Category Archives: Dekeday Foundation

A children’s nonprofit organization to help and inspire families and people of all ages.
Founded in 2009 by David, Dylan and Daylyn Tepera


By David Tepera, August 2, 2023

I once listened to an interview with Michael Jordan. He was asked what he reflects on the most about his 15 years playing in the NBA.

Jordan’s reply was not about winning six championships, but about losing the other nine seasons. It was those losses that made him work harder and longer each year.

To me, sometimes it’s difficult to reach full success in team sports. Your championship goal depends on others’ work ethic and dedication. This is a reason that once I finished high school sports, my adult athletic career involved individual competition only. All outcomes of wins or losses came from my efforts alone.

Starting in my 20s, I competed in races, marathons, triathlons and martial arts. As most of you know, at the age of 55, I won my pro card in physique bodybuilding competitions.

Believe me, in all my events, I lost plenty of times. But, it was those losses that helped me realize my weaknesses. Focusing on weaknesses helped my wife Tina, son Dylan and I become champions.

Enough about me, what lessons of failure have you learned? Did you learn how to be a better partner from the previous relationship?

Did you wrong someone or did someone hurt you? Have you learned to be respectful and giving? Do you feel like it’s a chore to do things for your spouse or is it an honor?

Look at the people you’re with. Do you consider them an investment or just another bill? How about you? Are you worth the investment of your boss or spouse? The greatest gift we can give people is our time. We only have so much on this earth and giving it to others is special.

Almost everyone has failed diets. How many are on your list? What lessons did you learn from these diet programs? You keep failing diets because it’s not a permanent life change.

Diets are temporary and can only last so long. Yes, in the beginning, you lost plenty of weight. But eventually, you put all the weight back on, plus add more fat on top of less muscle.

The lesson learned from this failure is to stop going on diets. You don’t need supplements, pills or buying meals in a box. It’s simple as exercising and portion control. I don’t care if you’re eating at the grease pit. Try to eliminate the fries or switch to drinking more water. The main thing is to get your lazy butt moving or you’ll fail again.

Now, we’ve all failed multiple times in many different categories. Just remember to make those lessons the gateway to success. You got this.


By David Tepera, July 26, 2023

We’ve all heard the question, “If you could go back in time, would you change anything?” Well, duh, of course we would change many decisions made back in the day. But, guess what? There’s not a darn thing you can do about yesterday’s mistakes.

It’s interesting how often we hear from our older clients wishing they got into weight training years ago. My typical reply is, “You are here now, and your quality of life is improving, so start enjoying the golden years.”

Just know, it doesn’t matter what’s your age and if you’ve never lifted weights, because it’s never too late to gain muscle and strength. We have people of all ages, but our gym is full of the 70s, a few 80s and even 90-year-olds. These people never lifted weights in the past, but chose to make the change today.

Remember, I’m never promoting our fitness center because there are plenty of gyms in your area. Just find the right fit for you.

Here are some thoughts. Fillers can hide aging, but muscles will reverse aging. Surgery can fix an injury, but muscles will prevent injury. Botox will keep you looking young, but muscles will keep you feeling young. Muscles can’t be bought, so put in the time now.

Now, what are you doing today to make changes? You might have fallen off the wagon yesterday, but don’t let that get you down today. Bad habits are hard to break, so make up for it today. Try to smoke less, reduce alcohol, add a healthy meal, be nice to those around you or do something to make you proud today. This is what you can control at this very moment.

Are you in a position to impact others? What can you do to help someone’s day be better than yesterday? Today might be a good time to give a lonely depressed family member or friend a call. You ever bought a stranger’s lunch or coffee?

Why not come home from work and shower all family members with love? Throw your old grumpy self out the window because yesterday’s bad attitude is gone.

I personally know that the loss of a loved one or bad news from the doc can toss you into depression. But, Mr. Badnews can kiss my hiney because that was yesterday. So today, I’m going to make it the best day possible.

Remember, you cannot change yesterday, but you can change today.


By David Tepera, July 19, 2023

The one possession you’ll have throughout your entire life is you. You get to control your emotions, plus every success and failure comes through your efforts or lack thereof.

Remember, no one has your voice, your mind or your story. You are the author of your life, so what chapter are you in today?

What experiences have you gone through to make you a better person? Just know, obstacles and problems are really opportunities in disguise.

When dealing with difficulties, it’s life’s way of teaching you to problem solve. Life is constantly helping you to find success and happiness. No matter what, it comes down to you, so it’s time to take responsibility and let go of the past.

In my younger days, the biggest idiot I knew was me. I was doing my best to move forward in life, but I kept shooting myself in the foot. It means, two steps forward and one step back. Believe me, it was frustrating, and once I took ownership of my failures, I started moving forward again. I finally figured out that it was me that I needed to embrace.

