Maybe this is the day you’ve committed to start a healthier lifestyle. You’re heading to the grocery store to purchase produce, fruits, low-fat meats and unprocessed foods.

Also today, you’re starting a new exercise program in which you’ve bought new running shoes and workout apparel. I love wearing new clothes because if you look good, you feel good.

For me, my greatest motivation in life is my children. I bounce out of bed ready to treasure all the new memories I’ll experience today. I get to watch them play sports, help with homework, make dinner and interact about all the events from the day.

It’s so important to be involved in every aspect of our children’s lives. Before Dylan started driving, I would drop him off early in the mornings at school for basketball practice.

I would watch his tall lanky body stroll up to the school, then as I pulled away, tears would flow down my face knowing he is experiencing memories to last a lifetime.

I know I’m a big softy when it comes to my kids, but they are my motivation and purpose in life.

So, what’s your motivation? Start making a plan today and wake up tomorrow ready to accomplish those goals and have the life you deserve.