Your No. 1 priority to face is to love ourselves. You can’t truly help and love others unless you’re happy.

None of us are perfect, so quit beating yourself up over the little things. If you only had a few months to live, how quickly would you let go of all the unnecessary stress? Stop getting caught up with the people who live in a negative world and want to divide us. That mental stress will take its toll on your physical health.

What can you do today to reward yourself for being you? Go to your favorite restaurant, get a massage, manicure and pedicure, a new wardrobe or whatever makes you feel good.

Go take a look in the mirror. Just know, there are countless people who think you’re beautiful and amazing. Project that beauty amongst everyone you meet. Start smiling again and fall in love with you.

Remember, no matter what life throws at you, the one thing you can count on is you. All you have to do is love yourself and love all those around you.


By David Tepera, July 12, 2023

Recently, Tina and I were reflecting over our childhoods. Just know, I grew up in the 1960s and ’70s, and of course, life was much different than today. Hopefully, your childhood was as memorable as mine.

In my neighborhood, there were tons of children, and we all went outside to play. We rode our bikes everywhere, including jumping wooden ramps and ditches.

It was easy to gather enough children for a game of kickball, driveway basketball or sandlot tackle football. I was fortunate to live next to Delany Lake by the College of the Mainland. Us boys would sneak into Delany’s property to fish, swim and ride the trails. We were never destructive and built great memories.

Whenever we had a good rain, we would find panels of wood and skim-boarded in everyone’s ditches. My side of the tracks did not have sidewalks.

At home, there were always chores to be had. Dad seemed to constantly have projects, and I was his helper. Once old enough, mowing grass was my responsibility, and just know, weed eaters were not invented yet. We used hand clippers and a manual edger.

How many of you or your children know how to change oil or fix a flat tire? I know today’s cars are much more complicated, but we did all our cars’ maintenance back in the day, including spark plugs, alternators, brakes and the list goes on. When my son Dylan had his first car, he learned to change a flat in the rain.

Also, it was rare for me to really enjoy sitting with the family to watch a television program. That’s because I was the youngest, which meant I was the remote control. I was constantly getting up to change the channel, adjust the volume and rearrange rabbit ears for better reception. So, really, I was still exercising before bedtime.

I know I’m over exaggerating, but I’m sure many of you are laughing because you can relate.

I’m glad I didn’t grow up in the world of video games. There were no overweight children in my neighborhood. Now, there is an obesity epidemic among all ages. It seems the world is getting easier, and the youth are getting softer. That’s on all you parents.

Now, we all want life to be better for our children than it was for us, but I feel it’s important to teach them responsibility, plus understand the importance of health and exercise.


By David Tepera, July 5, 2023

Take a good look at your life, and put the focus on all the successes. How much time and dedication did it take to reach your level of education or the title of your occupation?

You might’ve been passed up for promotions in the past, but instead of quitting, you stepped your game up and got a better offer.

How about those of you who’ve reached greater levels of health and fitness? I’m always impressed with people who challenge themselves in fitness. How many of you have ran a marathon, triathlon, MS 150 bike race, Iron Man competition or fill in the fitness blank?

How many failures and sacrifices did it take before you completed one of those races? When I competed in martial arts, I received many black eyes, bruises and bloody noses in order to being ranked in Texas.

There are many of you with artistic skills who can play an instrument, sing, draw, paint or possess the gift of writing. How many learning curves and failures happened along the way to create its beauty?

Believe me, I have no artistic ability whatsoever. I can’t sing, draw, play an instrument, and I can only cut-the-rug if I have a six pack of confidence. Just the oldies will get that joke.

But, I did develop a gift of writing through many failures. James LaCombe, the sports editor of this paper, mentored me to become a better writer.

Those of you who been following me through the years, I chose to bring people together, but to also challenge you personally. It’s easy to find people out there who want to divide us and for you to fail. Nope, we are all in this together, and we should have each other’s back.

Whatever you have succeeded in, you had to pass many failures along the way. Otherwise, you really don’t understand the value of success.

To me, people who won’t take responsibility and expect people to give them a handout will never feel the benefit of success. Quit blaming others for your failures.

Now, what are you striving for? What’s your next plan of success? Accept the failures along the way because they will help develop character. The most successful people I know are the most humble and kindest people to meet.

When you find a way to help others, you will find the greatest reward, and to me, that’s success.


By David Tepera, June 28, 2023

It’s no secret that sports and life are similar in many ways.

Those of you who choose to sit back and be passive will never accomplish your dreams, and life will quickly pass you by. You’ll wake up and wonder where all the years went and why you’re still in the same situation.

It’s possible that there is someone out there who’s less qualified than you living the life you want simply because they took action. Let that sink in for a moment.

Of course, there are those who are aggressive with goal setting who will eventually rise to the top. These people are not afraid of failure because they know it’s part of the process of winning. The more you fall, the faster you are at getting up.

Just know, the action you are most scared to take is the one that will change everything for you. If you won’t start today, you won’t start tomorrow either.

Believe me, Tina and I were scared for me to leave the secure corporate world of salary, commissions and full benefits, along with retirement. But, after 20 years, this old-timer wanted to control his destiny, and it could only happen by taking action.

By owning your own business, you’ll never work harder or longer, but it’s under your control to win.

What are you yearning for? What’s keeping you up at night? What action can you take today that will change your life forever?

Is it health-related, occupational, spiritual, relationships or recovering from a heartbreak?

We all need to improve our health by eating cleaner and exercising. I don’t need to preach to you because everyone knows their bad eating habits. Just take action with one small change. It could be as easy as giving up soft drinks for water. I know people who lost at least 15 pounds within two months by doing this.

Look, don’t be scared. You only have one life, and this isn’t a dress rehearsal. Don’t let people or situations keep you down. You are better than that. You are strong and beautiful, and this world needs you.

Starting today, you will have the best life possible because it’s time to take action.


By David Tepera, June 21, 2023

Out of all your skills, which one are you best at?

If you think about it, you’re best at the skill you practice the most. This skill could lead to positive or negative outcomes. It depends on what you want to be identified as.

How would you rate your employment knowledge? Are you a leader that lifts people up or a dictator that puts people down? Whichever that is, it’s up to you. Would you hire you?

Take notice of certain people in your workplace. Those who are considered slackers are usually the biggest complainers. They live in a negative world and are headed nowhere because this is what they practice.

Then, there are those who are ambitious and will reap the rewards of promotions and better income because they set goals.

Now, if you’re on top of your game and kicking butt in this world, the people who hate on you and try to knock you down are hiding behind their weakness. That’s what creates bullying.

What other areas of life are you practicing? Are you a respectful husband or wife, a loving father or mother, kind to strangers or just an overall good person?

In the gym environment, a very common phrase is that Monday is known as “international chest day.” You see, Monday is the busiest gym day and no one wants to expose their weakness, so the gym bros hover around all the chest equipment.

Tina and I will sometimes frequent other gyms. If it’s on a Monday, we will work legs because usually most of the leg equipment is available. I promise, the gym rats are laughing with me on this.

OK, that’s enough making fun of others. My purpose today is for you to work on your weaknesses. What can you start practicing to enhance your life?

According to the American obesity epidemic, most people need to improve their eating habits. Notice, I try not to use the word “diet” because most diets eventually set you up for failure.

Quit bouncing from one diet to the next fad diet, and start practicing healthier choices. When we were competing, I would immediately brush my teeth after dinner. This would help stop cravings for dessert or late-night snacks.

Today, the question you must ask yourself is “What can I start practicing that I want to be good at?”


By David Tepera, June 14, 2023

Today, your current stance is from all past failures and victories. The character you portray is the response from those previous experiences.

What are people’s first impressions when they meet you? Do they see a person standing there with confidence, healthy and a strong presence, or someone broken and defeated?

Listen, we all have our battles. Depending on what stage of life you’re in, some struggles are more severe than others. What you need to understand is that you cannot lose, if you don’t quit.

One of the most famous African-American track stars, Wilma Rudolph, suffered scarlet fever, whooping cough and measles. She survived infantile paralysis and required a leg brace until the age of nine. Rudolph went on to win three Olympic gold medals in 1960 and was considered the “fastest woman on Earth.”

What are you fighting today? Did you get bad news from your doctor? It doesn’t matter if your disease is self-inflicted or not because you’re going to begin this new battle.

Yes, you have the courage to go face to face with any diagnosis or health-related problems. You have control of what foods and liquids pour into your body. You have control of what you will allow your mind to accept. Your whole attitude and determination will now flow into a mean fighting machine.

Take a look over your life. How many battles have you already encountered? You might have battled to get through school, divorce, unemployment or the heartache of losing a loved one.

All these examples can easily lead to depression. If you need professional help, then seek it. You may need to lift your hands to the heavens and ask God to take over.

For me, besides my faith, the weight room became my salvation in conquering depression. It actually helped save my life. Today, is not my day for a testimonial, but this is part of the reason I own a unique fitness center. We change lives.

Now, it’s time to change and not be known for all your defeats. There’s no more walking around with your head down and “woe-is-me.” You’re better than that and it’s time to prove it.

Remember, life challenges you each and every day. Get up and start fighting back because you can’t lose if you don’t quit.


By David Tepera, June 7, 2023

I have the privilege of weight training my good friend and mentor Grand Master Al Garza of Premier Martial Arts. Master Garza is a strong Christian man with lots of philosophy and education to guide people toward better lives.

He recently turned 67 years old and shared his new 12-month challenging program. In the old boxing days, fighters would fight for 12 rounds. So, Master Garza is treating each month as a one-round fight. Of course, the goal at the end of each month is to be a winner in life.

Now, we all know life finds ways of sucker punching and knocking our feet from under us, but we must learn to get back up and keep swinging.

Master Garza asked an important question that made me take a deep look over my life. The question was “David, you’re going to be 62 years old, what’s your winning record?”

I would like to share that same question with each of you. How many years of life are winners compared to the challenging years of trying to survive?

I feel confident that once you tally the score, you’ll realize you are winning.

We all get down on ourselves for failures and defeats, but you must realize that you’re still alive and still in the fight.

As we get older and slow down, it’s easy to want to throw in the towel of life. I’m telling you to pick that towel back up and wipe off the sweat for your new fight. You might have lost a few rounds or years in the past, but not this year.

This whole philosophy pertains to everyone who has challenges in life. Are you still struggling with obesity, an abusive relationship, addiction or you fill in the blank?

Let the month of June be your first round in this year’s fight. If possible, write down a plan for success. Don’t worry if it doesn’t go as planned, just keep swinging and kicking. Remember, all fighters who win got punched in the face.

Sometimes, you have to learn to absorb the punches as you counter with your own.

If you fell off your diet, then start a new round tomorrow. Whatever failures that might have happened yesterday, then get back in the fight today.

Bottom line, don’t ever give up. You’ve put in the work, so now it’s time to come out on top.

For all of you, this year is yours to take back control of life, so let’s get ready to rumble!


By David Tepera, May 31, 2023

How many of you look at someone with huge muscles and say, “I could look like that if I took steroids.” Well, hold that thought and let me give you an insight into the life of a bodybuilder.

First of all, for women and men, there are multiple categories according to the body you want to sculpt. The categories range from an athletic beach body to the classic large muscular physique.

Tina, Dylan and my stories are similar to other bodybuilders, so this is what it takes. We’ve been lifting weights for many years before we decided to compete, so our bodies were accustomed to training.

To prepare for the competition, we performed a rigorous weight training program — six days a week for almost a year. There was no drinking or staying up late. We cooked all our food and ate six to seven times a day.

Once we were within three months of competition, our day started at 4 a.m. for breakfast, gym at 5 a.m. for an hour of posing, then shower and off to work. Eating every two hours, we were back at the gym around 6 p.m. for weight training. Afterwards, one last small meal with no carbs, a casein shake and bed.

Have you ever had boiled chicken, bland broccoli and jasmine rice for breakfast?

In the last few months, most bodybuilders will perform more than an hour of cardio per day. We stay somewhat lean year-round, so our cardio is minimal.

Let’s fast forward to the last week before the competition. This is where champions rise to the top.

Just know, the last week’s prep is all about science and understanding your body. It’s not the healthiest plan, but necessary to dial in on game day.

Six days from the competition, we drink 2 gallons of water per day, reducing a half gallon per day to only a half gallon of water on the day before the show. On the day of the competition, you can only have little sips of water every now and then.

Also, you cut out all carbs, sodium and seasonings for the entire week. Every night you must soak in a tub with Epsom salt for 20 minutes. Two days before the show, no lotion or antiperspirant.

The night before the show, there’s professional tanning over your entire body. It’s not like the local spray tan. No, it’s gooey and you feel like someone threw tar over you, plus you’re not allowed to shower. You’re hungry with no energy and very irritable, but because of the strict diet, your skin is now totally shrink-wrapped with every muscle fiber displayed.

On the day of the show: Wake up, eat a small breakfast and it’s time to battle. It’s typically an all-day event, with awards in the evening. The ultimate goal in competition is to win a pro status. The athletes’ bodies competing to win pro cards are off the chart. Tina and I competed against athletes 20 and 30 years younger than us.

In case you’re curious, I won two pro cards at the age of 55, Tina won two pro cards at the age of 46 and Dylan was an undefeated teenage champion.

Believe me, there’s so much more to this lifestyle than I can put in a small article. Today, we are not training for competition, but we still lift weights five days a week, along with maintaining a healthy diet.

My goal was to hopefully help you understand the discipline and sacrifice it takes to be a competitive bodybuilder. I tip my hat to all those who have stepped on stage. You’re all winners!